Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 534: Definition of pampering

After the month, cut the meat on the pork ribs of Shilingxiang pig into small pieces and sprinkle with plum sauce made with several diamond-level plums.

He handed this carefully placed Lingshi pork rib to Lin Yuan and said.

"These spirit-eating pigs were fed too many good things by the chef, and they were a little fat."

"Even if it's baked with top-level bizarre flame meteorites produced in the fifth-dimensional fissures, it's still a bit boring."

"The plum sauce made with Hanxin plum tastes sour and sweet, and it is very greasy, and it tastes good with it."

If it was just Cangyue, it would be an exaggeration for the adults to grind the jujube with diamond-level crystal silk moisturizing dates.

So at this time Xuanyue felt that the adult after the month was really too exaggerated.

Han Xin Mei Ke is a good medicine that can treat the original wounds.

Healing is a Reiki professional, although it can treat various injuries.

However, if the ordinary aura professional does not have special exclusive features for the contracted creatures, it can only quickly help the aura professional, the aura and even the source creature recover from trauma.

And heart damage can no longer be counted as trauma, but can be counted as a category of source damage.

You need to create a teacher with a spiritual material to prepare the spirit, to help heal.

The plums produced by the botanical spirits are very effective in restoring heart injuries.

The low-level Hanxin plums are not only circulated in the treasure shop of Xingwang, but can also be bought in some large chambers of commerce. It is not a precious thing.

But the heart-shaped plums of the diamond rank are different.

Because Hanxinmei is a kind of spirit that is extremely difficult to cultivate the rank.

Most spiritual creatures, even if they absorb spirit goldfish that need to absorb several times the aura to advance, can advance normally if they have absorbed enough aura.

However, Han Xinmei will get stuck in the process of the golden rank.

Only after absorbing the core of ten plums with the same level as your own can you advance smoothly.

If you want to cultivate a high-level plum blossom, you don't know how many low-level plum blossoms you need. Use your own tree core as a sacrifice.

In the hands of the founder, the silver-scale Hanxinmei can heal the injury caused by the violent shock of the heart.

In the hands of the architect, even the heart wall of the heart can be repaired by the platinum-level Hanmei plum.

The diamond-shaped heart-shaped plum can even repair the broken atrium and ventricle in the hands of the creator, which can be said to save lives.

Another characteristic of Hanxinmei is that Hanxinmei tastes very good.

As a spiritual material that can heal the damaged roots, Hanxinmei tastes much better than high-grade plums used as food ingredients.

Some large families use the habit of eating heart-shaped plums, and add some dried fruit-containing plums to season when cooking.

However, even in the luxury giants will not easily eat more than the golden order of plums.

Xuanyue understands that after the moon, adults are not extravagant people, and now they will make plum sauce with diamond-level heart-shaped plums to make up for Lin Yuan.

The heart is an organ used to pump blood. Lin Yuan's loss of blood for too long will affect the heart's blood pumping function.

However, Lin Yuan had already eaten half of the radish of Lord Rabbit Emperor, but he was seriously injured and feared that he would become alive and well.

In the orchard of Qingyue Mountain, there are seven or eight diamond-shaped heart-shaped plum trees, which can produce a batch of plums every year.

But Lin Yuan didn't even need diamond-level plums to warm his heart again!

It can be said that after seeing the moon and getting along with Lin Yuan each time, he is refreshing Xuan Yue's definition of the kind of master's love for apprentices.

As for the use of top-level bizarre flame meteor shock to roast whole pigs, it is not a waste.

Meteor shock is not used for roasting meat, but the world will use top-level bizarre flames for roasting, I am afraid that everyone except Master Chef will do it every day.

Only adults can do it after months.

After the coming month, the adult wanted to shake the fat in the soul-eating pig through the vibration characteristics of the meteor shock.

Xuanyue only saw Lin Yuan handing over a plate of cut pork ribs after seeing the moon, and saw that Cangyue, who had always been cold, was also carefully holding the ribs of the shaved pork.

Cut the slices of the most flaming meat on the pork ribs of the Shilingxiang pork ribs and place them on the plate.

Xuanyue was a little curious. Cangyue usually doesn't eat meat. Why are you now starting to slice the meat on the pork ribs of Lingxiang?

When Xuanyue saw that Cangyue had finished the meat on the pork ribs, he cut a roasted golden crispy pork skin.

After Cangyue cut the pork skin into thin strips, a spoonful of plum sauce covered the crispy pork skin and boning meat.

This makes the sweet and sour plums, the crispy pork skin, and the fragrant pork tenderness blend together perfectly.

It has two completely different tastes, and it can be said to be the best way to eat Lingxiang pig with a sweet and sour taste.

Xuanyue can't help but sigh that people will become, Cangyue usually doesn't eat meat at all, now it seems to become a foodie once he eats meat!

When Xuanyue sighed, Xuanyue only saw Cangyue just like the month after.

Cangyue did not put the plate in front of Lin Yuan, but in front of Chu Ci.

Immediately after that, Xuanyue found that Cangyue had glanced at herself, and his eyes were full of flaunting taste.

It's like saying.

"Oh, it's really useless. I haven't even received an apprentice for so long."

Xuanyue just thought that the pork that was eaten in his mouth could not be chewed!

The two pairs of mentors and disciples, a pair of brothers and sisters, seem to be spreading cat food.

And he became a trembling meow who could only choose to eat cat food.

Xuanyue couldn't help but sprout the idea that he would also accept an apprentice.

Lin Yuan was eating pork ribs cut by knife after knife, feeling the caring of himself after the moon.

Lin Yuan also asked about the matter of the holy source in the depths of his soul.

When I talked to Lin Yuan about the holy source thing a few months ago, I told Lin Yuan not to tell anyone the ability of his holy source thing.

What Lin Yuan wants to ask is not a question about the physical power of the Holy Source that he has contracted. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Because Lin Yuan doesn't even know what power he has contracted with the holy source.

"Master, is it possible to merge the things of the Holy Source?"

Lin Yuan's question made the month stunned, and he hurriedly talked about it soon after.

"Some people's souls are strong enough to exist in a situation where they can contract two holy sources, but I have never heard of the fusion of holy sources."

After the month, I don’t know why Lin Yuan asked, but after the month, I knew that Lin Yuan had contracted a sacred source in the dimensional crack.

So now Lin Yuan asks questions about things of the holy source, so that he will be extra focused.


(End of this chapter)


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