Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 667: Open endorsement of top powers

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Lin Yuan looked up at Sun Ningxiang's direction and found that Sun Ningxiang was looking at herself.

Lin Yuan nodded gently at Sun Ningxiang.

Sun Ningxiang got a response from Lin Yuan, and his face was full of joy.

Although Sun Ningxiang did not intend to reach cooperation with the Miao Family's Di Zhu Yuan, it is not a good thing to tear the face directly with the Miao Family here.

As long as her grandmother is still there, it is impossible for the Miao family to pull the Condensation Fairy Garden from the top forces in this year.

But the Miao family can put pressure on Ningxianpu from all sides.

It is even more difficult for the condensed fairy garden that has been struggling to move forward.

Suddenly facing a young man with a strong purple robe, Sun Ningxiang had a gamble attitude.

If Lin Yuan did not appreciate it, Sun Ningxiang lost half of his bet.

Everything I do now is equivalent to doing nothing.

Immediately after his shot, he got a response, and Sun Ningxiang's impression of Lin Yuan and even the city of sky became a little better.

But what happened next, let Sun Ningxiang's fists clenched tightly.

The vigorous young man in the purple robe glanced coldly into the lively crowd.

This made the original discussion of the crowds of people directly reduced.

Zhuangshuo Zipao ignored Sun Ningxiang's trouble and turned to look at Lin Yuan's words.

"I came this time because the Miao Family's Di Shouyuan wanted to discuss a cooperation with the Sky City."

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment.

Then he looked at the young Zuo Shuo Zi robe playfully.

"Cooperation? My Sky City is most willing to cooperate with other forces, and has just become a friendly partner with Elysium."

"I don't know how the Miao Family's Di Zhu Yuan wants to cooperate with my Sky City?"

During his speech, Lin Yuan felt more and more that he was an old cake.

Due to the deadly hatred between Lin Yuan and the second member of the Zheng family, Lin Yuan has regarded the Miao family as a hostile force.

What's more, the Miao family now sends people to smash their own place.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lin Yuan to reach cooperation with the Miao Family's Association of Animals.

The main reason why Lin Yuan said this is to hang Sun Ningxiang.

Lin Yuan didn't know much about Ninglu Xianpu, a top force. He planned to wait for Wen Yu to come back and let Wen Yu sort out the materials of Xianpu Xinglu.

However, the Sun Family's heir appeared just after the release of functions in his own private city, Sky City.

Hidden in the crowd and watching, you can see how hungry the Sun family is to create teacher resources.

On the other hand, Lin Yuan wanted to throw the Bliss Sea tribe to the Miao family's beast garden.

It is true that the Bliss Sea tribe has indeed reached a cooperation with themselves. This is the fact that so many pairs of eyes are present.

My own private power The only business of Sky City is this private power territory of Xingwang.

The Miao family can do nothing about what they want to do about themselves.

It's a great cause for the Bliss Hai family, so you can let the Miao family take a good look!

Lin Yuan intends to work harder with the Bliss Sea Clan in the future to help the Bliss Sea Clan strengthen the superb Bliss Angelfish during the egg-bearing period.

Letting the number of bliss angelfish juveniles in the hands of the Bliss sea clan become more compensating for the Bliss sea clan.

The strong young man in purple robe was stunned by Lin Yuan's words.

According to Lin Yuan's previous attitude, the young man with a strong purple robe never expected Lin Yuan to have the intention of cooperation.

The strong young man in purple robe pondered.

"Sky City cooperates with the Beast Garden, and the Beast Garden can ensure that the Sky City maintains its current functions."

"However, Sky City needs to complete the order assigned by Dianyuan, and the price of the order will be carefully discussed with you by the other people in Dianyuan."

"The Association of Beasts will not let the Sky City suffer."

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes before he heard the words of the young Zhuangshuo Zipao.

The Miao family has a big appetite!

This is to compile the Sky City and let the Sky City work for the Beast Garden!

One hundred Lin Yuan refused in his heart, and he didn't want to waste time with the young man of Zhuangshuo Zipao.

But when Yu Guang saw Sun Ningxiang's fists tightening, Lin Yuan said immediately.

"If the price is right, people can think about it."

After saying this, Lin Yuan began to count down five in his heart.

As soon as Lin Yuan counted to three, he heard Sun Ningxiangqiang's anxious voice ringing from the side.

"Your Miao family's association of veterinary hospitals really has no sincerity, and it's getting more and more ugly to eat."

"In fact, we condensed Xianpu with sincerity to cooperate with the city of the sky."

At this time Lin Yuan's heart was more certain.

This Sun Family Ninglu Xianpu's demand for resources for creating teachers is far more urgent than he thought.

Sun Ningxiang's words suddenly changed the face of the young Zhuangshuo robe.

"Isn't Ninglu Fairy Garden already in contact with Dianshouyuan, ready to reach cooperation?"

"Now Miss Sun is still looking for other forces outside. Doesn't Ninglu Xianpu believe in the strength of the Associated Beast Garden?"

Sun Ningxiang wanted to kill this young man with a strong purple robe.

Sun Ningxiang's calculation of Ningxianpu's Ningxianpu's heart is similar to that of a bright mirror, so Sun Ningxiang was already very disgusted with Ningxianyuan.

At this time, in Sun Ningxiang's heart, this young man with a strong purple robe was already a threat to the cooperation between Ninglu Xianpu and the City of Sky.

It can be said that the current pressure of Ninglu Xianpu is all on Sun Ningxiang.

The pressure to support the top forces has left Sun Ningxiang, who has just grown up, exhausted. UU Reading

If it weren't for Tao Yao and Qing Guo as the left and right hands that had been supporting Sun Ningxiang, I was afraid that Sun Ningxiang could no longer support it.

Now Sun Ningxiang finally found a hope, but the Association of Animals came to compete with herself.

This turned Sun Ningxiang's attitude towards the Association of Beasts from hatred to hatred.

Sun Ningxiang said coldly.


"When did the Miao family begin to intervene in our Sun family?"

"Is your Miao family's possession so wide?"

"Diseongyuan wants to reach cooperation with Ninglu Xianpu, depending on whether Ninglu Xianpu is willing or not."

"Ninglu Xianpu now feels that the beast garden is useless and does not want to cooperate!"

"Is there a problem?"

Lin Yuan raised his brow when he heard Sun Ningxiang's words.

Feelings This woman named Sun Ningxiang is still a master of words.

In front of the Miao family, it was said that the beast garden was useless but chose to cooperate with the city of sky.

Sun Ningxiang placed the city of the sky in a higher position than the beast garden.

The Sun Family's Condensation Fairy Garden is a top force, and publicly speaking such words is equivalent to sweeping the face of the Association of Animals on the ground.

Endorse the newly established Sky City with the face of the Association of Animals.

For Lin Yuan and Sky City, this is a real relationship.

The public endorsement of a top force is enough to give the city of the sky that currently only shows the resources of the founder's resources a reputation that will take time to ferment.

And once again put a mysterious veil on this mysterious sky city.

Today's first.

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(End of this chapter)

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