Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 913: Fantasy Species Mobius

Hearing Mobius' voice, Lin Yuan's heart became hot and he said softly.

"Mobius, long time no see."

"You finally woke up!"

Although it had only been more than two months after the two sounds for a long time, in Lin Yuan's heart it felt as if several years had passed.

Mobius heard Lin Yuan's long absence, and there was a rare joy in his voice.

"Lin Yuan, I didn't expect you to comprehend two will runes so soon, so that the blue flashing purple butterfly and the ichthyosaur will be promoted to the fantasy species."

After speaking, Mobius chuckled twice, and it was difficult to suppress the excitement of talking with his partner after waking up.

During the conversation between Lin Yuan and Mobius, he only felt that the Mobius body he was wearing on his wrist was getting hotter and hotter, and Lin Yuan's wrist began to tingle.

Lin Yuan didn't care about this, but rather excitedly said to Mobius.

"Mobius, are you going to be promoted to fantasy species?"

Mobius heard the words and stopped talking, then said to Lin Yuan.

"Yes, but my promotion to the fantasy species will take up more of your mental power. Not only do I need to use the mental power that I gave you back to you again, but I may need more."

"Why don't I be promoted to fantasy species to suppress it for a while."

"It's just that even if I try to suppress it, I can't suppress it for long."

Lin Yuan faintly heard the feeling of shame in Mobius' words.

Mobius was very ashamed that he needed to take up more of Lin Yuan's mental power to promote himself to the fantasy species. It has been nearly ten years since Lin Yuan was born eight to seventeen.

Because of his own reasons, Lin Yuan's mental power was only as thick as a hairline, and he would feel dizzy when he concentrated for a while.

Now if he was promoted to a fantasy species, Lin Yuan would return to his previous state.

Even because he needs more mental power, Lin Yuan may not be as good as before.

This is not what Mobius wanted to see.

Although forcibly suppressing oneself and not being promoted to the fantasy species will put a lot of pressure on Mobius, and will enter the sleep injury and origin after a long time.

But Mobius still decided to wait for Lin Yuan to have enough mental power to promote himself to the fantasy species.

The spiritual power of an aura professional will continue to grow in the process of growth, and Lin Yuan's spiritual power has increased a lot in the eight months.

Mobius estimated that in about two years, Lin Yuan's mental power would be able to allow himself to be promoted to the fantasy species.

Lin Yuan hurriedly waved his hand when he heard Mobius' words, and then asked Mobius.

"Mobius, how much my mental power do you need to be promoted to the fantasy species?"

Mobius didn't conceal what he said, and said straightforwardly.

"Lin Yuan, feel the mental power that you have grown in the past eight months. Multiplying it by three is the mental power I still need to be promoted to the fantasy species."

"But this is just the mental strength I need to be promoted to the fantasy species. You also need mental strength if you want to live a normal life."

"It's better for me to sleep for a while. Sleeping allows me to suppress the time for promotion to the fantasy species to the maximum."

Lin Yuan hurriedly waved his hand when he heard the words, and the sun said with a smile showing his white teeth.

"Mobius, you forgot that I still have Zhu Guiyulu, a spiritual creature of heaven and earth."

"Zhu Gui Yulu has now produced fruit. Although it will take a while for the fruit to mature, I can now use the Reiki Crystal to ripen the fruit of Zhu Gui Yulu."

After speaking, Lin Yuan directly entered the Soul Locking Space.

Zixiao Beauty Divine Butterfly knew that Lin Yuan was in no hurry, and waited for Lin Yuan's return with peace of mind.

However, Lin Yuan's disappearance stunned the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly.

If Lin Yuan uses the ability of space teleportation, he must be able to arouse space power.

As the creation species spirit creature, the Slaughter Heaven Butterfly can crush the space power before the space power is formed, preventing the target from transmitting.

But Lin Yuan didn't arouse space energy, as if disappeared out of thin air.

This kind of operation makes Slaughter Tiandie confused.

But slaughtering the heavenly butterfly does not care about so many, just flying with the Zixiao beauty **** butterfly.

Forcibly fed a stomach full of dog food for the creatures all over the mountains and plains.

Lin Yuan, who had entered the Spirit Locking space, came directly to the edge of the Pure Land of Bliss, and first collected the two golden beads condensed by the veins of creation.

Then he squatted down to check the situation of Zhu Guiyulu, the spiritual creature of heaven and earth.

After checking, Lin Yuan secretly said in his heart.

"It seems that it will take a long time for Zhu Guiyulu's fruit to fully mature."

Mobius saw the fruit produced by Zhu Guiyulu, the spiritual creature of heaven and earth, relieved, and said to Lin Yuan.

"This Zhu Guiyulu bears a total of three fruits. Your partner, if you eat one of Zhu Guiyulu's fruit, your mental power is enough."

"Although Zhu Guiyulu has the most obvious effect only when it eats the first fruit, it will also be effective if it continues to eat, and it will not continue to increase its mental power until after eating three."

"Partner, you will eat the three fruits of Zhu Guiyulu, and you will be at least twice as powerful as your current mental power when I am promoted to the fantasy species."

"In addition, after I am promoted to the fantasy species, the real data of my skills, my concentration and aura condensation will be improved."

"At that time, partners, you can use real data to check the attributes of the creation species. The centering can also effectively protect against any negative effects used by the spiritual creatures below the mythical species. It is also extremely resistant to the charm effects of the mythological species and above. ."

"The time of the aura crystal condensed from the aura condensation has not changed. It still condenses one in seven days as before."

"However, the effect of the condensed aura crystals can be several times that of before."

"After upgrading the blue flash purple butterfly to the silver-tier fantasy species, I will also be promoted to the silver-tier fantasy species. By then, the condensed aura crystals are enough to achieve ten times the effect at this time. UU看书"

Knowing that Lin Yuan had a way to improve his mental power, he could smoothly promote the fantasy species Mobius and opened the chatterbox.

Lin Yuan introduced the changes in his original skills after he was promoted to the fantasy species.

Before Mobius was asleep, Lin Yuan could only explore Mobius' abilities by himself.

Now that Mobius was sober, he only had to ask Mobius if he had anything to do. There was no need for Lin Yuan to conduct a little experiment and research.

Among them, the enhancement that Mobius excites Lin Yuan the most is the enhancement of the effect of the condensed aura crystals.

Before Lin Yuan wanted to upgrade the silver-tier tenth-level fantasy species to the gold-tier level, he needed to consume ten aura crystals.

Lin Yuan only needs to use one after Mobius is promoted to the Silver-tier fantasy species, which is equivalent to increasing Lin Yuan's ability to strengthen himself tenfold.

If it is said that the Aura Crystal can simultaneously enhance five to six Bronze Stage Epic quality spirits to the Bronze Stage Legendary quality.