Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 341: Evolution of Longfengjiang Mountain Carp

Even if Mobius's level is not improving, he will be able to hatch out of the crystal eggshell when the floating island whale comes close to June next year.

And the spirit sacrifice fire bred by the pair of fire sacrifice masters flower heads, although only spent more than ten days.

However, Lin Yuan could clearly feel that the spirit sacrifice fire bred by the main flower head of the twin fire festival is constantly growing.

It seems that the elemental pearls produced by this flaming element shell with huge fire elements are still very powerful for the main flower head of the twin fire festival.

The mature spirit sacrifice fire before Lin Yuan has been used by Endless Summer, so Lin Yuan hopes that this spirit sacrifice fire will mature soon.

Then Lin Yuan started the purpose of strengthening spirits this time.

Lin Yuan put the three-tailed dragon, phoenix, and river carp previously placed in the lock-spirit space in a huge water tank.

Then put the huge water tank with the three-tailed dragon and phoenix river carp on their cultivation table.

The three-tailed dragon and phoenix mountain carp are in excellent condition now, which is much better than Lin Yuangang's promotion of the three-tailed dragon and phoenix mountain carp to the bronze-level epic quality, both in body and spirit.

And caudal fin and wing fin are longer than before.

The wider caudal fins and wing fins make the ornament of the dragon, phoenix and mountain carp stronger.

But Lin Yuan also discovered that this three-tailed dragon and phoenix carp is even stranger.

Although the three-tailed dragon and phoenix river carp looks the same as the previous dragon posture and phoenix.

But now Lin Yuan feels carefully, and finds that the blood veins of the dragon and the blood veins of the three-tailed dragon and phoenix mountain carp are assimilating each other while constantly improving.

This assimilation refers not to swallowing, but tolerating each other and slowly fusing into a whole.

Lin Yuan has decided to strengthen the three-tailed dragon and phoenix mountain carp to the legendary quality, and then let the three-tailed dragon and phoenix mountain carp begin to evolve freely instead of being stuck in the bronze rank.

The quality of the three-tailed ten-grade bronze rank epic qualities of Longfengjiangshan carp has been promoted to the bronze rank tenth-level legendary quality.

It shouldn't take long for the level to be upgraded from Bronze Level 10 legendary quality to Silver Level 1 legendary quality.

The Longfeng Jiangshan carp evolved from the Vientiane carp. The characteristic of the Vientiane carp is that each level of evolution will occur to a certain extent.

Therefore, when the Longfengjiang mountain carp evolves to the silver level, certain changes will occur again.

Although after the evolution from the Vientiane carp to the Longfeng Jiangshan carp, the foundation has been decided.

But Lin Yuan is still looking forward to the changes that these three-tailed dragon, phoenix, and mountain carps may have after evolution.

Then Lin Yuan took the Tongue of the Tongue epic quality.

At this time, the copper-level epic quality agave has been removed by Lin Yuan before, so now the agave is still no different from wild grass.

The acacia tree from which the agave flower was born has also withered.

However, when the quality of agave vanilla is upgraded to legendary quality, it will naturally grow a flower.

There will be another agave flower in bloom.

This original ordinary grade first-grade ordinary quality wood worm was also strengthened by Lin Yuan to the bronze rank tenth-level epic quality.

I saw that the woven wood worm was about 20 centimeters long, and the dark green body had a hundred legs, which belonged to the polypod.

It must be said that this wood weaver has some similarities to the original item Chi Gu, which was contracted by Cheng Rui that Lin Yuan saw before.

But the wood weaver is a very gentle insect pest, and the food it eats is only wood, which is not offensive.

Even if you make it urgent, there are very few incidents where weaver wood snakes will attack Reiki professionals under autonomous defense.

It can be regarded as a representative of "I am ugly but gentle" in the insect spirit.

Oath Lily Linyuan directly chose to buy a copper grade perfect quality.

It is not to say that there was no vow of ordinary quality of copper grades on the market.

It is because the flower branch of Lily of the Valley, a vow of perfect quality, looks very layered, layered like a pagoda.

Also filled with white small bell-shaped oath lily of the valley.

This pot was considered to be the most prosperous among the few pots of lily of the valley that Lin Yuan saw at that time, and the most beautifully trimmed pot.

Therefore, Lin Yuan bought the vow of the perfect quality of the bronze rank Suzuran.

Since the vow of Lily of the Valley is to evolve into a legendary spirit, then you must choose a good foundation.

Lin Yuan promoted the oath of the perfect quality of the bronze rank to the post-epic quality of the bronze rank.

Lin Yuan looked at the six creatures that had reached the epic qualities of the bronze rank before him, and took an aura crystal.

Then he crushed the Reiki crystal with a strong effort.

Mobius on Lin Yuan's wrist directly controls the broken Aura of the Aura Crystal into five strands.

Towards the tongue of the dragon tongue pandan, the weaver wood snake and the three-tailed dragon and phoenix carp.

The weaving wood worms, agave pandan and three-tailed dragon and phoenix river carp absorbed the huge and pure aura released after the aura crystal was broken, and the quality was quickly improved.

Finally, after weaving the wood weaver, UU reading agave vanilla and three-tailed dragon and phoenix river carp were promoted to the legendary quality of bronze rank.

Mobius injected the remaining spiritual power from the Aura Crystal into the body of this bronze-level epic vow, Lily of the Valley.

As a result, the bronze order epic quality oath lily of the valley is really very contentious, and it has directly evolved into the bronze rank legendary quality oath of the valley.

Lin Yuan looked at the six legendary spirit creatures in front of him, and a sunny smile appeared on his face.

This is not to say that Lin Yuan is pleased with the preciousness of these six legendary spirits of the bronze rank.

It is because these six bronze-order epic qualities actually brought two surprises to Lin Yuan when they evolved into legendary qualities.

The first surprise naturally comes from the three-tailed dragon and phoenix mountain carp.

In order to allow the three-tailed dragon and phoenix mountain carp to improve the quality to the legendary quality, Lin Yuan then promoted the dragon and phoenix mountain carp.

So Lin Yuan has been suppressing the three-tailed dragon and phoenix carp's rank promotion.

Therefore, Longfengjiang Mountain Carp has accumulated a lot of spiritual power in the body.

And now that the three-tailed dragon and phoenix river carp reaches the Bronze level ten legendary quality, evolution has happened together.

The evolution of the three-tailed dragon, phoenix, and mountain carps from the tenth level of the bronze to the silver level can only be regarded as a small surprise.

However, the three-tailed dragon and phoenix river carp gave Lin Yuan a bigger surprise.

Because under the real data of Lin Yuan Mobius's skills, the name of the three-tailed dragon, phoenix, and mountain carp has evolved to the silver level.

This three-tailed Longfengjiang Mountain Carp should no longer be called Longfengjiang Mountain Carp.

The sixth is to ask for a recommendation ticket

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End of this chapter