Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 2008: The activated? O card!

Although what he said was to show loyalty, Bai Yan had already signed a contract with Lin Yuan.

He completely became the apostle under the command of the master.

Not to mention that Lin Yuan let himself go to death with a reason.

Even if you want to kill yourself for no reason, you won't have any complaints in vain.

In the swamp world, the apostle’s guarantee of loyalty before the ruler is always the first priority.

Lin Yuan fished his tail when he heard the words.

A torrent of the power of faith was connected with Lin Yuan and Bai Yan.

Before Lin Yuan increased Bai Yan, it only allowed Bai Yan to faintly transcend the level of immortality peak, and did not reach eternity.

At that time, the strength of the faith that Lin Yuan injected into Bai Yan's body was far from the limit that Bai Yan's body could bear.

But now, Lin Yuanchao Bai Yan only injected one-tenth of the power of faith in his body.

Bai Yan's body has already shown great rejection of the power of faith that he has injected.

Lin Yuan knew that if he insisted on injecting the power of faith into Bai Yan's body.

Most of Bai Yan's body will be cracked.

Of course, Lin Yuan could disregard Bai Yan's body and continue to inject more power of faith into Bai Yan's body.

With this power of faith supporting, even Bai Yan's body has been crushed.

Can still fight for a while.

But Lin Yuan would not do this.

As a result, Bai Yan is now not the strongest combat power under Lin Yuan.

Secondly, Lin Yuan regarded Bai Yan as his companion.

Lin Yuan would not take the initiative to sacrifice his companions for certain purposes.

At this time, Bai Yan was already shaking with excitement.

This time, Bai Yan finally crossed that level with the increase of Lin Yuan's power of faith.

After seeing the scenery that I have never seen before.

Bai Yan has a deeper understanding of power.

The previous Baiyan has been uncertain whether he can cross that level.

But now, just give Bai Yan enough time to develop the faithful and the benevolent faithful.

Bai Yan crossed that level, it was a matter of course.

The totem on Bai Yan's body lit up, and a phantom of a 10,000-meter-long giant crocodile appeared behind Bai Yan.

The giant crocodile phantom opened its big mouth, and the terrifying wind pressed against the giant mouth of the white crocodile, forming a ball of light.

The ability of the Baiyan Holy Source Body is a rehearsal, which can swallow the attacks of other creatures.

As long as the opponent's attack is within the tolerance of his body.

Then you can use your own energy to wrap the opponent's attack and return it to the opponent.

At the beginning, the Apostle Youxie died under the power of the Baiyan Holy Source Body.

Even if Bai Yan briefly crossed that level now, his mentality expanded again.

He didn't dare to open his mouth to swallow the attack from the 23rd Trial of Heaven.

But even if you don't use the power of the Holy Source Body.

In terms of Baiyan has entered eternity and reached the mid-eternal combat power.

It is not a difficult task to resist the attack from the 23rd Trial of Heaven.

With the help of free words in the 23rd Skyrim Trial, the Earth Mother Shihe Elf crossed it easily.

However, the attack of the 24th Trial of Heaven's Secrets was no longer increased by 30% on the original basis, but directly doubled.

This made Bai Yan's complexion serious.

The white words at this moment did not dare to be big, directly incarnate in the body.

Using the energy of the flesh and the body, facing the beam of light descended from the twenty-fourth trial of the heavenly secrets, he hit his strongest blow.

Tens of thousands of wind pressure burst out of Bai Yan's mouth instantly and collided with the beam of light.

But in the end, even if there is so much wind pressure to offset the energy in the light beam. Valley

A half of the energy in the beam of light still fell on Bai Yan.

A raging fire ignited in Bai Yan's body for an instant.

The white leather armor on Bai Yan's body was burnt and cracked instantly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Yuan hurriedly asked Lily Lily to treat Bai Yan.

The treatment of Bai Yan's injury directly squeezed all the life energy in the life mark.

In the end, when Bai Yan lost half his life, the flames burning on Bai Yan's body finally went out.

Bai Yan transformed into a human form again, dragged most of his pitch-black body to Lin Yuan, bowed and said.

"Master, fortunately not insulting your life!"

Lin Yuan took a deep look at Bai Yan when he heard the words.

Immediately, his finger pointed to the seriously injured white words.

A full thousand source power was injected into Bai Yan's body by Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan had only used source power to awaken a dimensional creature before.

The primordial power can directly transform the dimensional creature into an apostle.

But Lin Yuan never rewarded the apostle, pure source power.

Among all Lin Yuan's apostles, it can be said that Bai Yan received the only treatment.

And this treatment is a vain exchange of fate.

The power of the last few passages of the Tianji Trial would increase exponentially, which Lin Yuan hadn't expected.

However, even if the power of the Trial of Heaven's Secrets is strong, Lin Yuan should resist it after all.

Bai Yan felt the source of power injected into his body by Lin Yuan, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

The power of faith is the source of the apostle's power, and the source of power is the foundation of the apostle's power.

Source power is the most important component of the apostle totem.

This is the first time Bai Yan knows that the power of faith can be directly bestowed by the ruler on the apostles under his command.

Lin Yuanken bestows the power of the source on himself.

In Bai Yan's eyes, this is simply a great honor.

Not to mention that Bai Yan was injured at the level just now.

It was Bai Yan's injury ten times and twenty times heavier, as long as Bai Yan could obtain one-tenth of the original strength that Lin Yuan had bestowed on him.

Bai Yan feels extremely worthwhile.

Strengthening the totem with the power of the original source can greatly expand the number of believers and benefactors you can recruit.

Bai Yan estimated that given him less than two years, he would be able to transcend the level of an apostle.

At the same time, Bai Yan gave birth to a guess.

That is whether Lin Yuan is more than just the master of Zhuan Lun Realm.

It is likely to be at a higher level than the Zhulun Realm dominates.

It's just that for that level, it's not something that can be touched in vain at present.

I am afraid that only the master of can vaguely glimpse that level and have the opportunity to understand that level.

After Lin Yuan injected a thousand sources of power into Bai Yan, he took out the Jipai that he had been hanging on his chest from his neck.

Lin Yuan removed the Jipai from Liuyun beeswax pendant.

Holding the pole card, the twenty-fifth attack that was lowered towards the Trial of Heaven's Secret, threw it fiercely.

Feeling the power of the Twenty-Fifth Trial of Heavenly Secrets, Ji Pai directly released the inner Moon Flower domain.

For an instant, the bright full moon hung high in the sky.

The sky gradually darkened.

The full moon lowered thousands of lunar chains.

In these months, half of the Huapi chain found Lin Yuan's location on his own, and protected Lin Yuan in the middle.

Half of it directly faced the beam of light descended from the Twenty-Fifth Trial of Heaven.