Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 912: Lin Yuan, long time no see

On the one hand, Lin Yuan agreed to the blue flash purple butterfly.

On the other hand, the blue flash purple butterfly is Lin Yuan's partner, if the slaughter-eating butterfly died because of the sacrifice of blood.

So it will be a heavy blow to the blue flash purple butterfly, and it may even keep the blue flash purple butterfly in grief afterwards.

Lin Yuan naturally did not want his partner to suffer for the rest of his life.

The earth-attribute heavenly female-level elemental pearls fell in the pale flames that ignited on the body of the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly, and immediately turned into rich and pure earth elemental energy.

This pure earth elemental energy brought the blood-sacrificing Slaughter Heaven Butterfly back to life.

Lin Yuan shouted at the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly.

"I can continue to provide you with this pure earth elemental energy."

"The condensed blood of spiritual things has always relied on pure elemental energy. With these pure earth elemental energy, you can recreate your own blood while sacrificing your blood."

"Sometimes it is not only about you to give yourself, the blue flash purple butterfly is sad because of your sacrifice."

Lin Yuan's words made the Killing Heaven Butterfly who sacrificed blood stunned suddenly.

When the slaughtering butterfly saw the blue flash purple butterfly promoted to the fantasy species, he knew that this was an extremely important transformation opportunity in the blue flash purple butterfly's life.

And what he can give to the blue flash purple butterfly is only his butterfly peak bloodline.

But now listening to Lin Yuan's words, the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly suddenly looked at the blue flash purple butterfly.

The moment Slaughter Tiandie looked at the blue flash purple butterfly, he felt the deep grief of the blue flash purple butterfly.

The gentle woman transformed into the worm-killing worm couldn't help with a look of shame on her face, and quickly absorbed the rich earth elemental energy.

While synthesizing his own blood, while facing the blue flash purple butterfly, continue to sacrifice his own blood.

Lin Yuan simply waved his hand, and poured all the earth elemental heavenly female-level elemental pearls accumulated during this time on the Pure Land of Bliss.

Said to Slaughter Heaven Butterfly.

"You need as much freedom as you need, but I only have so many earth element pearls."

Dedication belongs to dedication, but if you can not die and eat the butterfly, you are naturally willing.

Slaughtering Heaven Butterfly looked at Lin Yuan's feet and piled up to his waist with a look of shock on the face of the earth-attribute heavenly female pearl.

Although the slaughter of the heavenly butterfly changed its form by being promoted to the creation species, the memory of the time when the worm was slaughtered has not been lost.

Slaying Heavenly Butterfly naturally knows the preciousness of the Heavenly Girl-level elemental pearls.

During the time in the Cage of Brahma insects, you can also eat a few elemental pearls every week.

But the purity of those elemental pearls is only about 70%, far from this time the purity of each elemental pearl has reached more than 95%.

Slaughter Heaven Butterfly has a doubt in his mind, isn't the earth-attribute heavenly female element pearls very precious?

It is no easy task for the four-star pinnacle creator to cultivate one.

Why are there so many celestial elemental pearls here?

And it seems that all of them are almost filled with pearls.

Through the previous conflict, Kill Shi Tiandie learned of Lin Yuan's identity.

But even if Lin Yuan is the apprentice of the Five-Star Creator, taking out so many earth-attribute heavenly female-level elemental pearls should be tantamount to bleeding.

Slaughter Heaven Butterfly knew that Lin Yuan must have spent his blood in order to save himself.

Slaughtering Heaven Butterfly quickly expressed his gratitude to Lin Yuan, and then stood directly into the pile of earth-attribute heavenly female element pearls.

Crazyly refining the earthly attribute heavenly female-level elemental pearls, restoring the loss of blood.

The Bloody Killing Heaven Butterfly said to Lin Yuan.

"With these earth-attribute goddess-level elemental pearls, even if I sacrifice my bloodlines, I won't suffer much loss."

Lin Yuan nodded and said.

"I will continue to provide you with such earth-based elemental pearls until your bloodline is fully restored."

"I also want to thank you for giving the blue flash purple butterfly a chance to change its life level."

With the injection of the blood of the slaughter-eating butterfly, the purple intent on the body of the blue flash purple butterfly is more abundant.

