Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 601: The Exclusive Features of Huang Fei Jin

Lin Yuan was a bit worried at the beginning, and Chu Ci's steel butterfly did not evolve towards the emerald green butterfly.

Because the steel butterfly wants to evolve in the direction of the emerald green butterfly, it is required in the combined will rune.

The rune of will needs to have a green meaning that is realized from the vegetation.

But Chu Ci's rune of will will be realized from observing the steel butterfly that he has contracted.

For Chu Ci, this rune of will comprehended from the steel butterfly is undoubtedly the most suitable for the steel butterfly itself.

But now the steel butterfly is still evolving in the direction of the emerald green butterfly, which is also gratifying.

The reason why Lin Yuan chose Jinmu double-attribute pollen is on the one hand to fit Chu Ci's metal rune will.

On the other hand, it is also the wood attribute in pollen that can replace the green grass in the rune of will during the evolution of the steel butterfly.

It has a positive effect on the transformation and evolution of the steel butterfly.

Not waiting for Lin Yuan to settle down for ten seconds.

Just before the light of the emerald green water is about to become larger, the yellow moisturized gloss suddenly pierced the emerald green moisturized gloss.

The yellow watery luster continues to expand, and the metallic luster of the outer layer has been dispersed in a flash.

Lin Yuan shook his head. In the end, due to the rune of will, the stainless steel butterfly did not completely evolve in the direction of the emerald green butterfly.

But the emerald green watery luster at the beginning showed that the steel butterfly really evolved in the direction of the emerald green butterfly.

The current process can be said to have mutated during the evolution of the steel butterfly to the emerald green butterfly.

The yellow water was shiny and lustrous, and suddenly became transparent.

This sense of transparency is very similar to that of the finest yellow jade.

Just then a slap-sized yellow butterfly flew out of the halo and fell directly into Chu Ci's fingers.

Lin Yuan saw that the yellow butterfly was full of voluptuousness, and every part of the body was carved out of bright jade.

There are many golden lines on the light wings.

Looking closely at these lines, there are some flowers like gold skirt petal peony.

If the previous stainless steel butterfly looks like an ordinary piece of steel, then the current stainless steel butterfly is a precious jade that will be fascinating by itself.

When Lin Yuan viewed the evolution plan of the steel butterfly from the data, he saw the image data of the emerald green butterfly.

At this time, the steel butterfly promoted to the fantasy species is compared with the emerald green butterfly. The only difference may be the color and the peony pattern on the body.

From the texture of the wings, Lin Yuan can be sure that his previous thoughts should be correct.

The stainless steel butterfly has indeed mutated from the evolution to the emerald green butterfly.

Lin Yuan did not make too many guesses. He directly used the real data of Mobius’ skills to check the attributes of the steel butterfly after he was promoted to the fantasy species.

【Fantasy Name】: Yellow Emerald Butterfly

[Spirit Species]: Pterididae

[Spirit Level]: Bronze Rank (10/10)

[Spiritual Department]: Gold

[Quality]: Fantasy changes


[Wing block]: Hard metal is condensed on the wings to block, and there is a certain chance that the force of the block will bounce back when blocking.

[Golden Emerald Shield]: Quickly attach to the target and condense a solid yellow emerald shield that can follow the target.

Exclusive features:

[Response tremor]: When attacked, it will bounce back part of the damage, whether it is a physical attack or a spell attack, in the form of energy tremor.

[Explode Shield Counterattack]: Crush all the shields on your own target, and at the same time condense the maximum attack that the shield can withstand in one blow to cause huge damage.

After checking the attributes, Lin Yuan found that the name of the previous steel butterfly had changed to the yellow jade butterfly.

And the quality has changed from the previous legendary quality to fantasy.

Seeing the ordinary skill wing block, Lin Yuan found that the wing block, which had only played a defensive effect, is now blocking damage.

There is also a certain chance that the damage received will rebound.

It can be said that the effect of this rebound damage alone has caused the earth-shaking changes to the yellow feather butterfly's ordinary skill wing block.

However, Lin Yuan suddenly had a masterpiece.

I just think that the ability to rebound damage looks like a prelude to recklessness.

Seeing the promotion of the yellow jade butterfly to the fantasy species, and the newly added exclusive features of the explosive shield to counterattack, Lin Yuan couldn't help but hold his hand.

Now Lin Yuan finally knows what is happening to the sharpness behind the thick sense like a shield in the will rune comprehended by Chu Ci.

The exclusive characteristics of the explosive shield counterattack, directly destroy all the shields, and transform the original damage-bearing ability of the shield into an attack power to issue a supreme blow.

It is equivalent to sacrificing all the defensive talents of a defensive aura professional, and instantly becomes a strong attack aura professional.

And the stronger the ability of the defensive aura professional, the more powerful the attack power will be.

Lin Yuan looked at the evolved yellow jade butterfly flying in front of Chu Ci, but felt more and more angry.

I don’t know what Chuci’s will will determine the evolution of the yellow jade butterfly.

Or the yellow jade butterfly has evolved to fulfill Chu Ci's desire.

Lin Yuan felt that compared to his almighty Reiki professional wearing the Healing Reiki professional skin.

Chu Ci is more like a combat-type Reiki professional wearing the defense-type Reiki professional skin.

At this moment, the plan for the transformation of the sister of the iron barrel made by yourself should be able to declare bankruptcy.

The previous plans of 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 were all well implemented.

However, after the steel had been promoted to the fantasy species to become the yellow jade butterfly, all stranded.

Even Lin Yuan’s transformation plan for the sister of the iron bucket was too late to implement, and he could only die.

But Lin Yuan had to admit that even if his iron bucket sister's transformation plan failed.

The unique characteristics of the steel butterfly promotion to fantasy species are also absolutely strong.

Even the exclusive feature of explosive shield counterattack alone, to a certain extent, laid the foundation for the formation of a combat system after Chu Ci as a defensive aura professional.

The emerald golden butterfly and the Yaotie mad cow together act as the contractual spirit of Chu Ci. UU reading www.

The obsidian mad cow is reckless, the yellow jade butterfly is stealthy, and Chu Ci is reckless.

Lin Yuan simply didn't know how to talk about this set of reckless combination punches.

Unlike Lin Yuan's melancholy, Chu Ci looked at the yellow jade butterfly and liked it more and more.

Feel the second exclusive feature of the yellow jade butterfly to blow back.

Chu Ci feels that there is no such exclusive feature. Shield counterattack is more suitable for his own exclusive feature.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ci said to Lin Yuan.

"Lin Yuan, I need to choose more spirits with shield skills in the selection of spirits in the future."

The third is more.

(End of this chapter)