Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 2081: Hope to get ahead of you!

Latest website: Cicada Ming has been pondering, to see if there is any way to increase the old man's lifespan.

Cicada Ming is not a creator, and there is no means for a creator.

All he can think of is what kind of heaven and earth treasures to look for.

Chanming manages the city lords of the thirty-six great cities in the inner court. It can be said that the city lords of the thirty-six great cities are all subordinates of Chanming.

In addition, Chan Ming is also responsible for sorting out the intelligence of other federations.

Enrich the intelligence network of the Radiance Federation.

This makes Chanming know that there are treasures that can increase lifespan in some federations.

It's just that these treasures that can increase life expectancy are life-saving treasures.

Continuing the life of the strongest in the Federation is equivalent to protecting the lifeblood of the Federation.

Such treasures that can increase life expectancy cannot be exchanged for other federations even if they lack the resources of creators.

And with the old man's behavior and attitude, it is impossible to start a war in order to increase his lifespan.

However, once something happened to the old man, facing the Free Federation and Ta Dian, the Radiance Federation would be in danger.

The youngest after the month, the most talented.

But Yue Hou has just awakened his destiny, and he doesn't know how long it will take to ignite the fire.

Even a month later in the Huiyao Hundred Sons Sequence Assessment, he announced his identity as a six-star creator in front of the Free Federation and the Azure Federation.

It can't deter the Free Federation, which has long been about to move.

So whether it's for his own personal feelings or for glory, Chanming doesn't want the old man to die.

Cicada, who had been thinking about it in his heart, did not find Yuehou and Lin Yuan.

It wasn't until a month later that he broke the state of Chanming's thinking.

Cicada Ming was not surprised when he saw Yue Hou coming over.

But after taking Lin Yuan with him, Chanming couldn't understand a little.

Cicada Ming didn't think about it too much, and said directly to Yue Hou.

"The old man woke up yesterday evening, and now that girl Xia Qing is with the old man."

"Suyue, count your relationship with that girl Qingyue and Xia Qing."

"Go and persuade that girl."

"This girl is also pitiful!"

Speaking of this, Cicada couldn't bear to go on.

With a sigh, he stepped out of the royal court.

Lin Yuan knew something about Xia Qing before, but at that time Lin Yuan knew very little about Xia Qing.

I only know that Xia Qing is the number one in the Huiyao Baizi Sequence.

It was only after he represented the Radiance Federation and finished the team battle with the mission of the Free Federation that he officially met Xia Qing in the Radiance Church.

Xia Qing gave Lin Yuan a very sincere and warm feeling.

Liu Jie told Lin Yuan about Xia Qing's situation afterwards.

In terms of strength, Liu Jie said with certainty.

Xia Qing is stronger than Zong Ze, Gu Lang, and An He.

Xia Qing can say that in a year's time, it is certain that she will become a radiant ambassador.

When Liu Jie and Xia Qing fought against each other, Liu Jie only needed to not use the Holy Origin's Myriad Insect King Core.

Even if all the controlled insect carcinoid spirits were sacrificed by Liu Jie, it would be impossible to beat Xia Qing.

And the Holy Origin of Myriad Insects is too expensive to use.

First, Liu Jie couldn't hold back, and secondly, it had a great influence on the mother of insects.

Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, Liu Jie would not be able to use the ability of the Holy Origin's Myriad Insect King Core when he was fighting against his own people.

And not only does Liu Jie have something of the Holy Source, but Xia Qing also has it.

It's just that Xia Qing's holy source has never been shown.

Therefore, even if Liu Jie now has two worm carcinoid spirits, he has also obtained a halberd horn and an anti-sky pocket.

There is still no guarantee that he will be able to defeat Xia Qing.

After Lin Yuan learned about Xia Qing's strength, he was quite surprised.

Lin Yuan knew very well that his current strength was because of Mobius.

And Xia Qing is not a traverser, there is no such plug-in possible.

Even though Lin Yuan's strength has only improved by one year, Xia Qing has improved by more than ten years.

But Xia Qing's talent is also surprising enough.

In addition to Xia Qing's strength, Liu Jie also talked to Lin Yuan about Xia Qing's life experience.

Xia Qing was born with a golden spoon like a real princess.

However, Xia Qing has never been treated like a princess since she was a child.

Xia Qing's parents died in battle to protect Huiyao when Xia Qing was very young.

When Xia Qing's parents died in battle, Xia Qing already remembered.

When I was just remembering the age, I had to suffer the death of my relatives in the world.

Xia Qing can say that there is only one relative of the old man.

But now, Xia Qing has to bear the fact that the old man must die.

Xia Qing was indeed as pitiful as Chanming said.

After hearing Cicada Ming's words, Yue Hou was silent for a long time, and then he didn't say anything.

He continued to hold Lin Yuan's hand and walked in.

The layout of the old man's bedroom is very simple.

A yellow dragon wood table, a yellow dragon wood reclining chair, and several cabinets made of yellow dragon wood are all the decorations on the periphery of the bedroom.

The inner and outer walls of the sleeping hall are separated by a huge yellow dragon wood screen.

Just when the moon was about to take Lin Yuan across the screen, the girl's cathartic roar came from the screen.

"Grandpa, I can't accept it!"

"As early as the day I learned that my parents gave their lives for the glory, I knew that one day you would definitely leave me!"

"Even I myself have made plans to dedicate my life to the glory."

"It's just grandpa, it all came too fast!"

"To say something selfish, I most hope I can walk in front of you."

"This way I don't have to bear the pain after you left!"

The girl's roar was accompanied by an extremely suppressed throat.

Make this voice sound like a cuckoo coughing up blood.

After the girl's roar, an old and loving sigh sounded.

"Xiaoqing, if you walk in front of grandpa, how can grandpa live?"

"It is the truth of the world's reincarnation that a black-haired person sends a white-haired person, and it is real sadness for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person."

While speaking, the old voice seemed to think of something.

There was a mournful sigh.

Hearing this sigh, Yue Hou's heart could not help shrinking.

A month later, I know that the old man has been missing his son and daughter-in-law.

It just never showed up.

It was the first time I saw this old man after a month, and UU reading showed the weakness in my heart.

Lin Yuan was equally nervous when he heard Xia Qing's roar just now.

Fortunately, he owns the Shouyuan Rat, which can effectively prevent this human tragedy from happening.

After the month, he pulled Lin Yuan across the screen.

In fact, it started from the moment Moon Hou and Lin Yuan drove the Linghanyue Pagoda to the royal court.

The old man lying on the bed already knew the arrival of Lin Yuan and Yuehou.

At the moment Moon Hou and Lin Yuan crossed the screen, the old man smiled kindly.

He said warmly to Lin Yuan and Yuehou.

"Come and sit by the bed!"

"Xiaoqing, don't cry, you bring the stool next to it to Suiyue and Xiaoyuan!"