Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 2333: Touch the vine immortal!

Chapter 2323 Touch the vine immortal!


If you had released the news that Xie Yuan had rushed to the Marsh West Circle first.


Presumably Hengyuan, Wuyuan, Luyuan, Tengyuan, Chiyuan and Lingyuan should not just send their men to explore.


Instead, go into battle in person!


Because the six people are very clear, even if they send more subordinates.


In the face of such an existence as the evil source, there is no competitiveness at all.


Under Lin Yuan's intention, no matter how kind Bai Yan kept the six envoys.


The six messengers couldn't stay any longer.


After they passed the news, they rushed in the direction of Marsh Yuan as soon as possible.


The Swamp East area was completely calm.


Sun Ningxiang continued to cultivate productive spirits.


Clever brought the Baiwen Beast Legion to accelerate the production of energy-storing white peach and Yunling lychee fruit trees.


Lin Yuan returned to his former state of harvesting the power of faith from the apostles on a large scale.


During this period, Lin Yuan also returned to Houtu City again, and took Weng Queji to the swamp world.


As a five-star creator Weng Choji, he visited other continents when he was young.


Weng Queji, who was previously put under the command of the Five Pages of Truth, and who is in a cooperative relationship with the Five Pages of Truth, is qualified to master the mysteries of the dimensional world.


I know that there are sixth-level dimensional cracks.


But there are absolutely no cracks in the sixth-level swamp dimension in Nuoda's Hawwen Continent.


In other words, this young man to whom he is loyal has the ability to freely enter and leave the swamp world!


Weng was greatly shocked by this discovery.


But Weng Chowji soon discovered that what really surprised him was still behind.


The giant whale roaming the clouds in the sky, and the cranes shuttled in the mist around the giant whale.


These are two heavenly favored spirits!


The territory under his feet is carried by a giant tortoise that cannot see the edge at a glance, and can move freely in the swamp world.


The variety in front of him is obviously beyond the cognitive scope of Weng Queji, the five-star creator.


This giant whale soaring in the sky can be seen to be similar to the island whale.


In the Deep Vatican Federation, Weng Queji has presided over the conservation project of island whales in the past few months.


But this apparently bigger giant whale can fly! It can control the wind element!


This makes the strategic significance of this giant whale, Terujima whale has a qualitative leap!


More importantly, Weng Queji saw through the skills and exclusive characteristics of this island whale.


For the first time, Weng Queji clearly realized how powerful the force he joined for the sake of the old age was!


This solid foundation is one of the five truth pages of the eight pages of the pagoda, and it is absolutely impossible to come up with it!


Lin Yuan unceremoniously gave instructions to Weng Cheji.


Let Weng Queji stay on the back of the floating island whale and cooperate with Hu Quan to work.


Lin Yuan used the pure spiritual energy to help Weng Queji's spiritual creature heal the damaged source.


Weng but Ji, who made people old, found the meaning of life again.


Not to mention that Lin Yuan just arranged such a simple job for himself.


Even if Lin Yuan arranged for him to have more work, Weng Queji wouldn't care.


Lin Yuan said that he would build the headquarters of the power on the back of this creature called the floating island whale.


As Weng Queji, who joined the force late, he is very happy that Lin Yuan can give him such an opportunity.


Weng Queji, who was entrusted with the important task, said it immediately.


"Don't worry, Lord City Master! This old man will do his best to fulfill the request of the five-star spirit craftsman!"


"As long as I can do it, I will never refuse!"


As he spoke, Weng Chieji also understood.


Why did Lin Yuan let himself cultivate so many explosive rock flowers that were useless in his opinion.

The Exploding Spirit Rock Flower is a perfect match when matched with the pure aura that Lin Yuan gave him before!


It's just such a combination, the cost is really too big!


After Weng Queji devoted himself to work, Hu Quan felt much less pressure all of a sudden.


In this life, Hu Quan never thought that one day a five-star creator would come to fight for him.


Hu Quan and Weng Queji are both serious people.


When the two have the same goal, the cooperation between the two is very in harmony.


Through the previous work in Houtu City, he helped more than 200 strong men to improve the strength of the spirits.


Several of these powerhouses have two or three spirits ready to break through at the same time.


Lin Yuan used these collected spiritual energy crystals to improve the strength of the Supreme Touch Vine.


The original strength of the ultimate touch vine is at the level of the second level of the monarch rank.


Under the accumulation of a large number of aura crystals, the strength of the touch vine finally reached the level of the tenth level of the king's rank.


With the improvement of Lin Yuan's continued use of the aura crystal, the Perfect Touch Vine ushered in the opportunity of immortality!


After touching immortality, the Supreme Touch Vine will condense its own immortal body.


Lin Yuan has been looking forward to this day for a long time.


The immortality of the touch vine of the most perfect touch signifies that Lin Yuan is able to rely on the protection of others.


Still have enough self-defense ability.


Even through treasures and Satan flowers, evil ghosts are possessed.


Under the increase of the treasures of the Zihan Sea Monster Emperor and his life-like witch Gu, the Suihan Gu fish.


An immortal powerhouse that overwhelms other spiritual beings.


It's just that Lin Yuan's cards are not easy to play once.


Unlike the Supreme Touch Vine, which can attack the enemy at any time, and there are no restrictions.


Shen Jian stood beside Lin Yuan, looking at the Perfect Touch Vine, who had obtained a breakthrough opportunity and was about to be promoted.


When you are ready for a while, step out to help him.


The spiritual beings at the peak of the creation species need to go through nine nirvanas when they are immortal.


The body is forged with the glazed fire that burns the world for a total of nine times, which is called the Nine Stages of Immortality.


After completing nine forgings, you will use your flawless body as a treasure house to condense your eternal heart.


After this step is achieved, eternity will be achieved, and the twelve rounds of eternity will be opened.


Every step in this is much more difficult than the promotion of fantasy species to mythical species and mythological species to creation species.


But there are spirits who have awakened their destiny. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Once the body-forging flames of burning glass damaged the vines, the vines showed signs of being unable to last.


God saw that he could immediately stop it.


After Lin Yuan helped the Precious Touch Vine return to its best state, let the Precious Touch Vine continue to complete the forging.


The important thing in the nine stages of immortality is the process, not like going through the baptism of heaven and earth and the catastrophe of heaven and earth.


The important thing is the blessings of heaven and earth and the earthliness of creation that came down after the passage!


Although Shen Jian has the ability to completely offset the fire of the world-burning glass.


Let the Supreme Touch Vine avoid the pain of forging, and still be able to touch immortality.


However, the immortal body condensed in this way will be completely different from the immortal body that has been completely tempered and condensed by the fire of the burning glass.


It is difficult to have further opportunities.


This kind of improvement under the fire of burning the world's glazed glass was something that Lin Yuan couldn't obtain through the help of the Reiki Crystal to the Supreme Touch Vine.


Therefore, some bitter forests can only be endured by the Supreme Touch Vine.


The True Touch Vine is also willing to endure this pain just to become stronger!


In order to help the Perfect Touch Vine break through its strength, Lin Yuan deliberately returned to the main world with the Perfect Touch Vine and Shen Jian.


(End of this chapter)
