Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1876: The main card of the fish world!

Latest website: Lin Yuan was teleported through the skill node of Ethereal Jellyfish, and directly teleported to the apse of Huiyue Palace.

As soon as he arrived in the apse of Huiyue Hall, Lin Yuan saw his master Yuehhou, looking at a blue-purple ornament in his hand, with a faint smile on his face.

Obviously, the blue and purple accessories in the opponent are very satisfied.

As soon as Lin Yuan appeared in the apse of Huiyue Hall, he felt the power of the mermaid's blood from this blue-purple ornament.

However, the power of this mermaid blood made Lin Yuan feel contempt and disgust for no reason.

It seems that there is a feeling that a cockroach is in the same room with oneself.

Lin Yuan would not be so disgusted with things he didn't like.

With this feeling, Lin Yuan couldn't help but sigh the domineering mermaid bloodline.

In the world of mermaid, what kind of mood the higher mermaid will have toward the lower mermaid?

Lin Yuan could be sure by the power of the mermaid's blood permeating the blue-purple ornaments.

The thing in the hands of his master is the treasure made by using the body of the Eight-Star Sacred Source as the main material.

Seeing Lin Yuan a month later, he smiled and waved to Lin Yuan and said.

"Xiao Yuan, come and take a look."

"The ability of this treasure is not bad, but if you want to use this treasure, you should eat more dragon blood crystal silk jujube, and wolfberry and other spiritual materials that can replenish vitality and blood!"

Lin Yuan heard this and walked towards his master Yuehou.

While using the real data of Mobius's skills, he checked the treasure that looked like a blue-purple jade in the hands of Moon Queen.

Upon seeing it, Lin Yuan suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face.

Because Lin Yuan discovered that his master Moon Queen used the eight-star elementary holy source thing to dive into the body of the sea singer, and the treasure that he refined had reached eight stars.

In other words, the body of the eight-star elementary holy source of the sea diving singer did not drop stars during the refining process of his master.

This kind of situation has something to do with the ability after the month.

At the same time, it was hard for Lin Yuan to imagine how many rare ingredients his master Yuehou had used to refine this eight-star treasure fish world sea master card.

Lin Yuan thought before that if he could obtain a Seven-Star Treasure, he was already burning high incense.

As long as he could obtain the Seven-Star Treasure, through Zihan's increase, Lin Yuan would be equivalent to possessing a Nine-Star Treasure.

Then pass Zihan's natal Witch Gu, the New Year's Cold Gu fish.

With the power of Suihan, you can reach the level of a ten-star treasure.

But now, if you contracted the Eight-Star Intermediate Treasure Fish World Sea Master Card, you can pass Zihan's increase.

Lin Yuan was able to fight with the legendary ten-star treasure in his hand.

With the growth of the cold Gu Yu, Lin Yuan was able to grasp the Eleven-Star Saint Source thing that was not necessarily present in the entire main world.

In terms of ability, the fish world sea master card is a kind of functional attacking treasure.

Under normal circumstances, the treasures made from the body of the holy source are often associated with a certain kind of work of the holy source in life.

Obviously, the ability of the sea master card of the fish world was born out of the sea of ​​mermaid with the function of the submersible singer.

It often requires spiritual power to activate treasures.

But not all treasures are like this.

For example, the five-star treasure Hanhai Sheng Chao Xiao just obtained by Lin Yuan needs to consume a certain amount of water element energy.

If you want to spur the fish world sea master card, you must bear the blood of a mermaid.

Because the main card of the fish world is used, the power of the mermaid bloodline needs to be injected into it.

After absorbing enough mermaid power, the sea master card of the fish world will generate a field called the fish world.

Every amount of mermaid bloodlines of different levels will spawn a mermaid in the fish world.

This mermaid will play the horn in his hand, while singing loudly, while making waves in the fish world.

Under the erosion of wind and waves and the song of mermaid, once the body of the attacked target cannot resist the wind and waves, the soul can't help the temptation of singing.

It will become a bubble in the fish world.

And the types of mermaid born in the fish world will change as the level of the mermaid's bloodline rises.

The mermaid who played the horn of the storm was born. It was the master card of the fish world and was born by absorbing the power of ordinary mermaid.

Injecting the power of the mermaid royal family or the bloodline of the mermaid royal family may not necessarily be able to summon any kind of mermaid!

Low-level merfolk cannot modify their bloodline.

But the advanced mermaid can divide the power of its own blood.

For example, a drop of mermaid royal blood in Lin Yuan can be divided into a whole barrel of mermaid royal blood.

The ability of high-level merfolk to differentiate their own blood is convenient for this species of mermaid to reward low-level merfolk.

Lin Yuan's mermaid bloodline comes from Bilan.

Just let Bilan evolve in the best possible way, and wait for Bilan to become a fantasy species and ascend to a mythical species.

The mermaid bloodline in Lin Yuan's body can all be upgraded again.

And when Lin Yuan used the power of the mermaid in his body to integrate the entire fish world into himself.

Lin Yuan will enter the sea master state in three seconds.

After exiting the sea lord state, the power of the mermaid bloodline in the body will be exhausted, and it will take a long time to warm up to recover.

This part of the ability has serious sequelae.

Lin Yuan will definitely not try it lightly.

In short, after having the eight-star intermediate treasure fish world sea master card.

Lin Yuan's own strength will be strengthened again.

After the month, he handed the blue and purple fish world sea master card to Lin Yuan and said.

"This kind of treasure that needs to consume blood is really rare!"

"Thanks to the mermaid blood in your body, otherwise the treasure I made with great effort will be useless."

Hearing the words of the month later, Lin Yuan did not immediately make a contract with the fish world sea master card.

Instead, he said to Yuehhou very seriously.

"Master, thank you!"

There was originally a gentle smile on her face after Moon, but after hearing Lin Yuan thank him, her face suddenly disappeared.

"Xiao Yuan, why do I still say thank you to Master?"

"If you really want to thank you, you gave me those golden lotus beads, pure elemental energy, and it should be me thank you!"

While talking, Yue Xiao stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the hair on the top of Lin Yuan's head.

The tone became soft again.

"Xiao Yuan, what I did for you is what I should do, you never have to thank me!"

Lin Yuan raised his head, and after facing Yue, his eyes were gentle and serious.

Lin Yuan nodded gently.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to say something, the month later interrupted Lin Yuan.

"Hurry up and contract this treasure!"

"After the contract is completed, UU read to eat a meal as a teacher."

Months later, I knew that Lin Yuan was about to go out to practice.

Lin Yuan had already greeted Yue Hou before.

Months later, I also wanted to take Lin Yuan out to practice like Cang Yue with Chu Ci.

However, Lin Yuan has never been a person who likes to rely on others.

Lin Yuan walked all the way by himself.

Lin Yuan knew exactly what he was going to do.

A month later, I learned that if I participate too much in Lin Yuan's growth now, it will actually delay Lin Yuan's progress.

So after a month, I could only let Lin Yuan fly.
