Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1927: The transformation of Wanhuahua!

The latest website: Under normal circumstances, the blood of Hundred Flowers Honey Rat is bright red.

Right now, the blood of Hundred Flower Honey Rat turned purple-gray.

The Hundred Flower Honey Rat was not poisoned, but the blood became this color.

It shows that the change of the blood color of the Hundred Flower Honey Rat is completely caused by the pollen that it ingested.

After the abdomen of the extracting crystal mosquito swelled up, Lin Yuan directly dragged the extracting crystal mosquito from the abdomen of the flower honey rat.

Although the extraction crystal mosquito is only half the size of a palm, the abdominal sac is filled with blood but it can become bigger than a basketball.

Let the extract crystal mosquito **** it down, although the golden-ranked Hundred Flower Honey Rat will not be life-threatening.

However, if the pollen content in the body is too low, the Hundred Flower Honey Rat may not be able to evolve.

Lin Yuan has always been reluctant to do this kind of things that take away other lives.

The extraction crystal mosquito was dragged away from the body of the Hundred Nectar by Lin Yuan, still staring at the Hundred Nectar mouse reluctantly.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh a little when he saw this.

It seems that when I usually raise the crystal mosquitoes, I really treat the crystal mosquitoes.

Lin Yuan decided to bring the crystal mosquitoes with the crystal mosquito to a full meal every once in a while, regardless of whether he uses it or not.

The extracted crystal mosquito has a strong ability to absorb blood.

Within a moment of effort, the abdomen of the crystal mosquito was dried out.

In the end, the extraction crystal mosquito struggled to push up its buttocks, and expelled a small piece of gray-purple powder that stuck together.

Lin Yuan hurriedly collected the gray-purple powder.

These powders are the pollen of the plant spirit.

Lin Yuan immediately used the real data of Mobius' skills to probe the purple-gray pollen.

Under investigation, Lin Yuan found that the pollen came from a plant spirit named Snake Blood Dark Rose.

At this time, Lin Yuan only heard Mobius' voice ringing in his ears.

"Partner, if there is nothing wrong with my perception."

"The Snake Blood Dark Rose that produces these pollen is most likely a plant spirit with the blood of the holy wood."

When Lin Yuan heard Mobius' words, he had a stunned expression.

Then I thought of something and searched in the space equipment.

After digging around, Lin Yuan took out a specially marked bronze-step trapped spirit box.

Then from the trapped spirit box, a plant that resembled a weed was summoned.

This plant grows luxuriantly like weeds.

Two small white flowers whirling between the leaves prove that this plant is not an ordinary weed.

This plant was accidentally cultivated when Lin Yuan was cultivating spiritual things, and it was named Wanhuahua.

As long as Wanhuahua absorbs the seeds of other plant-like spiritual things, it can derive toward that kind of spiritual things.

There is not much difference between the pollen of flowers and the seeds of trees.

Lin Yuan tried to place the pollen of Snake Blood Dark Rose in the center of the white flowers of Wanhuahua.

Wanhuahua was induced by the pollen of Snake Blood and Dark Rose, and its leaves began to change shape like weeds.

Evolve towards the vine.

The little white flower also turned into a strange reddish purple.

A gray stamen protruded from the flower core and hovered around the petals like a snake.

Lin Yuan knew that Wanhuahua derives from a certain plant's pollen.

In the end, it will only evolve into a weakened version of this plant, but the skills are still the same.

The strength of this Wanhuahua is currently only at the ordinary level.

After investigation, Lin Yuan learned that Snake Blood Dark Rose's normal level skill was snake illusion.

Snake Blood Dark Rose can attract snake spirits by releasing its own taste.

And let the snake spirits lose their minds.

Snake spirits that lose their senses will instinctively be followed by the snake blood and dark rose.

The Snake Blood Dark Rose with the blood of the sacred wood relies solely on the normal level skill Snake Illusion.

So that the snake blood dark rose has the ability to dominate ten thousand snakes.

Although it is unrealistic to want powerful snake-like spirits to lose their senses because of the scent of snake blood and dark rose.

But once there are other mind control spirit objects to assist the snake blood and dark rose.

Snake Blood Dark Rose can impose a large number of snake spirits to fight.

Even relying on some auxiliary spiritual fluids deployed by the creators can do this.

The normal level skill Snake Illusion alone is enough to make the Snake Blood Dark Rose a strategic level material.

Especially in places like the Shenmu Federation, the forest occupies 70% of the area of ​​the Shenmu Federation.

In the land of the Shenmu Federation, the prosperous snakes are enough to rank in the top ten of all species.

According to the information collected by the Sui people.

In the Shenmu Federation, all the nobles who possess the sacred tree bloodline will try their best to conceal the ability of their own sacred tree bloodline plant spirit objects.

The Shu family will expose the Titan Air Moss in front of him, so that he can help cultivate it.

If it weren't for this purpose, it would be impossible for the Shu family to show the Titan Qimoss to others.

Through Wanhuahua, Lin Yuan can be said to know a hole card of Yijia.

Titan Qimoss and Snake Blood Dark Rose are both so powerful.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but look forward to the sacred wood bloodline plant spiritual thing he was about to acquire.

At this time, Lin Yuan only saw Mobius now in front of him.

Looking at Titan Qimoss and Snake Blood Ming Qiang with a serious expression.

Lin Yuan knew that if it wasn't for important matters, Mobius would seldom manifest himself in the spirit lock space.

Lin Yuan's expression also became serious.

If you want to come to Titan Qimoss and Snake Blood Dark Rose, Mobius should be aware of something.

After a while, Lin Yuan only heard Mobius speak.

"Partner, through my perception, I found that the pollen of the Snake Blood Dark Rose and the Titan Qi Moss possess the same bloodline power."

"This power of blood comes from the same source."

Speaking of this, Mobiuston took a moment and continued to explain to Lin Yuan.

"We have already seen the desolate bloodline spirit artifacts produced in the Secret Realm of Desolation, the sea monsters produced in the Secret Realm of Landis, and the demons produced in the Devil's Church."

"Whether it is the wild beasts, sea monsters or demons, although they all come from the same secret realm, they all have the same bloodline, but their bloodlines are not the same."

"It's a parallel relationship."

"Like your Golden Wings and Zongze's Burning Heavenly Sword, even though they are all barren beasts, their blood cannot be fused together."

"If I didn't perceive it wrong, if the blood veins of Snake Blood Dark Rose and Titan Qi Moss are extracted, they should be able to blend together."

"Partner, do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly widened when he heard this.

Mobius explained so clearly, Lin Yuan naturally understood what Mobius wanted to express.

There are only two possibilities for what Mobius said.

The first possibility is that spiritual things like Wanxiang carp and Wanhuahua will become completely different spiritual things through acquired evolution and growth.

However, as long as it is a fish or plant spirit that evolved from the Wanxiang carp and Wanhuahua.

No matter which step you take, you still have the blood of Wanxiang Carp and Wanhuahua in your body.

It can be blended with the blood of the spirit creatures formed by the same Wanxiang carp and Wanhuahua.