Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 458: Never let him live

But now, Lin Yuan finally knows where the large numbers of high-order water world corpses that appeared on the shore came from.

At this time, there is about five kilometers away from the shore.

The flesh and blood of the water world dimensional creatures below the gold scale had not yet reached the shore, but rotted and sank in the sea water.

Only the flesh and blood of the water world dimensional creatures above the gold level have the opportunity to be sent to the shore by the waves, and then rot on the shore.

Lin Yuan looked at the cancer spirit buried in Hailianhua in his hand, and understood why the mother plant of this cancer spirit buried in Hailianhua appeared here.

Feelings There are a lot of water world dimensional creatures and flesh at any time, so that Burial Hailianhua can have a meal on the barren seabed.

Therefore, it is very difficult to bury Hailianhua on the white bone lotus derivative, and then choose to hide and take root here.

This scene in front of him is definitely a big discovery for Lin Yuan.

The mother of the blood bath also sank.

Feel the volatility of the space that disappeared after spitting a lot of high-order water world creatures in the sea.

Frowning, he seemed to be thinking about the reason.

After a long while, when there were no more pieces of water world mortal creatures in the sea, Lin Yuan directly summoned the ethereal jellyfish.

Ethereal jellyfish, as a source creature in the space system, can sense even tentacle nodes established thousands of miles away.

Nature's ability to perceive space is extremely strong.

Lin Yuan intends to let the ethereal jellyfish go to explore, just in this sea area, the spatial fluctuations of spitting out a large number of water world dimensional creatures have just appeared.

After the ethereal jellyfish was summoned by Lin Yuan, the figure shuttled through the space, suddenly disappearing.

Just thinking about falling on Lin Yuan's head, I thought of Lin Yuan's severe warning to himself before.

The ethereal jellyfish quickly moved down and landed on Lin Yuan's neck, looking very satisfied.

Seeing the appearance of ethereal jellyfish, the mother of the blood bath swallowed directly.

I can't help but think of the wonderful taste of the cold dishes mixed with Liu Jie, the sauce jellyfish skin and the sweet and spicy jellyfish.

Lin Yuan said to the ethereal jellyfish.

"Void Jellyfish, I will go to the sea and tell me all the energy fluctuations in space that you can detect."

The ethereal jellyfish heard Lin Yuan's order and flickered directly from Lin Yuan's neck.

The phantom seems to have cut through several dimensions, and disappeared for a while.

Space jellyfish has appeared in the sea at the foot of Lin Yuan, shaking his newly born tentacles, perceiving the hidden energy fluctuations in the sea.

At this time, Lin Yuan hurriedly began to deal with the burial of Hailianhua in his hand.

Lin Yuan didn't pull the crystal of the wooden system crying from the burial sea lotus.

The level of the cancer spirit buried in Hailianhua is actually based on the energy contained in the crystal of Weeping Sea.

If Lin Yuan took the crying sea crystals off, the cancer spirit buried in Hailian Hua would immediately fall from the current level of elite quality at the silver level to the level of ordinary quality at the ordinary level.

Although cancer spirits are just like normal spirits, they can be contracted by Reiki professionals.

It was even locked by Mobius's exclusive characteristics.

However, in Lin Yuan's view, it is clear that the burial of Hailianhua by the cancer spirit is not suitable for the contract and fighting.

It is more suitable for becoming an excellent producer like element shellfish.

Such as the funeral of the sea lotus, there is no spirit, only rely on instinctive action.

Lin Yuan wants to put it in the lock-spirit space for cultivation, he needs to restrict it.

The best way to restrict cancer spirits from burying Hailianhua is to make them essentially dependent on themselves.

The burial sea lotus leaving the water is constantly becoming weak. The burial sea lotus itself is not strong, and it can even be said to be very delicate.

If you leave the water for a long time, the buried sea lotus will wither, leaving only the roots that entangle the crystal of the weeping sea and enter the state of suspended animation.

Lin Yuan’s timely operation of the spiritual power in his body allowed Burial Lotus to absorb the pure aura from his palm in his own hands.

Every time Lin Yuan just released a trace of pure aura, he quickly stopped.

Let Hailianhua, a cancerous creature, taste the sweetness and immediately lose the absorption of this pure aura like honey.

Burial Hailian Hua absorbs all kinds of mottled energy in the seabed. Such pure aura as Lin Yuan releases to Bu Hailian Hua is invitingly intoxicating.

Whenever Lin Yuan stopped operating the spiritual power in his body, Burial Hailianhua grieved and shook the holy branches.

You are good or bad, I want an aura gesture.

It's like coquetry with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuanze is like a top-notch scum man, letting the cancerous creature bury Hailianhua feel instinctively dependent on himself.

By pulling, giving, and retrieving, Bu Hailian Hua deepens her dependence on herself.

After going back and forth for a while, Lin Yuan buried Hailianhua, a cancer spirit, into the Lingling Pond in the Lingling Space.

The buried Hailianhua who entered the Lingling Pond immediately seemed to be drunk, indulging in absorbing the huge and pure aura in the spiritual space.

Due to the inexhaustible pure aura in the lock-spirit space, the cancer spirit buried in Hailianhua has no time to spawn a bone-bone lotus derivative to help itself absorb energy.

Lin Yuan made the Jin Xie's wind speed antelope watch by the Hualing Pool.

If the cancerous creature burying Hailianhua had the idea of ​​spawning a bone lotus derivative, it immediately manipulated the wind energy to crush the derivative spawned by burying Hailianhua.

At this time, the level and quality of the Lingyu Yulong Xiaohei in the Lingling Pond are only the level of the legendary quality of the Bronze Rank 10.

There is no absolute suppression of the silver-grade fourth-class elite-quality Burial Lotus.

If after waiting for the introduction of the fantasy dragon fish Xiaohei to the fantasy species, by then leading the dragon fish Xiaohei alone, he will be able to exercise absolute control over the cancer burial of Hailianhua in the Lingling Pond.

At this moment, the space around Lin Yuan shook easily. UU reading

The ethereal jellyfish drilled out of this jittery space and came directly to Lin Yuan.

Like a treasure, he handed a fist-sized black ore into Lin Yuan's hands.

Then stroke the fist-sized black ore with tentacles, obviously facing the black ore and really like it.

Lin Yuan can feel the fluctuation of space energy in this black ore.

Just in the moment when the ethereal jellyfish was in the seabed on the bottom of the sea, the black ore was dug out with those two thick tentacles.

The mother of the blood bath looked at a location in the distant sea, and her eyes were just a condensation.

The mother of the blood bath said in a deep voice.

"Someone even arranged a magnetic stand to shield the space with an empty magnet!"

"Why does the aeromagnetic ore, which is only produced on other continents, appear in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic?"

Hearing the mother of the blood bath talking about other continents, Lin Yuan somehow remembered the crow spirit at the pinnacle of the mythical two realms killed by the mother of the blood bath and the endless summer.

After the ethereal jellyfish handed the empty magnet to Lin Yuan, he twitched his tentacles to convey a hazy message to Lin Yuan.

According to news from the ethereal jellyfish, Lin Yuan knew that there were still many empty magnets in this sea area.

Lin Yuan said to the mother of the blood bath.

"We might as well let the ethereal jellyfish dig out all the empty magnets in this sea area, and see if this magnetic stance opened by the empty magnets hides anything."

The mother of the blood bath nodded and heard a cold voice.

"Since there are creatures from other continents to illuminate the Federation's arrangement of such a magnetic shielding space position, no matter what the motive is, it can be defined as a terrorist."

"Such a person must never keep him alive."