Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 419: What a scumbag!

Liu Jie first Lin Yuan stepped back to the room. Just when Lin Yuan was about to return to the room, he only listened to Hu Quan.

"I really don't know where you come up with so many ideas, others are afraid that there will be no waste in getting this completely jade made of Phoebe chinensis."

"However, you let me pull out the crystallized gold wire in the gold nanmu one by one."

Lin Yuan heard the words, scratched his head, and asked Hu Quan.

"Uncle Hu, is there any difficulty in pulling the gold wire from the fully jade-like gold silk Phoebe?"

Hu Quan said with a smile.

"I wouldn't be able to handle these crystallized gold wires if there weren't such fantasy-like woven woods before."

"Even if I were able to separate these crystallized gold wires from these fully jade-like golden silk nanmu, they would not be as complete as they are now."

"However, the batch of fully jade wood you gave me is really a lot."

"Remove all the crystallized gold wire out of it, and it will take 13 to 14 days to say less."

Speaking of which, Hu Quan rolled his eyes and said with a grin.

"Why don't you tell Wen Yu how will you stay up late during this time!"

"Then I shouldn't let Liu Jie make pork liver soup for me while I stay up late."

Lin Yuanwen didn't even want to say directly.

"Uncle Hu is not in a hurry. You watch it during the day. Even if you stay up late, even if I go to Wen Yu, it won't count."

Lin Yuan also opposed Hu Quan's staying up all night.

Compared to Hu Quan's creativity as a five-star spirit craftsman.

Lin Yuan also hopes that Hu Quan can create in a healthy state.

Not to catch up on work and stay up all day to affect your health.

Lin Yuan has never regarded Hu Quan as a toolman, thinking of squeezing Hu Quan's labor force at any time.

When Hu Quan's image was pieced together on the landscape wall behind him.

Hu Quan is already a part of the manor.

Hu Quan saw that his idea didn't work, and said directly that he was not angry.

"Okay, I'm going to be busy. Come back to the house, don't let Liu Jie wait."

Lin Yuan now knows what it means to throw it away!

No, it should be said that it is useless to throw!

What a scumbag!

When Lin Yuan landed on Xingwang this time, he put on the face the mask with the sky pattern on the sky made of Hu Quan's jade silk thread.

When Lin Yuan arrived at the door of the shop where he couldn't afford to lose money, he just saw an acquaintance.

Lin Yuan saw a temper tantrum at the door of his shop and greeted him directly.

Lin Yuan didn't recognize Lin Yuan until he took the initiative to say hello.

I have to say that Lin Yuan wearing a mask made by Hu Quan only leaked out his mouth and chin, and it really seemed a bit mature.

Tempered to see Lin Yuan said quickly.

"Sir, why have the shops recently stopped selling silver-grade Qingluo and elite-level goldfish?"

Lin Yuan heard the words and said with a smile.

"It started only yesterday, and it doesn't necessarily stop at what time."

"If you need silver-grade Qingluo, you can send me a message directly to find me."

Lin Yuan cherishes the people he knew when he was weak.

Tempered, he quickly waved his hand and said.

"Adult, don't trouble you anymore. I don't know how much benefit Bai Bai has in your fan base!"

Temper tantrums thank Lin Yuan very much.

Lin Yuan shot at the same time helping his daughter heal the spiritual creatures whose origin was damaged.

He also smoothly improved the quality of his daughter's spirits, which is simply a great grace.

And during this time, the temper tantrums met many bigwigs in the fan base where Lin Yuan couldn't buy a star shop.

Just listening to the news of these big brothers chatting, he had a few temperament sales.

This made the tantrums earn a lot of shining coins.

The brilliance coins earned in this month of temper tantrums are more than the two years of earning a job in the guild alliance.

Lin Yuan wanted to invite a violent temper into the store for a while.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to invite the temper tantrum, he only listened to the temper tantrum.

"Master, you are busy first. The roast chicken I have is very delicious. Wait for me to send you a roast chicken!"

After losing his temper, Lin Yuan couldn't afford to buy

Just like usual, you can do a group of fans in the fan group who can’t buy the star shop.

In the daily water crowd, the violent temper accidentally said that he leaked his mouth.

Temper tantrum: I saw the group owner in front of the Xingwang store. The group owner seemed to be preparing to enter the store without knowing what to do.

The news of the tantrums in the group brightened the eyes of many gangsters.

The group owner has always been mysterious. After he and others entered the group, they only saw that the group owner only auctioned thirty Jinlian beads in the group in the form of group welfare.

I never saw the group owner say anything else.

The owner of the group can't get in touch even if he wants to contact.

Because this mysterious leader is so cold that he does not reply to any news at all.

Now that the group owner has appeared in the shop, many of the group's big brothers who have seen the news of the tantrum start to act directly.

Lin Yuan didn't stand at the door for a few minutes, and saw Liu Jie coming over wearing a mask made by Hu Quan. UU reading

Liu Jie usually wears a special tailor-made Baizi suit for the members of Huiyao Baizi sequence in the Starnet.

But today Hu Quan changed the Baizi suit and put on a red gold harem armor.

With Liu Jie wearing a mask, the jaw-like jaws only appeared extremely heroic.

When Liu Jie saw Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan was standing at the door of the store and opened the door of the originally closed Xingwang store.

Upon seeing this, Liu Jie knew that he really made himself guess right.

Lin Yuan is really the mysterious shopkeeper who can't buy the star shop.

After meeting with Lin Jie and Liu Jie, they went directly to the inside of a shop where they couldn't buy

Lin Yuan couldn't buy it, and there were no shelves inside the StarNet store.

Since Lin Yuan also recently delisted the silver-scale Qingluo and the elite-spirit goldfish, this made it impossible to buy the star shop.

In addition, when Lin Yuan opened the store, the standard long table presented by Xingwang was also placed inside the store.

This makes it impossible to buy a star shop. It seems to be a restaurant with only one table, rather than a spoiler store.

Lin Yuan asked Liu Jie to come to the store and wait half an hour in advance, at 9:30.

But less than five minutes after Lin Yuan and Liu Jie sat down, they saw a thin man walk in at the door.

Lin Yuan asked the thin man.

"Is it Zhou Luo?"

The personal data sent by the two king-level strongmen that Lin Yuan had received before had their own appearance.

Lin Yuan has recognized that Zhou Luo is the king-level strongman who possesses three runes of will but the main battle spirit is very weak.