Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1686: The real collision is about to begin!

  Chapter 1686 The real collision is about to begin!

  Originally when it was fighting against the tide of alien beasts.

  Feng Cong’s area does not require other combat aura professionals.

  Feng Cong himself brought a group of defensive aura professionals to let the blood poisonous dragon viper release poisonous fog in a large area.

  Zergs and demons in the infected area.

   Then let the defensive aura professionals block the offensive of the insect tide.

  In three minutes, the zerg and demons will clot and die.

  If before, candidates would be very jealous of Feng Cong.

   But now, only these seventy or eighty people are left.

  Don't say three minutes, basically the battle will be over within two minutes.

  Zhang Zihao, Feng Cong and others, no matter how strong they are, in the end two fists are hard to beat four hands.

  Under the group attack of the spirit creatures, except that Zhang Zihao's strength was really strong enough to block the offensive.

  The other three, two of them were eliminated directly.

  A person who was beaten didn't even have the strength to get up.

   Soon, it was solved by continuing to make up for the knife.

  Zhang Zihao saw other people and wanted to do something to himself, so he shouted immediately.

   "Prickly white vines, burning vitality, here is a vine net for me!"

   Hearing Zhang Zihao's instructions, the vines surrounding Zhao Zihao suddenly skyrocketed with Zhang Zihao as the core.

  The rattans are bound to each other.

   formed a vine pile about 20 meters high.

  Zhang Zihao is a defensive aura professional.

  The imperial ambassador, the thorns and white vines, use the skill of withered vines to protect, which is Zhang Zihao's strongest defensive ability.

  Zhang Zihao can be sure, when everyone is not very alive.

  Without five minutes, don’t even think about breaking through this four-meter-thick cane.

  Call yourself out of these canes.

  It can be said that this trick was performed.

  Zhang Zihao has been 100% able to get a quota of one hundred sub-sequence.

  Others saw this and hurriedly made up for the remaining three vacancies beside Gao Feng.

  No one wants to attack Gao Feng.

  The previous skills hit Zhao Zihao, Feng Cong, Du Xu and others, and Gao Feng was in the middle of these people.

  In the process of dodge these people, it can be said that Gao Feng is the one who gets the most attacks.

  The air current entangled Gao Feng's side, blocking all these element skills back, and injuring many candidates.

  Some unlucky candidates were taken away directly by the bounced skills.

   Therefore, in the face of such a strong high wind.

  No one wants to find uncomfortable.

  When the candidates in the core area compete.

  Those candidates on the periphery are thinking about waiting for these people in the middle to fight.

  Go forward again, sit back and gather the power of the fisherman.

   However, anomalies suddenly occurred.

  These candidates did not react at all.

   was swallowed by the tide of alien beasts.

  The tide of alien animals suddenly became several times more ferocious than before.

  It seems that behind these strange beasts, something is arching these strange beasts forward.

  Looking at the strange beast about to hit him.

  One of the female candidates with mud all over, holding her broken arm.

   said to the main battle spirit that had been seriously injured.

  "Tin Baboon, throw me on the gas shield beside Gao Feng in the center!"

  The woman's instructions were very rapid. As soon as the iron baboon threw the woman out, she was swallowed by the tide of strange animals.

  The woman smashed the air shield beside Gao Feng with a beautiful parabola.

   directly collided with the air shield.

  At this time, the woman felt that her internal organs were burning like fire.

In the   Star-Net showdown, a 100% painful function was introduced.

  In this Baizi sequence assessment, the pain function is also used.

  So even if he suffered a little injury in the star network space.

  The feeling of injury is exactly the same as in the outside world.

  After the woman collided with the air shield.

   was thrown out by the air shield.

   Just when the woman is about to plunge into the tide of alien beasts.

  The woman was suddenly teleported out of the assessment space.

  At this time, the candidates standing in the Huiyao Church opened their eyes.

  Discovery has returned to the real world.

   Knowing that the assessment of the Huiyao Baizi sequence is completely over.

  At this moment, a cheer suddenly sounded from the crowd.

  The one who made this cheer was the woman who was about to smash into the tide of alien beasts just now.

  He is not dead, but the assessment is over! ?

  Explain that he was selected as a member of the Baizi sequence!

  After being eliminated, candidates still have to visit and evaluate.

  Therefore, candidates are very clear about the performance of everyone on the field.

  The candidates looked around them subconsciously.

  I want to see if there is anyone around me who has performed extremely well in the assessment.

   Lin Yuan and Gao Feng stood together, and they were soon discovered by the people around them.

  Seeing the mask on Lin Yuan's face, these examinees were slightly startled.

  It turns out that the fake fan that I and others thought before was the black person!

  These test-takers suddenly felt like a clown is myself!

   But immediately, I got excited.

  His eyes kept looking at Hei and Gao Feng.

  Gao Feng is just the reputation accumulated in this assessment.

   Ke Lin Yuan’s fame is more than just that.

  Before taking part in the Baizi sequence, Hei had already been on the star network, and there was a trend of popularity among the younger generation.

   can almost be regarded as the leader of the younger generation.

  It is black right now, and it appears in reality for the first time.

  If it's not here, it is the Huiyao Sanctuary.

  There were two major federation delegations watching the ceremony, and the subordinates were watching from above.

  I'm afraid that many people want to find the black to sign.

  Li Nao, Zhang Zihao, and other eleven members of the top 100 sequence standing together.

  At this time, only Li Nao and Zhang Zihao had smiles on their faces.

  Because only Li Nao and Zhang Zihao can return to the Baizi sequence.

   defended the glory of the members of the Baizi sequence.

  Other members of the Baizi sequence, although they feel a little uncomfortable.

  But in such an assessment, there is nothing to be convinced.

   Just then, on the golden stone pillar, Liu Wencheng's voice sounded.

  "The assessment of the Hundred Son Sequence has officially ended."

  "The remaining ten people will be assessed below, riding the jade cranes, and boarding the silver stone pillars!"

   Liu Wencheng's words made the candidates present could not help holding their breath.

  I saw ten cinnabars on their heads, dressed in golden feathers, with jade patterns on their backs, and a huge feather crane with a jade ruyi in their mouths.

   Fluttering and flying towards the square where the candidates are.

   and then fly to a position of the square. UU reading

   fell precisely in front of the last ten candidates.

  Looking at the jade red crane crawling in front of him.

  Lin Yuan and Gao Feng raised their feet and boarded the back of the Jade Red Crane through the crane wings.

  After Lin Yuan and Gao Feng stood firm, the jade crane flapped its wings and flew.

   flew in the direction of the silver stone pillar.

  Based on previous performance in the assessment space.

  Holding the jade red crane, it automatically stops next to the silver stone pillar that should be stopped.

  Lin Yuan looked at the nine golden stone pillars beside him on the left hand side.

   stood on the stone pillar represented by the ninety-one in the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

  Lin Yuan standing on the silver stone pillar, looking through the silver mask.

   looked towards the direction of the Free Federation mission, and said in his heart.

  The appetizers are over, and the real collision will begin in a while.

  (End of this chapter)