Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 2334: psychic

Facing the momentum of immortality caused by the touch of the vine.

Lin Yuan suddenly felt that the Baptism of Heaven and Earth and the Tribulation of Creation were nothing more than pediatric-like existences.

If the baptism of heaven and earth is a touch, the calamity of creation is a gentle tap.

The flame of the world-burning glazed glass that encroached on immortality was a big fight mercilessly swayed with a mechanical arm.

In an instant, the world was as pure as glass.

The lotus-shaped incorruptible fire spreads inch by inch to the Perfect Touch Vine standing in the sky.

Above the lotus-shaped flame that catches the sky and reflects the sun, there is a faint chanting of Sanskrit.

This is the strange sound produced by the temperature burning the space.

Perfect Touch Fujimoto thought he was going to suffer a bit.

I never imagined that the moment when the flames that burn the world will be wrapped in vines.

The flames of the world-burning glazed glass did not show any signs of violence, and all of them quietly melted into the body of the Supreme Touch Vine.

It gathered into the vines that absorbed the five dark golden snake scales.

The glass-colored flame that seemed to burn through the heavens and the earth was like a river flowing into the sea.

In the absence of any pain, the Supreme Touch Vine feels a little bit of a rise in its own strength.

In the end, a complete immortal body appeared in front of the Supreme Touch Vine.

Prestige Touch Vine Now, you can choose to spiritualize a part of your body.

The Supreme Touch Vine chose his own tentacles without hesitation.

The eight tentacles bloomed like flowers behind the Supreme Touch Vine.

The current Supreme Touch Vine can already fight without restoring the body at all!

And fighting in the current humanoid state, not only will it not suppress the strength of the Supreme Touch Vine.

On the contrary, it will make the strength of the Supreme Touch Vine stronger!

The change of the touch vine made Lin Yuan extremely surprised.

But in the end, Lin Yuan attributed all of this to the mystery of the five dark golden snake scales!

It also made Lin Yuan yearn for the world outside the main world.

Lin Yuan used the real data of Mobius' skills to investigate the Perfect Touch Vine.

The Supreme Touch Vine has just been promoted to immortality, and has not yet been promoted from the monarch rank to the grand monarch to acquire new skills.

However, he successfully got his hands on the Immortal Precious Touch Vine and gained an additional exclusive feature.

[Spiritual Psychic]: At the expense of sacrificing the items absorbed in the vines, the source of the absorbed items is channeled. The psyched thing does not have consciousness, but has the strength it masters. (The proportion of energy used in the item is used to determine the time when the channel can be channeled).

The exclusive characteristics obtained by the immortal touch vines made Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed all of a sudden.

From Lin Yuan's point of view, this exclusive feature has instantly revitalized the way of fighting the vines.

It also makes the exclusive feature [phagocytosis homology] no longer so rigid.

Lin Yuan can completely consume the items of [Devotion Homologous] through the sacrifice of [Spirituality].

Thereby changing the type of [Phagocytosis Homologous] items.

Let Lin Yuan not have to waste other vines of the True Touch Vine in the future without finding suitable items.

At the same time, the exclusive feature [Spirituality] allows the Supreme Touch Vine to gain a new way of fighting.

There is no need to limit yourself to physical and elemental combat.

For example, the vines of the Supreme Touch Vine absorbed Shiji's blood.

Even if Shi Ji is not by Lin Yuan's side, the Supreme Touch Vine can summon Shi Ji at the cost of sacrificing Shi Ji's blood in the vine.

In fact, what Lin Yuan was most curious about was what kind of creature the five dark golden snake scales came from.

The current Supreme Touch Vine has the ability to channel this kind of creature out.

It's just that Lin Yuan won't let the Supreme Touch Vine sacrifice the five dark golden snake scales through the exclusive feature [Spirituality].

The things that the five dark golden snake scales channeled were equivalent to Lin Yuan's trump card whose upper limit could not be determined.

This hole card is played in times of crisis, and it is very likely to achieve miraculous results.

Lin Yuan still had a lot of spiritual energy crystals left in his hand.

As the strength of the Supreme Touch Vine is getting stronger and stronger, more and more Aura Crystals are consumed with each step up!

However, Lin Yuan estimated that he had the remaining spiritual energy crystals on hand.

Enough to help the Supreme Touch Vine successfully advance from the tenth level of the King Rank to the Grand King and gain new skills.

A large number of aura crystals were smashed by Lin Yuan.

A large amount of pure aura was inhaled into the body by the immortal Supreme Touch Vine.

Finally, he successfully broke through the stage of reaching the vine.

It also makes the overall momentum of the touch vines more introverted and profound.

Under the real data, Lin Yuan saw the newly acquired skill [Heito Yushou] of the Supreme Touch Vine.

[Heto Yushou]: Designate a target, attach itself to the target, help the target resist attacks from the outside, and at the same time contribute its own life energy to the guarded target.

In addition to the normal level and elite level, the ultimate touch vine is a functional skill.

The functions from the silver rank to the king rank are all offensive!

When he was promoted to the Grand Monarch rank, the skills of the Supreme Touch Vine were changed.

From a strong attack to a defense, or a treatment.

[Kaito Yushou] This skill is not that great.

There are many spiritual creatures that can acquire similar abilities in the process of evolution and promotion. UU Reading

But this skill made Lin Yuan extremely happy and excited.

With the continuous improvement of Lin Yuan's strength, more and more means are obtained.

Lin Yuan's offensive ability is also getting stronger and stronger!

In contrast, Lin Yuan's defense ability has not been greatly improved.

Your own safety depends entirely on the strong to guard.

But now when Precious Touch Vine has acquired this new skill.

Lin Yuan finally gained a powerful defensive ability!

Make up for your own deficiencies in defense!

And in terms of treatment, new methods have also been obtained.

Don't put all the burden of medical care on Lily Lily!

The newly acquired exclusive feature of Prestige Touch Vine [Spirituality] leaves little room for improvement in attack.

Instead of continuing to step up on offense.

Turning to focus on defense and healing is the best option.

Liu Jie's use of the Holy Origin's Myriad Insects Core requires a huge amount of vitality to replenish.

As a plant creature that has stepped into immortality, the ultimate touch vine has the most vitality in its body.

Let the Supreme Touch Vine use the skill [Heteng Yushou] to attach to Liu Jie.

It can be ensured that Liu Jie will not endanger himself due to a large consumption of life force in the process of using the Ten Thousand Insect Emperor Core.

After reaching the rank of Grand Monarch, he came to Lin Yuan's side and said softly.

"Lin Yuan, no matter what danger you encounter in the future, I will be able to stand in front of you in my own way!"

As a plant-like spirit, the Supreme Touch Vine only gained ignorant consciousness when it was promoted to the diamond rank.

After being promoted to mythical species, he can try to communicate with Lin Yuan.

At that time, the Perfect Touch Vine was like a blank sheet of paper.

Now that Lin Yuan has been promoted all the way to the Creation Seed's Supreme Touch Vine, it has become a white paper with high IQ.