Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 2082: Falling Moon Life Pear!

Latest website: Lin Yuan did not walk over immediately after hearing the old man's words.

Instead, he raised his eyes to look at his master Yuehou.

Since this was for the old man's Shouyuan Rat, Lin Yuan didn't want to go up and sit on the chair first.

After chatting with the old man for a long time, I went to explain the purpose of the visit.

Xia Qing was in a state of sadness at this time.

The later you talk about this, the more cruel it will be to Xia Qing.

Lin Yuan also didn't want to see such an old man showing a vulnerable side of resignation in front of his younger generation.

Seeing Lin Yuan's gaze a month later, he immediately understood Lin Yuan's thoughts.

A gentle smile appeared on Yue Hou's heavy face.

Yue Hou nodded to Lin Yuan.

After being instructed by Moon Hou, Lin Yuan said directly.

"Old man, you have contracted this spiritual object, so you don't have to worry about Shouyuan anymore."

While speaking, Lin Yuan summoned the Shouyuan Mouse.

Xia Qing has never been a willful person, although she is a little arrogant, but this arrogance is that Xia Qing is in the bottleneck period that all geniuses have.

Xia Qing has been strict with herself since she was a child and worked hard.

Plus quite talented.

Otherwise, Xia Qing would not have the strength she has now.

Among Hui Yao's younger generation, Xia Qing recognized only two people.

One is Liu Jie, who sacrificed once for Hui Yao, and the other is Lin Yuan, who defeated Qian Yu.

This is also the reason why Xia Qing would take the initiative to contact Lin Yuan.

Seriously, Xia Qing also made a deal with Lin Yuan.

This transaction allowed Lin Yuan to use the Dragon Ball of the Splendid Ruilong to create a kind of auspiciousness that is detached from the world, and all living beings guard the dragon.

I just had an emotional outburst, and if I just saw Xia Qing after the moon, I wouldn't feel any bad feeling.

But when Lin Yuan's peers heard it, Xia Qing felt somewhat embarrassed.

Originally, Xia Qing went to move the bench after listening to her grandfather's words.

When Xia Qing, who was carrying two benches, heard Lin Yuan's words, her whole body fell into a sluggish state for a moment.

The bench made of yellow dragon wood fell to the ground, making two crisp sounds like the collision of porcelain.

Immediately, Xia Qing fell into deep joy and happiness.

In addition to being a spiritual qi professional, Xia Qing is also a creator.

Xia Qing, the founder of Samsung, saw through the situation of Shouyuan Mouse at a glance.

The old man on the bed also has the talent of a creator.

It's just that the talent of the creator is not as good as that of the last month, Zhu Jun, Chef Zun and others.

But still reached the peak of four stars.

When the old man saw the Shouyuan Mouse in Lin Yuan's hands, he laughed heartily after being slightly stunned.

At this moment, the old man's twilight eyes glowed with new vitality and brilliance.

Hearing the old man's laughter, Lin Yuan and Yuehou showed smiles at the same time.

It is impossible for any Reiki professional to not be moved when faced with the demise of his own life.

Just like after the first month, it is impossible to calmly accept that your lifespan is coming to an end.

I can't help but want to fight with the sky and fight for a chance even when I know it can't be done.

The old man would laugh so happily, on the one hand, because as a living individual, he saw the opportunity to successfully continue his life.

On the other hand, the old man has been blaming himself for his two-year contract with the Free Federation.

He is working hard for the bright future.

Now this Shouyuan Rat lets the old man know that he can still be used as an umbrella to cover the sky above Huiyao.

She shelters the land under her feet that has been integrated with half of her soul.

After laughing, the old man looked at Lin Yuan gratefully.

But Lin Yuan didn't give the old man a chance to thank him at all.

He stepped forward directly, pulled the old man's old palm, and put the Shouyuan Mouse in the old man's palm and said.

"After you contract the Shouyuan Rat, you must protect the Shouyuan Rat."

"Don't summon the Shouyuan Mouse!"

"Feed Shouyuan Mouse some spiritual materials rich in life energy, and you can have unlimited lifespan to survive."

After speaking, Lin Yuan did not just stand in front of the old man.

Instead, he walked over to the stunned Xia Qing, picked up the two stools on the ground, and placed them beside the old man's bed.

Lin Yuan pulled out a chair and motioned for his master Yuehou to sit on the chair.

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, has been standing by the side, not sitting on this chair.

Show your respect for the elderly in your own way.

After sitting on the chair after the month, he took Lin Yuan's hand and said.

"Xiaoyuan, you are welcome in front of the elderly."

"Xiaoqing, come and sit too!"

While speaking, Yue Hou turned his hand and took out a falling moon life pear that contained huge life energy.

Luoyue Life Pear is a kind of fruit specially prepared from the tears of the Holy Weeping Moon Beast after the Moon Empress contracted the Shouyuan Mouse.

The tears of the Holy Crying Moon Beast have huge life energy.

Dripping on the dead bones can make the dead bones grow blood and flesh.

The lunar pears prepared after the month, each one can increase the lifespan of the Shouyuan Rat by fifteen years.

Luoyueming Pear is petite in size, although it is a pear, its volume is about the same as a plum.

Shouyuan Rat can just eat a meal.

The old man took the Luoyue Mingli from Yuehou's hand, but he did not rush to contract the Shouyuan Mouse.

Instead, he turned his head and asked Lin Yuan.

"Xiaoyuan, having such a longevity rat is equal to gaining the chance of longevity."

"Why don't you contract this Shouyuan Mouse yourself?"

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Yuan was startled.

Then, without disguise, he directly expressed his thoughts.

"After the junior got the Shouyuan Mouse, he never really had any plans to contract the Shouyuan Mouse."

"The younger generation is still young, and I want to try to rely on my own strength to see if I can also pursue a chance for longevity."

Lin Yuan had something to say later.

But speaking of this, Lin Yuan stopped.

What Lin Yuan said was not false.

Lin Yuan really thought so in his heart.

Contract Shouyuan Rat needs to consume mental power.

Lin Yuan didn't have much mental power, and Lin Yuan didn't want to spend it on Shouyuan Rat.

Moreover, Lin Yuan is only 18 years old this It is possible that he has the opportunity to pursue longevity with his own abilities.

Perhaps in the twilight years, the strength will not be able to advance an inch.

Lin Yuan would only consider contracting the Shouyuan Rat.

In addition to this reason, Lin Yuan wanted to keep the limited Shouyuan Mouse for his companions and relatives.

When Lin Yuan gave Shouyuan Rat to his master Moon Hou, Lin Yuan didn't know the predicament his master was in.

But then Lin Yuan heard about it from Xuan Yue's mouth.

This made Lin Yuan very frightened all the time.

If Lin Yuan had obtained the Shouyuan Mouse, he would have contracted the Shouyuan Mouse immediately.

Then his master will not have the opportunity to contract Shouyuan Rat after a month.

And Lin Yuan is likely to lose this family member who is also a teacher and mother forever.