Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1687: What is the title of black?

   Chapter 1687 What is the title of black?

  Beside Lin Yuan, Gao Feng.

   Gao Feng landed on the ninety-two stone pillar in the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

   followed by Li Nao, then Zhang Zihao.

  The last place, that is, the hundredth place in the Huiyao Hundred Subsequence.

   is the iron baboon thrown at the gas shield surrounding Gaofeng.

  The woman who was bounced by the air shield and fell on the worm.

  It was this time to bounce back and forth in the air, which made the woman go into the 100th place in the Huiyao Baizi sequence.

  In the new ten members of the hundred sub-sequence board the stone pillars.

  On the silver stone pillars, finally stood full of the dazzling young talents.

  Those candidates who failed due to various reasons.

  Looking at the hundred figures on the golden stone pillar, although she was depressed.

  But he couldn't help applauding sincerely.

  Among them, Li Nao and Zhang Zihao looked at each other.

  As a member who has participated in the two sessions of the Hundred Sons Sequence Selection, the last round of the arena was compared to the last ten players.

  It is rare to get the sincere recognition of candidates in the same class.

  Because the talents of Reiki professionals restrain each other.

  If you find a target, there are too many precedents for defeating the strong with the weak.

  Many people feel that if they can meet restrained opponents.

   will have the opportunity to advance to the Baizi sequence all the way.

  Become a member of Baizi sequence.

  Now, this is waiting for the assessment in the big environment.

  Everyone tried their best.

  In three days, everyone no longer checks and balances with each other, but cooperates.

   Three days of getting along with each other, let the candidates truly admire the ten selected members of the hundred sub-sequence.

  Even by luck, Yu Tiantian became the 100th in the Baizi sequence.

   also stood at the end.

  Although Yu Tiantian and several other candidates, his fighting ability is a little worse.

   But let Tin Hiding throw himself into the sky, is it not Yu Tiantian's strategy?

  Star Net was caught in cheers at this time,

  Star network reporters who have been watching the entire assessment.

  During the viewing process, the manuscript has been written.

  As soon as the assessment is over, fill in the rank of the members of the hundred sub-sequence, and send the manuscript out.

  The posts made by these star network reporters soon occupied major forums and post bars.

  But now at this moment of cheering.

  These first-hand information, but no one is watching.

  Because everyone who can be on the star network is a witness to the Baizi sequence assessment.

  With my eyes, I have insight into the whole process of the assessment.

  There is really no need to understand the situation of the assessment through the posts of Xingwang reporters.

Originally, Lu Shuang and Du Meimei were still lamenting this live broadcast.

  Because of the darkness, she has not appeared in the Huangsha Castle.

  As a result, there are not as many viewers in the live broadcast room as expected.

During   , Lu Shuang and Du Meimei switched to Li Nao’s perspective, Gao Feng’s perspective.

   But after the assessment, the popularity of Li Nao and Du Meimei’s live broadcast room exploded instantly.

  Those who were originally in the live broadcast of Li Nao and Du Meimei, who were waiting to see the dark perspective at the beginning.

  After Black became the ninety-first in the Baizi sequence.

  Returned to the live broadcast room that was originally waiting.

  Intense discussion began.

  [Gray Buddy: I ​​said before that Black will definitely be selected into the Huiyao Baizi sequence! Come here to catch your eyes, I really didn't make a mistake! 】

  【Crazy: Hei Neng has become a member of the Baizi sequence, but you still use it? Anyone with a discerning eye can see it! Black Niubi! Not only did he become a member of the Baizi Sequence, he also brought two people one after the other! 】

  【Moxie: Please! Gao Feng doesn't need a black belt at all! If Gao Feng didn't wait for the dark at first, and drove towards the central area, it wouldn't be the first to encounter the monster tide! If Li Nao is a little selfish, he won't be so embarrassed. 】

  【Tai Chi Guzheng: In any case, the strength of Hei and Gao Feng is better than others! And Li Nao and Zhang Zihao, who are ranked ninety-three and ninety-four, are not in the same class at all! 】

  【Shen Wuyue 1: No need to step on it! Everyone is the top genius of the young generation. I am curious now, what will the title of black be? 】

  The title of the members of the Huiyao Baizi sequence was not determined by oneself at the beginning.

  It is the netizens of Xingwang, who came up with a title in the post bar of the Huiyao Temple.

  Hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of titles are displayed in the Huiyao Temple, in the post bar of each member of the Hundred Sons Sequence.

  After waiting forty-eight hours, he won the title with the most votes.

   is the initial title of the members of the Baizi sequence.

  Of course, if members of this titled Baizi sequence are not satisfied, they can make changes.

  Like the original Zhao Xiaochun, because in the selection of Baizi sequence, he was eating all the time.

  Hot trotters for a while, and chicken legs for a while.

  After a game, the trotters can chew three,

  You can eat five chicken legs.

   Therefore, was voted for the title of gluttony.

  As a result, Zhao Xiaochun at that time knew his title.

  Apply to the official Huiyao Church the next day.

  Changed binge eating to anorexia.

  Although the official title of Starnet has been changed, Zhao Xiaochun is now mentioned.

  In the memory of ordinary people, Zhao Xiaochun's title is still gluttony, not anorexia.

  Chu Ci was in Guiyuan Manor at this time, sitting with the mother of blood bath and endless summer.

   Through the star network, watching Lin Yuan standing on the silver stone pillar.

  Chu Ci only feels that these ten months have passed like a dream.

  Ten months ago, Lin Yuan was still a thin young man who was reluctant to maintain a small store of spiritual things.

  The original Lin Yuan tried his best to maintain his life.

  Saving tuition fees hard for myself.

   Thinking at the very least. To contribute to the university of one's own Reiki professional.

  Chuci helped others write exercise books in school.

  I tried my best to think about how to make more money, so as to buy more medicine for Lin Yuan.

  But since that time Lin Yuan came to school to see himself.

  After sending himself a copper-step rhino horn iron ox, everything changed completely.

  Chuci didn’t know how Lin Yuan became a creator, how he obtained so many precious resources to provide him.

  I don’t even know how Lin Yuan is, from a person who doesn’t even have the talent of a spiritual energy professional, he was listed in the Baizi sequence.

  But Chuci knows that this is the way. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

  His brother Lin Yuan must have suffered a lot.

  Looking at Lin Yuan at this time, Chu Ci's eyes were red.

  He is full of pride and pride.

  Because, apart from Chuci, no one in this world knows how difficult it was for Lin Yuan before.

  For Lin Yuan, he became a member of the Baizi sequence.

  The mother of the blood bath and endless summer, although they are happy for Lin Yuan.

   But there is no other feeling.

  Because in the eyes of Mother of Blood Bath and Endless Xia, Lin Yuan should stand in this position.

  If it is not a new member of the Baizi sequence, it cannot be ranked before ninety.

  Lin Yuan can go to compete with Liu Jie for the first place.

  Liu Jie turned to look at the location of Lin Yuan.

  The present self, in a sense.

   and Lin Yuan stood in the same line.

  (End of this chapter)