Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 420: Are you worthy?

When Zhou Luo heard the strange masked young man call out his name in the shop, he finally made sure that he did not go wrong.

Zhou Luo looked at the furnishings around the store in surprise.

Some can’t believe that the legendary one can’t buy a star shop. There are no spirits or materials, only a normal table.

Zhou Luo said quickly.

"I am Zhou Luo, can my main battle creature Iron Bone Iguana reach the level you require?"

Lin Yuan heard the words, flipped it around, and summoned a chair.

This chair was the same as the chair Lin Yuan was sitting under, and was given by Xingwang when Lin Yuan opened the shop.

At this time, Zhou Luo only heard one of the youths wearing a weird mask.

"Sit for a while, there will be another person later, and we will talk together when the people are here."

When Zhou Luo heard the words, he sat in a chair.

Secretly looked at the two masked youths sitting not far from each other.

Zhou Luo looked at the mask alone, and he could see that the man in the white-blue color-robed robe was obviously taller than the man in the red-golden body armor.

Want to come to this man wearing white and blue color-robed robes, it should be the owner of this small shop that can't afford to lose.

At the same time, Zhou Luo's heart was a bit discouraged. His iron bone iguana was nothing but the existence of a nine-level fantasy in the platinum stage.

In terms of strength, it is not easy to say who wins or loses those diamond ranks four or five spirits that are not fantasy species.

Does such strength really have a chance to win a future?

At this time, the best future fantasy in Zhou Luo's mind will be to be able to obtain five celestial-grade elemental pearls produced by the elemental shell.

Let his main battle spirit, the iron bone iguana, completely mutate the huge sarcoma on the neck into a second head.

Just when Zhou Luohu was thinking about it,

Lin Yuan has set up an access control system for the star shop that he can't afford to buy. After setting it for a while, he can only enter alone.

The setting of access control is the privilege of the owner of Xingwang to open a private shop.

Of course, except for such as Lin Yuan, there is no worry about the buyer's shop.

Other shops have the privilege of setting up access control, and may not use it once in a lifetime.

Time passed quickly, and half an hour passed quickly, and Lin Yuan's brow slowly wrinkled.

The time at this time has reached the agreed ten o'clock.

But Leng Rin did not appear within the agreed time.

Another five minutes passed, just as Lin Yuan was about to cancel Leng Rin's entry.

I saw a man with a big waist and a round waist came into the door.

This man with big waist and round waist is Leng Rin.

Leng Rin's eyes looked around the room, and then walked in front of Lin Yuan and said carelessly.

"I just watched the video of the game at Xingwang Video Museum, and it took five minutes."

Lin Yuan heard Leng Rin's careless tone, and her brows were tighter.

At this time, Lin Yuan directly changed the question mark on Leng Rin's heart to a wrong number.

Leng Rin's inattentive attitude now shows that Leng Rin did not take this meeting seriously at all.

Not only shows Leng Rin's contempt for the attitude of his own forces, but also shows that Leng Rin is not a person who keeps time.

Before Lin Yuan spoke, Lin Yuan heard Leng Rin speak again.

"You don't have so many good things in this small shop like others told me!"

"I came to ask for the request and show it to me. If I can't meet my request, I won't be wasting time with you."

Lin Yuan heard that his frowned eyebrows stretched out, but his eyes were no longer on Leng Rin's body.

Lin Yuan asked no differently than usual.

"Are you coming to me for the purpose of exchanging this bronze-order epic-quality spirit for life?"

Leng Rin heard the words and shook her head directly.

"Fate? What kind of fate is definitely impossible for loyalty pledges, but I can complete the mission according to your orders. After completing certain missions, exchange the bronze-level epic-quality lizard spirits from you."

"If your task is more difficult to complete, I can also help you find more king-level strongmen to help you complete the task together, but you need to pay for it."

"Of course, if you are willing to give me the bronze-class epic-quality lizard creatures first, I can count 10% less for each mission."

Leng Rin had just finished speaking, and heard a deep voice.

"Give you the bronze-level epic qualities first, are you worthy?"

Between the speeches, Liu Jie, wearing a red gold body armor, had stood up.

Based on what Lin Yuan just said to himself, Liu Jie knew that the purpose of coming to the Xingwang store this time was to recruit Wang-level strongmen.

Let these king-level strongmen become white suitors in the sky city.

The essential purpose is that Lin Yuan intends to start expanding the force of the sky city.

Lin Yuan also said that he would pour the bronze-level epic quality spirit resources to the recruits in white clothes.

It is tantamount to saying that Lin Yuan must make a huge investment for every follower in white.

Lin Yuan’s wealth is generous, and UU reading is afraid that few people will know better than Liu Jie, who has been with Lin Yuan since the earliest.

It's just that this man with a big waist and a round waist, who wants to get the quality resources of the epic bronze order first, is reluctant to be greedy.

If you take out the bronze-level epic quality resources, you can hire a king-level peak strong team to complete a mission.

Instead of hiring a king-level strongman who doesn't even have a time concept to do multiple tasks.

Obviously it is still a good deal to hire a team of king-level pinnacle powerhouses.

Hearing Liu Jie's words, Leng Rin's face clearly showed an unpleasant look.

"You are nothing more than an Xingwang shop. If you have heard that you have ever resold any kind of epic quality creatures of bronze rank in this shop before."

"I wouldn't even think about coming here to do odd jobs in your place. Compared with our giant axe mercenaries, your Xingwang store is far from it!"

Liu Jie heard the words even more gloomy.

Lin Yuan was not angry, just dumbfounded.

Lin Yuan has always been accustomed to treating other forces as leeks, and will always use the mass-produced things in his lock space to harvest wildly.

But this time, there were king-level strongmen who clearly had the power of loyalty.

But I wanted to come to the Xingwang store to pick up the leek.

And this coldness not only wants to cut his own leek, but also wants the middleman to make the difference.

Speaking of the giant axe mercenary, Lin Yuan learned all the major forces in Wen Yuna.

There really is no such name as a giant axe mercenary.

Lin Yuan looked at Liu Jie and asked.

"Brother Liu, have you heard of the giant axe mercenary?"

Liu Jie heard the words and shook his head, but the look at Leng Rin's eyes was still very gloomy.