Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 480: Not a self-explosive barrel!

Lin Yuan looked at these three red water blood snakes and couldn't help sighing.

These three red water blood snakes deserve the existence of the dragon blood veins.

Half a day ago, he was sprinkled with realgar powder, and now it is the same as not being hurt.

The spirit has all been restored.

Lin Yuan directly strengthened the three red water blood snakes with the dragon blood veins.

After a few hours, all the red blood blood snakes have been upgraded by Lin Yuan to the bronze level ten-level epic quality.

Although the exclusive characteristics of these three red blood blood snakes when they advance to the bronze rank are not important.

But Lin Yuan still promoted these three red water blood snakes to elite-level epic quality when they promoted them to the bronze rank.

Then, from the three exclusive features that appeared, I selected the one that Lin Yuan thought was the strongest.

After ascending, Lin Yuan took another Aura Crystal and crushed it.

Under the guidance of Mobius, the three red water blood snakes that have all reached the epic quality of the bronze rank, two thick earth element shells and the one sea element blue shell that had not been successfully upgraded before have been strengthened.

Since the aquamarine element shell has absorbed a lot of high-purity auras in the aura crystals, it has reached the edge of breaking the legendary quality.

So this time the six bronze-level epic quality spirits are all under one aura crystal, all of which have improved their quality to legendary quality.

Lin Yuan took the lead in collecting the three-tailed copper-order legendary red water blood snake into a platinum-order trapped spirit box.

When he was ready to return to Wangdu, he gave it to the mother of the blood bath together.

Immediately after that, Lin Yuan placed the sea-blue elemental azure and azure elemental shells out of the five legendary element-level shells in his hand to the original position.

Although the floating island whale acts as a spirit of heaven and earth, it can whale the aura and the water element wind element energy in the locked spirit space.

But after all, it can be absorbed in a limited time.

Before the epic quality of the aquamarine elemental shell and the azure elemental shell, it was just enough for the consumption of the floating island whale.

So now that the quality has been improved, every hour, Lin Yuan is able to save a piece of wind attributed celestial element pearl produced by azure element shell.

As well as the water-based celestial element pearl produced by the sea-blue element shell.

As for the fire attribute Celestial Element Pearl produced by the Seashell Yan Elemental Shell, due to the twin heads of the Fire Sacrifice Master, the one that has not yet matured the Spirit Sacrifice Fire could not be absorbed before.

So now the collection speed becomes much faster than before.

Coupled with two pearls of the celestial nature produced by the thick earth element shellfish, the source sand can only consume one within a period of time.

Therefore, the earth attribute Tiannian-level element Pearl Linyuan is basically equal to dry accumulation.

Lin Yuan felt that although he spent all the resources that could be flowed in the city of Indigo.

But at the current rate of resource accumulation, he will soon become rich.

With the speed of production of elemental pearls in her own hands, even if you are called the elemental pearl little prince!

Lin Yuan looked at the time and found that the time was now more than five o'clock in the morning.

Lin Yuan stayed in the lock space for another night.

But watching these elemental shells continually spit out celestial-grade elemental pearls, Lin Yuan did not feel tired, but felt extremely fulfilling.

It's still early, last night and everyone agreed to get up at 7:30.

There are still nearly two hours left for Lin Yuan to continue to strengthen the spirits.

Lin Yuan took the fairy-like creature burning sunflower first.

Looking at the size of this thumb, the fairy is burning sunflower.

Lin Yuan took a look when he was preparing to strengthen in his hand.

Then he burned the goblin-derived creature into the amber button-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box.

Chu Ci is now going out with Cang Yue, and his strength has definitely improved.

Lin Yuan doesn't know what strength Chu Chu's strength has reached.

Therefore, it would be better to wait for Chu Ci to come back after Lin Yuan had a thorough understanding of Chu Ci's spirits.

Then take the copper epic butterfly of Chu Ci's epic quality, and together with Burning Sunflower, upgrade the quality to the bronze legend quality.

Chu Ci has grown up. Even if he wants to treat his sister as a brother, he must respect his sister.

With regard to the selection of the exclusive characteristics of the fairy-derived creature burning sunflower, Lin Yuan intends to let Chu Ci make his own choice.

Chu Ci is now also a combat-type Reiki professional, and he has a far clearer path to see than others.

Lin Yuan now only hopes that after the breeding of this kind of fairy-like creature burning sunflower, he can choose under Chu Ci.

Let Chu Ci's fighting style not be so reckless!

The sister development plan of the iron bucket 3.0 is a strong iron bucket!

Instead of exploding barrels!

If Chu Ci was cultivated into a self-explosive barrel, Lin Yuan felt almost sorry for his status as brother.

After collecting the goblin-derived items and burning sunflowers, Lin Yuan directly took out the heaven and earth spirits and blood vines from the amber button-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box.

The blood-stuffed vines traded by Lin Yuan in Indigo City are of platinum epic quality.

It is already a mature heavenly creature. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

A mature heavenly creature such as a platinum-ranked epic-quality blood-stuffed vine only needs to supply enough blood.

Blood-stuffed grape vines can absorb the energy in the blood to form blood-stuffed grapes.

Blood-brewed vines have extremely high requirements on the quality and quantity of blood.

Like a blood-stamped vine in the platinum rank, if you want to grow a bunch of blood-stuffed grapes, at least it takes thousands of blood energy in the platinum-level spirit.

Moreover, the blood energy in these thousands of platinum-order spirits cannot be supplied by ordinary blood.

It must be the refined blood obtained after purification.

Heaven and Earth Spirit-Blooded Grapevines are also very demanding on essential blood.

If the quality of refined blood is not enough, even if a blood-stuffed grape is produced, the grains of the blood-stuffed grape will be too small.

Lin Yuan had made a conjecture between the eyes of the sacrifice offering out of the red thorn and the blood-vine vines of heaven and earth.

Lin Yuan was a little upset now, and did not know whether the eyes of the sacrifice offering out of the red thorns could allow the heaven and earth spirits to make blood vines to absorb.

Which results in bleeding grapes?

Lin Yuan summoned the red thorn from the leaf-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box.

After seeing Lin Yuan, Hong Ting immediately rejoiced.

Obviously, a huge flower that has evolved more cheek-shaped petals is beeping.

"Lin Yuan...Red Thorn...I miss you...!"

Although the red prickly cheek-shaped flowers blow out, it is a bit intermittent.

But obviously Red Thorn can already show what he wants to express!

It can be said during this time that being smart is absolutely indispensable.

Ever since I wisely promised Red Thorn to teach Red Thorn to speak.

I have been doing my due diligence and always go to the leaf-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box to guide the red thorn.