Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 411: Do better

The woman wearing the four-star creation master's badge, regardless of the bitterness of the man's face.

I just continued to say what I thought I should say.

"This iron bone iguana will only waste spirits when it is cultivated, which is equivalent to wasting your own potential."

"You might as well pour the resources to breed this iron bone iguana on your other spirits."

The bitter taste on the man's face is stronger.

I only have Iron Bone Iguana, the main battle spirit.

Although I realized a total of three will runes, one will run with the iron bone iguana, making the iron bone iguana a fantasy species.

The other two runes of will are flying around their spiritual power in their spiritual space.

But even if you don't cultivate the iron bone iguana, you can cultivate other spirits.

Since the resources he can earn are limited, at most he can only choose a spirit of perfect quality with a copper rank to make a contract.

Bronze level perfect quality spirits want to upgrade to legendary quality, the resources consumed do not know how many years they need to accumulate themselves?

The man very seriously thanked the woman wearing the four-star founder's badge.

Then walked firmly into the night.

This world has always been difficult to give birth to.

From the first spirit of the childhood contract, the children of the Hanmen have been opened by the children of the noble family to a chasm like a sky scar.

Even if the children of Hanmen are fortunate to become king-level strongmen, they do not know how much blood and tears they will pay than those of the children born in the noble family.

However, among the king-level powerhouses, the king-level powerhouses who were born like themselves and were always at the bottom exist forever.

Zhou Luo has long seen the world transparent.

Although Zhou Luo was still desperate in his heart, he is still calm now.

For the underprivileged children, growing up always needs to face troubles and despair.

Then I walked one by one by the trouble and despair.

A seemingly bitter life is actually about changing destiny.

Along the way, Zhou Luo felt like a hero.

In Zhou Luo's view, there is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love it after recognizing the true image of life.

Zhou Luo originally planned to go to the trade union union to see if there was a task suitable for him.

Suddenly, Zhou Luo thought of the application he submitted when he saw the exchange news sent by the shop that Xingwang followed.


Hearing in the room thinking about the way to pass 270 objects mixed with fully jade wood powder every day.

Come to open up the situation of the development of the Chamber of Commerce.

On the one hand, the recorder can't buy the store, and all the friends have quoted 30 jinlian beads.

Although I knew that most of the people in the group were bigwigs before listening.

But now looking at the quotations made by the big brothers for these thirty Jinlian beads, it still makes the listener secretly startled.

I couldn’t help but sigh, “These big guys are so rich!”

At the same time listening, I can feel that I am being managed by Lin Yuan@, after managing this group welfare auction.

These gangsters in the group treat changes in their attitudes.

Listening always knows where your strengths are.

Listening to the group also intentionally wants to have a good relationship with other people in the group.

So it's great to listen to people in the group.

But that's just the relationship between being able to water each other.

Now listening can clearly feel that some of the big guys in the group obviously have a sense of wooing themselves.

If you want to borrow yourself, you can switch from Lin Yuanna to Duo Jinlianzhu more.

Even because Lin Yuan has not replied to the Starnet news, there are still many people who have the opportunity to get in touch with Lin Yuan through themselves.

For these people's enthusiasm and showing good, listening did not refuse.

On the contrary, listening is happy to accept.

Lin Yuan took the resources to come out to bid and auction, listening to nature, he must work hard to help Lin Yuan maximize the benefits of these resources.

However, these derived interest relationship listeners should also be well utilized to subtly help the development of the Lulu Chamber of Commerce.

Otherwise, if you want to waste this network of resources.

After listening, I felt that I was a little disappointed by Lin Yuan.

Just then, I heard three knocks at the door.

Listening tapped the table rhythmically with fingers three times.

Fei Qianqiong pushed open the door directly, came to the listening side, and said respectfully to the listening.

"President, I didn't drop the chain over there. Bi Chenghu has already handed over all the spiritual resources on and off the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce to me."

"At that time, please arrange for how to deal with the spiritual resources of the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce."

Hearing the words, asked with some doubts.

"How can the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce choose to give up this beast resource that can screen out high-quality mutant spirits?"

Fei Qianqiong heard and asked outspoken.

"President, don't look at the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce has now developed into an emerging force, but the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce is not a founder."

"Even one-star and two-star founder Bi Chenghu was forced to deliver to the Zheng family. The spirit beast resources without the support of the founder have always been rejected by Bi Chenghu, but Bi Chenghu has never made up his mind to deal with this spirit beast resource. .com"

Speaking of which, Fei Qianqiang couldn't help but praise himself for his acting skills against Bi Chenghu and Bi Chengxiong.

He said after listening to his thoughts.

"Since the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce wants to sell the spirit beast resources in our hands, then we will secretly eat the spirit beast resources."

Fei Qianqiang remembered his expression of Spirit Beast Resources and Spirit Material Resources before, and said Bi Chenghu's expression.

"After the online and offline spirit beast resources of the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce, Bi Chenghu transferred his future business direction to high-end luxury resources through the Zheng family. I estimate that the spirit wall resources of the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce are not far away."

Fei Qianqiong greatly admired the young man with Danfeng eyes and tears at the corner of his eyes sitting at the table.

According to what he heard and taught himself, he chatted with Bi Chenghu for an hour.

Only step by step, Bi Chenghu's idea of ​​shifting the development of the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce towards high-end luxury resources.

Otherwise, relying on his acting skills, he did not listen to what he taught himself.

Even if he could cheat Bi Chenghu, he would never be able to influence Bi Chenghu's ambitions and thoughts.

The listening finger tapped the tabletop gently, making a beeping sound, and the calculation in his mind was fast.

"The investment required for the business direction of high-end luxury resources is not a small sum."

"If Bi Chenghu is thinking about developing high-end luxury resources, he will inevitably gather materials and keep throwing away other resources."

"So you help Bi Chenghu throw away the online and offline resources of the Spirit Beast of the Iron Wall Chamber of Commerce. It must be beautiful."

"Only let Bi Chenghu taste the sweetness, he will be able to rest assured you to do this kind of thing in the future."