Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 255: The beginning of Lin Yuan's private powe

Waving hands after the last month, Wen Sheng said.

"Go, the master will give you good food when you come back."

It was late at night when Lin Yuan had fallen to Qingyue Mountain. The cold autumn wind blew on Lin Yuan's body, making Lin Yuan suddenly feel an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

This feeling is ambition and pride.

In Lin Yuan's view, the man is self-conceited and has a broad mind.

Even if you don't go through life and death and ruin the world, you should at least take advantage of the age and light sword.

Lin Yuan now does not have much pressure from the outside world, whether it is to survive or improve his strength.

Even if there is pressure in terms of strength, Lin Yuan himself gave it to himself.

At the age of eighteen, Lin Yuan is as powerful as he is now and is not a young hero.

Just after hearing the words of his master Yue Yue, Lin Yuan suddenly had the idea of ​​forming a private force.

Although Lin Yuan also had the idea of ​​establishing a club-like guild before.

But such a club-like guild cannot be regarded as a private force.

In particular, Lin Yuan now has a floating island whale, which can be called the spiritual creature of the world's strategic resources.

Lin Yuan can build a private force entirely on his back on the floating island whale.

The floating island whale grows up like a sky behemoth setting up a floating city on its back.

The floating island whale can either swim on the sea with the city on its back, or float among the clouds with the city on its back.

Build forces on the back of the floating island whale, which is a strategic resource in the world, then the forces built by Dalin Yuan in this world can go anywhere.

It can be said that the floating island whale is the foundation for Lin Yuan to establish a private force.

But if you want to set up such a huge private power resources, it will consume geometry.

Therefore, collecting resources has become a primary problem facing Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan has also started to collect source items before, and the source items collected by Lin Yuan no matter whether they are used or useful to friends around them.

These collected source goods Lin Yuan just used as a strategic material.

But now that Lin Yuan has plans to establish his own private power, the speed of collecting strategic materials in this way can obviously only be regarded as a bottleneck.

Suddenly Lin Yuan thought of Gao Feng's reaction to seeing furniture made of completely jade wood.

As the core member of Gaolan, the richest man in Fenglan City, Gao Feng still loves and cherishes this completely jade wood.

It can be seen how wide the market is for the completely jade wood in the wealthy family.

It's not that this completely jade wood is so rare that you can't find it.

On the contrary, the completely jade wood is much more than some truly precious spirits and spirits.

However, such a situation is entirely due to the fact that this completely jade-like lumber is wildly sought after by people with identity in Huiyao Federation, and the market is too broad.

As long as the completely jade-produced wood appears on the market, it will immediately be robbed by the big family.

For the wealthy lords, the opportunity to buy fully jade wood will never be missed.

No matter how much jade wood you can afford, you have to buy it if you can afford it.

Because the ornaments and furniture made of jade wood, even if they are only small ornaments, to a certain extent, represent the background and face of the rich family.

Lin Yuan's lock-spirit space is now about 80 square meters in size, and such an area is actually not small.

In addition to the area occupied by the Lingling Pond and the Bliss Pure Land, more than half of the space can be arranged in the Ling Ling space.

However, Lin Yuan, the empty space in the lock-spirit space, had not done detailed planning and integration before.

Therefore, there are a lot of vacant places in the lockable space that can be used again.

Moreover, the large amount of wood that Lin Yuantun placed in the lock-spirit space has now been consumed by more than half after the construction of the red sandalwood fish tank and some jade furniture.

So Lin Yuan planned to go to Duotun to cherish some wood and place it in the lock-spirit space.

At the same time, put some spirits that will transform under the pure concentration of aura in the lock space.

As for those spiritual materials that can be transformed under extremely high aura concentration, Lin Yuan no longer intends to place them in the lock space.

The first reason was that it was too troublesome for Lin Yuan to collect in the Xingwang Treasure House because of the spiritual materials that can be transformed under extremely high concentration of Reiki.

The second reason is that those spiritual materials that can be transformed under extremely high aura concentration may have a longer period of transformation than the fully jade-made wood.

And the purchase price is much higher than the ordinary wood that can produce fully jade wood under the large concentration of aura in the lock space.

Finally, these spiritual materials that can be transformed under extremely high concentration of reiki are not only not as broad on the market as fully jade-made wood.

It may not even cost as much as jade wood.

After all, completely jade wood has not only actual value but also the added value of this symbolic background and face.

After those free spaces in the Ling Ling space were fully utilized by Lin Yuan.

These completely jade-like precious woods cultivated in the lock-spirit space and the hard-to-find spirits that will be transformed under the pure aura concentration environment are the cards and capital for Lin Yuan to build his own private power.

Since Lin Yuan had the idea of ​​creating power, he also had a method and idea to accumulate resources.

So what Lin Yuan has to do is to accumulate resources little by little.

Then plan how to initially establish the prototype of your own private power.

All this cannot be achieved overnight, so Lin Yuan is not in a hurry, and intends to start by consolidating the foundation of the rudiment of power.

After all, the floating island whale has not yet hatched, and it cannot be a giant beast that can hold a city on its back before the floating island whale is upgraded to a fantasy species.

Returning to the manor Lin Yuan, he saw Wen Yu carefully stacking his clothes one by one.

Put your own clothes you need to go out in the adventure in a button-shaped diamond-shaped trapped box that is very similar to your source material source sand.

Hu Quan is carving a piece of completely jade-shaped mahogany with a knife that embodies the glory. UU reading book

The completely jade-made peach wood showed a red agate-like color, and a decayed peach tree was quickly carved under the carving of Hu Quan.

The decayed peach tree's branches surprisingly have a dragon-like beauty.

Some of the peach branches scattered from the decaying peach tree on the ground at the base of the carving have a lush feeling that the peach can grow immediately.

Lin Yuan could not help sighing.

"The essence of Mercury is at the top of the sky, the spring breeze is the oldest Chong dragon head.

When Hu Quan heard Lin Yuan’s words, the engraving knife in his hand immediately accelerated a few points, and he directly carved the four poems that Lin Yuan said on the base of the peach wood carving, and said on his mouth.

"Lin Yuan, there are more good materials for carving in your working days than I can see in a year."

Lin Yuan heard that.

"Uncle Hu, if you are not afraid of hard work, there are so many good materials that you can sculpt, and you can choose all kinds of jade wood."

Hu Quan's eyes lit up immediately, which was a little brighter than the weasel's eyes when he saw the old hen, and he said quickly in his mouth.

"How can it be said that it is tired, and what is more enjoyable than this."

Wen Yu glanced up at Hu Quan and could not help showing an admiring expression.

Wen Yu feels that Hu Quan is really a superb tool man who works tirelessly in happiness.

Wen Yu handed the amber button-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box to Lin Yuan.

"Master, I will help you prepare all the materials you need to go out to practice tomorrow. In this diamond-level trapped spirit box, I have prepared clothes, food, fruits and water for a few months. Three years."