Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 1932: The horror increase of the mysterious ol

Lin Yuan didn't do anything yet, invaded by the pure aura in the spiritual lock space.

The color of these Titan Air Moss in the rattan basket has begun to change from green to red and white.

   Lin Yuan put his hands on these titan air moss to operate spiritual power.

   hastened the mutation of Titan Air Moss.

   Lin Yuan discovered that the red Titan Air Moss has stronger physical defense capabilities than the white Titan Air Moss.

   The white Titan Air Moss focuses more on magic defense than the red Titan Air Moss.

   No matter how you compare, the red and white Titan Air Moss is much stronger than the green one.

   Before the Titan Air Moss planted the moss, the color completely changed.

   Lin Yuan has completed the order signed with Shu Jia by letting Mobius control the concentration of aura.

   Three hundred and ninety level of Titan Air Moss was strengthened, and Lin Yuan realized that it only took half an hour of his own time.

   Without speeding up this process by himself, the Titan Air Moss seed moss can also complete the split of 390 square meters of Titan Air Moss within half a day.

  In Lin Yuan, everything seems to be very easy.

   However, the consumption of the aura of these Titan Qimoss has surpassed the total consumption of the aura of all the element shells.

   No wonder it was so difficult for the Shu family to grow the green Titan gas moss by planting moss.

   Fortunately, as long as there is energy ore, the pure aura can be inexhaustible in Lin Yuan.

   In the previous two months, the vein goblin heavy mountain discovered a high-level energy ore vein.

   The energy ore produced in the high-grade energy ore vein, Lin Yuan didn't take any shots, and they all hoarded them.

   The wind speed antelope adds a part of high-grade energy ore to the orange golden disc at the bottom of the Lingling Pool at regular intervals.

   Together with the floating island whale in the spiritual lock space, it is far less than the consumption of pure aura during the embryonic period.

   Therefore, the Titan Qi Moss planted moss, no matter how much spiritual energy was consumed, Lin Yuan could afford it.

   After Lin Yuan’s calculations, the whales were promoted to fantasy species on the floating islands, and they could really hold up the city in the sky before swimming in the sky.

   The white Titan gas moss storage capacity is enough for the floating island whales to use.

   So Lin Yuan didn't need to personally accelerate the differentiation of Titan Air Moss.

   You only need to allow these Titan Air Moss species to differentiate themselves in the Spirit Locking Space.

   Lin Yuan just poured all the Titan Air Moss out of the vine basket and spread it on the open space in the Spirit Locking Space.

   instructed the Wind Speed ​​Antelope to collect the differentiated part of the Titan Air Moss every six hours.

   Smart returned to the Locking Space through the Klein Hub.

   Using the mental power of the palm, he walked over with a full 23 walnuts, and said milky voice.

   "Lin Yuan, the task you handed over to the Hundred Questions Beast Army Corps, clever has watched them complete!"

   "I don't know why, the new content walnut seedlings I cultivated have all been upgraded from the perfect quality of the copper rank to the epic quality of the golden rank in just five days."

   Since the Hundred Questions Beast Legion is all under the clever control, it is impossible for anyone in the Hundred Questions Beast Legion to secretly strengthen these content walnuts.

   So smart is a little confused.

   hurriedly reported the situation to Lin Yuan.

   Lin Yuan heard this and suddenly thought of something.

   subconsciously looked at the emerald green tree on the Pure Land of Bliss.

   The old emerald green tree grew out of Mobius after absorbing endless gems.

   According to Nana who took out the endless gem, this endless gem came from the swamp world.

   Mobius said that this old emerald tree can strengthen the land.

   The increase in the growth of plant spirits is amazing.

   Ke Lin Yuan did not expect that it would be astonishing to such an extent.

   unexpectedly, in just five days, the perfect quality of the bronze walnut walnut has been upgraded to the epic quality of the gold.

   It seems that there will be some rare plant-like spiritual things in my hands in the future.

   must be planted as much as possible within the range of the emerald green old trees.

   After finishing what he had to do, Lin Yuan began to cast starlight through Lian Xing Peony's skills as usual.

  Through the starlight to temper the body and improve the physical fitness.

  The Shenmu Federation is now in the rainy season.

   It has been six days since Lin Yuan came to the Shenmu Federation.

   During the six days, it rained for four days.

   makes Lin Yuan really helpless.

   Lin Yuan used Lian Xing Peony's skills to cast starlight, and the royal starlight tempered her body.

   can clearly feel that his physical fitness is improving a little bit.

   Lin Yuan likes this feeling of improving himself.

   The stars are shining and the moonlight is blurred.

   No one in the holy wood city noticed, the starlight tonight has been a bit more intense in the past.

   Sunrise in the east, dawn in the sky.

   Seeing that there is no way to refine oneself through the starlight.

   Lin Yuan only returned to the tree castle's own room and fell asleep deeply.

   In the tree fort, Lin Yuan is not the only one working hard.

   Liu Jie until Lin Yuan fell asleep.

   is still studying the bug units that he has strengthened through the specialization of the worm nest with the treasure.

   Seeing that the sun had risen, Liu Jie, who had not slept all night, began to help Lin Yuan prepare breakfast.

   The Mother of Blood Bath came to the Shenmu Federation with Lin Yuan and Liu Jie.

   The mother of the blood bath did not show up, because the mother of the blood bath kept herself lying in Lin Yuan's hair in a mimicry state.

   is just like when I first became a protector of the Taoist, when I accompanied the young man who couldn't solve the cracks in the first-level peak dimension.

   Looking at Lin Yuan's sleeping face, listening to Lin Yuan's steady breathing.

   The mother of the blood bath felt a moment of peace of mind. U U Reading

   The mother of the blood bath before has never thought about her life experience.

   It wasn't until she knew that she was carrying the blood of the heavenly blessed soul, that the mother of the blood bath did not affect her mind because of her life experience.

   Now the mother of the blood bath knows that she is not the little spider who was abandoned by her parents.

   The mother of blood bath with parents and many companions of the spirit of heaven.

   can unscrupulously enjoy the care that he could not have in his childhood.

   But no matter who you are with, even with your parents.

   The mother of the blood bath still felt that she did not feel at ease with Lin Yuan.

   Lin Yuan has washed away his own impurities with Yinrui Jinze honey and geocentric agar.

   Geocentre Agar has optimized Lin Yuan’s gene template.

   made Lin Yuan only need three or four hours of sleep a day to wake up naturally.

   At eight o'clock, Lin Yuan opened his eyes, waved his hand to summon a stream of water and took a comfortable bath.

   Lin Yuan changed into a new set of aura costumes.

   Although Lin Yuan likes to be clean, he has no habit of cleanliness.

Most of    Reiki costumes have the ability to avoid dust and will not get dirty without changing.

   Lin Yuan chose to change to a set of aura costumes.

   is because these are highly valued in the Shenmu Federation, especially among the great nobles.

  The aura clothing that Lin Yuan changed was specially designed for Lin Yuan after Wen Yu learned about the situation of the Shenmu Federation.