Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 2242: Hope it's not you!

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The woman's words were obviously half a sentence left unfinished.

But immediately heard a loud shout.

"Third sister, don't say these unlucky words!"

"What can happen to the Lord of Everything?!"

"The Lord of Everything has clearly arranged everything before stepping into the wheel-turning realm with peace of mind."

"If something like this happens now, most of it is staying in the Palace of All Things, which makes Lord All Things feel the danger!"

"There must be some changes in the Palace of All Things that we don't know about."

He was scolded severely by his elder sister.

The woman who spoke just now pouted her aggrieved mouth.

The woman who had never opened her mouth narrowed her eyes when she heard her elder sister's words.

Immediately stretch out.

As usual, said.

"Eldest sister, since the third sister went missing, I don't know how many times I secretly cried under the covers."

"The third sister is also worried about the Lord of Everything!"

"Speaking of which, when the Lord of Everything was still there, he also favored the third sister the most."

The oldest woman heard the words and said nothing more.

The youngest woman looked at her second sister gratefully.

The second sister, who had just become a peacemaker, smiled softly as usual.

At this moment, the two only listened to their eldest sister, and said in a very serious tone.

"Second life, Sansheng, you two go to the Marsh East Circle before me, and negotiate with the people from Marsh East Palace."

"The news of the disappearance of the Lord of Everything must not be spread out!"

"Otherwise there will be trouble!"

"Since the Lord of All Things stepped into the wheel-turning realm, our Palace of All Things has become an eventful season."

"There must be some things that I don't need to say more, you all understand!"

Sansheng hurriedly nodded when he heard his elder sister's instructions.

Right now, I and others do not have the ability or means to find the Lord of Everything.

If the Lord of Everything is really aware of something, he will take the initiative to hide.

Then you and others rashly search for it, but it is tantamount to violating the will of the Lord of Everything.

So the only thing that you and others can do now is to hold this conference of all things well.

During the time when the Lord of Everything disappeared, he lived up to the reputation of the Palace of All Things.

The woman known as Ersheng gently pressed her fingers against a strand of broken hair in front of her forehead.

He narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Even though he was doing two things with one heart, Ersheng was the same as Sansheng in his mouth, and immediately agreed to his eldest sister.

Then prepare to leave early and head to the Swamp East Palace.

Because of the entire Marsh East Circle, there has never been a single ruler.

This made the Marsh East Palace, the core force of the Marsh East Circle, not qualified to be tough in front of the Palace of All Things.

Ersheng and Sansheng went to the Marsh East Palace, not so much to communicate with those old-fashioned apostles.

Rather, it's a direct order.

Among the veteran apostles living in the Swamp East Palace, none of them would dare to disobey the will of the Wanwan Palace.

Therefore, Sansheng, who rushed to the Marsh East Palace first, did not take the task arranged by his eldest sister as a difficult task.

Instead, he put more of his mind on thinking about the whereabouts of the Lord of all things.

After his second and third sisters left, he looked at the direction of his two younger sisters all his life, and did not return to his senses for a long time.

After a long while, he lowered his eyes and murmured.

"In the entire palace of all things, everything I can check has been checked."

"I will not be the one who threatens the Lord of All Things."

"I have absolute loyalty and belief in the master of all things."

"At present, the only ones that have not been checked are Ersheng and Sansheng."

"I hope it's not one of the two of you, or both of you!"

As he spoke, there was a stern look in his eyes.

Whether it is the second life or the third life, the direction from the Wanwan Palace to the Marsh East Palace.

It was Lin Yuan and Bai Yan who passed through Donghan Daze and headed towards the Marsh East Palace.

met many apostles.

The apostles, which are rarely seen in the past, appear more frequently the closer they are to the Nuodong Palace.

Donghan Daze has a wide area.

But this wide area is indeed for those dimensional creatures.

At the level of an apostle, it doesn't take long to visit the entire Donghan Daze.

Just like Bai Yan could easily call out the name of the scorpion apostle.

All the apostles in Donghan Daze have heard of each other.

Bai Yan made a name for himself in Donghan Daze.

After seeing Bai Yan, many apostles who knew Bai Yan either took the initiative to avoid him, or took the initiative to say hello.

These apostles saw a young boy sitting on Bai Yan's back.

All leaked surprised expressions.

Lin Yuan did not have the aura of dimensional creatures on his body.

In the case that Lin Yuan did not mobilize the power of faith, other apostles could not feel the existence of the power of faith from Lin Yuan.

Some apostles knew that Bai Yan had a son who inherited his own blood.

But now the one on Bai Yan's back clearly has no blood relationship with Bai Yan.

However, after the apostles greeted each other, they did not choose to ask more.

In the swamp world, asking less about everything is the best way to protect yourself.

Maybe Bai Yan's back, this humanoid creature that looks very similar to the humanoid apostle, is something to be traded at the Conference of All Things!

Bai Yan didn't know what the other apostles were thinking. UU Reading

If Bai Yan knew, those apostles who greeted him regarded Lin Yuan as the goods he was going to sell.

I will definitely fight that apostle immediately.

Because the idea of ​​that apostle is tantamount to blasphemy of his own belief and worship.

After the apostles who greeted them left, Lin Yuan said to Bai Yan with a smile.

"Bai Yan, you are quite famous in Donghan Daze!"

Bai Yan did not feel any complacency because of Lin Yuan's words.

He didn't even think about showing himself in front of Lin Yuan.

Bai Yu's tone was very sincere, and he said cautiously.

"Master Master, this is in Donghan Daze."

"The entire Marsh East Circle is similar to areas like Donghan Daze, at least there are dozens!"

"Donghan Daze is among them, and the overall strength is only medium."

"When you leave Donghan Daze, you won't encounter such a situation!"

"If someone hits our minds on the road and wants to plot against us."

"Also please Lord Master to give me strength!"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan nodded lightly.

Seeing Lin Yuan nodding, Bai Yan's face immediately showed a look of anticipation.

Bai Yan likes Lin Yuan to use the power of faith to increase himself.

In the process of Lin Yuan increasing himself, Bai Yan was able to control higher-level power.

This feeling of detachment from his original strength made Bai Yan faintly peep into the direction he needed to work hard.

After meeting more and more apostles on the road, Lin Yuan stopped injecting pure source power into Bai Yan's body.

Lin Yuan didn't intend to hide his "master" identity, but he didn't want to be so conspicuous now.