The gushing purple meaning directly dyed the midday sky purple, and the purple haze suddenly turned into stratus clouds, covering the sun.

The evolving blue flash purple butterfly soars into the sky, flying dazzlingly in the sky.

The purple glow fell on the ground, as if blooming with clusters of Pear Blossom Begonia.

The Pear Blossom Begonia blooms in the purple glow, and then the petals of the Pear Blossom Begonia turn into bursts of purple light and shadows facing the sky with blue flashing purple butterflies.

The blooming room seems to want to welcome the beauty of heaven and earth to come.

Facing the wind, the blue flash purple butterfly broke free from the shackles of blood in the glow of light.

The purple light and shadow of the begonia pear blossom bloomed and flourished under the blue flash purple butterfly, and the purple light and shadow lingered in the sunlight to make the purple meaning in the sky thicker.

At this moment, bursts of extremely strong purple energy swayed from the butterfly wings of the blue flash purple butterfly.

These purple qi directly shook the purple clouds, forming a purple sky on top of the purple clouds.

Zixiao suppressed the clouds, and at this moment all the light and shadow of the Begonia pear blossoms fell like a hail.

The blue flash purple butterfly descended gracefully on the purple sky condensed by the purple air, with the force of purple intent to crush the world.

Based on Lin Yuan's real data, the blue flash purple butterfly at this time has evolved into the purple sky beauty butterfly.

It is no longer the Zixiamei Divine Butterfly that should have evolved normally.

After the blue flash purple butterfly evolves into a fantasy species of the purple sky beauty **** butterfly, the creation cloud finally descends the creation vein that belongs to the slaughter-eating butterfly.

While absorbing the pure to extreme earth element in the earth element celestial element pearls to restore the blood, Slaughter Heaven Butterfly buried the earth veins of the creation descended from the tribulation cloud into his own power world.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

After several twists and turns in just a few minutes, fortunately, the blue flash purple butterfly and the slaughter-eating butterfly were both safe and sound.

The blue flash purple butterfly also got a great fortune in the twists and turns.

Lin Yuan watched the earth element pearls piled up into hills being absorbed by the Slaughtering Heaven Butterfly, without any distress.

Because under normal circumstances, these days, female elemental pearls can't be exchanged for the good luck of blue flash purple butterfly.

And now these earth elemental pearls not only brought a good fortune to the blue flash purple butterfly, but also saved the life of a creation species.

Heavenly girl-level elemental pearls are extremely expensive for others, and it takes a great price to get one.

But for Lin Yuan, the heavenly girl-level elemental pearls were nothing more than a very common resource in the spiritual lock space.

Blue flash purple butterfly promoted to fantasy species, and Mobius was able to smoothly promote to fantasy species.

At that time, the production speed of the various element shells of the legendary quality of the copper step in the spiritual lock space will be doubled.

The greater concentration of aura in the lock-spirit space can also allow Lin Yuan to raise some elemental shells no matter how much.

Therefore, Lin Yuan will never lack the spiritual material of the heavenly female element pearl. UU reading www.

The Pure Land of Bliss is also collecting the energy remaining in the process of absorbing the creation ground veins by the slaughter of the heavenly butterflies, and finally condenses on the Bliss Pure Land in the Spirit Locking space a little smaller than the absorption of the endless Xia creation ground veins.

I think it should have something to do with Wu Endless Xia's promotion to the sovereign rank when he descended the Chuangshi Earth Meridian, which delayed the absorption of the Chuangshi Earth Meridian.

At this time, Slaughter Heaven Butterfly's position was still at the tenth level of the lord level, and there was still a layer of film from the monarch level that needed to be broken.

After Slaughter Shi Tiandie restores the depleted blood in the body and accumulates it a little, it can break through the barrier of the monarchy, and it will be the king of the beast.

Lin Yuan is about to see the exclusive characteristics of the blue flash purple butterfly after being promoted to the fantasy species to become the purple cloud beauty butterfly.

At this moment, Lin Yuan only felt that the Mobius ring on his wrist was faintly hot.

When Lin Yuan looked down at the Mobius ring, Mobius' long-lost voice came from Lin Yuan's ear.

"Lin Yuan, long time no see!"