Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 2113: Just ask for your own blessings!

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Deep in Luolai's eyes, there was a deep regret.

Luolai knew very well that as long as he dared to shake his head now, his life would be terminated immediately.

Sitting on the position of the Lord of the Shenmu Royal Court by himself, his name is not right.

The Cold Hammer Tribe has always been the dominant tribe of the Iron Hammer Federation.

In the Cold Hammer Tribe, although the direct line is only Roland.

But there are a lot of sidelines like himself.

His brothers and sisters are very ambitious existences.

If there is an opportunity to replace his position, there must be a hundred willing in his heart.

The only choice I can make now is that I have to nod my head in response to this matter.

He had already become a sinner of the Hammer Federation.

But as long as there is truth to stand behind him, this matter can only be attributed to the mistake in his decision to just become the Lord of the Royal Court.

If you attack the remaining one-fifth of the tribes of the Iron Hammer Federation, you will do it.

Then even if there is a truth club behind him, he has committed a crime that cannot be covered up after all.

I felt the hand gripping my hair start to strain.

Rollei shouted like a cry of blood.

"Sir, give me a chance to make up for it!"

"I will definitely do this beautifully!"

"I just don't know what else I need to do after this is done?"

As soon as Luo Lai finished speaking, the dry palm released its strength.

Rollei fell directly to the ground.

Roland only listened to the figure in the gray-red robe in front of him speak contemptuously.

"After doing this, you don't need to do anything!"

"Tomorrow our truth will leave the Hammer King's Court."

"Hehe, I want to see what kind of character it is, and dare to sabotage Lord Truth's plan!"

"After our truth will leave, you will seek more blessings on your own!"

After speaking, the member of the Truth Society in a gray-red robe returned to the inner hall.

In the empty hall, Luo Lai struggled to stand up.

He wiped the blood on his chin with his gorgeous clothes.

During his time in the royal court, he originally supported some of the servants who were only loyal to him.

These servants are enough to protect their own safety.

But if you want to achieve the purpose of the Truth Society, you will attack the remaining members of the tribes in the major tribes.

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Are these servants really still loyal to themselves?

These servants who are loyal to themselves know that there is a huge force behind them.

At that time, even the people of the Truth Society have left the Iron Hammer Court.

For your own safety, to deter others.

It is necessary to rely on the truth to fight the fox and the tiger.

People from the Truth Society don't usually show up.

You can hide it if you want to.

Luolai only hopes that the truth will be over there and things can be sorted out.

Don't let those tribesmen come back again.

Otherwise, he will suffer the real disaster.


In a large room, there are various shelves with exquisite shapes.

The spiritual materials used to make the shelves have all been soaked in spiritual energy.

Although it has not reached the level of complete jadeization, the degree of jadeization is definitely not low.

In Hawwen Continent, there has never been a place for a five-star creator before.

This wooden frame can be called a status symbol.

A man dressed in plain robes sat at the table with a thick stack of books in his hand.

There are many scraps of paper in these books.

The pieces of paper are basically covered with markings.

Obviously, these books were read by the owner of the book, and he did not know how many times they had read them in the previous time.

However, the owner of these books is now pondering something.

Don't put your mind to these books at all.

Since the last time Jin Qianxun attended the meeting held by the Truth Society.

The Truth Society will hold a meeting every three days.

Every time Jin Qianxun would report what he knew in the meeting to Lin Yuan and Su Yiren.

Lin Yuan gave Jin Qianxun enough motivation to make Jin Qianxun willingly do these things for Lin Yuan.

Jin Qianxun knew that her eldest brother had been controlled and brainwashed by the Society of Truth.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be slapped by the elder brother after his second brother asked a few more questions.

Jin Qianxun knew very well that it was unrealistic for him to seek information from his elder brother.

I don't usually care about these things.

Asking rashly will definitely make his elder brother suspicious.

Since the news at home is inconvenient to inquire.

Jin Qianxun, who has always been reluctant to socialize, participated in many social occasions under the guise of academics.

It is not a joke that the deep Vatican Federation is rich in scholars.

The more profound the power in the Deep Vatican Federation, the more knowledge it will allow the younger generation of its own power to master.

Knowledge is passed on.

Much of the content of knowledge is written in those isolated copies.

People who have no inheritance want to see these isolated copies, and they have no chance to see them at all.

Therefore, this kind of gathering organized on the grounds of academic research is basically members of the hidden noble family of the Deep Vatican Federation.

What Jin Qianxun didn't dare to do was too obvious, so he only attended four gatherings in two days.

In these four gatherings, although Jin Qianxun did not take the initiative to talk about this matter.

But when others talk about this aspect, take the initiative to go forward and listen.

After listening several times, Jin Qianxun learned that other members of the hidden wealthy family also had similar guesses as their second brother.

And many members are too anxious to go to the person in power in the family to report this matter.

The results were all suppressed to varying degrees.

It is said that the very favored young master of the Sheng family also lost his life for this.

These circumstances made Jin Qianxun more sure of his guesses.

There is only one content of the meeting of the Truth Society today.

That is to take all the members of the major families of the Deep Vatican Federation to the junction with the Hammer Federation and the Shenmu Federation early tomorrow morning.

The members of other forces all knew through the Truth Society that the Hammer Federation had invaded the Deep Brahma Federation.

However, because of Lin Yuan's relationship, Jin Qianxun knew that the Hammer Federation had not succeeded in aggression against the Shenmu Federation.

Hundreds of millions of tribal members of the Hammer Federation have suffered heavy losses after a long journey.

But they were all protected by Lin Yuan.

The truth can have such a great ability that it is impossible not to know it.

However, the Truth Society, who knew about it, kept a secret from these hidden nobles who were the backbone of the Deep Vatican Federation.

Let yourself and others bring all the family members out of the nest, what do you want?

It is difficult for Jin Qianxun to have an accurate guess.

However, Jin Qianxun couldn't guess that it didn't matter.

Jin Qianxun only needs to inform Lin Yuan of everything he has learned.

Lin Yuan received what Jin Qianxun told him on the letter of heart.

In the past few days, there have been several immortal powerhouses who have entered the sea of ​​​​flowers to explore.

After these powerhouses confirmed their allegiance to the Truth Society, they were all dealt with by Zi Qing.

Lin Yuan looked at the content that Jin Qianxun sent him, although he had guesses in his heart.

However, Lin Yuan felt that it would be better to hold a small council to discuss it.