Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 914: Zixiao Beauty Butterfly! Exclusive chara

So now a single aura crystal can upgrade fifty to sixty bronze-level epic-quality spirit creatures from epic quality to legendary quality.

The qualitative change produced the quantitative change, and it was shocking that Lin Yuan did nothing but relied on the aura crystal to gain such a harvest.

Before Lin Yuan wanted to get a legendary bronze rank spirit creature, it was not easy to get it.

But now the legendary quality spirits of the Bronze Steps are no longer worth mentioning to Lin Yuan.

Moreover, in the past, Lin Yuan relied on aura crystals to improve the rank of his fantasy spirit creatures, but when he reached the first level of the golden rank, he would not upgrade because he could not afford the consumption.

But now Lin Yuan can already raise this upper limit to the platinum level.

Even if he catches up with a few baptisms of heaven and earth of mythological spirits, Lin Yuan will go to collect the blessings of heaven and earth from the mythological spirits.

Lin Yuan felt that it was not impossible to upgrade all his spiritual things to the diamond rank.

Lin Yuan thought that since Mobius was going to be promoted to fantasy species, he would produce an enhanced version of aura crystals.

Lin Yuan didn't plan to reserve the weakened version of the aura crystal.

Lin Yuan took down the remaining spiritual energy crystals and crushed one of them.

Guide the spiritual power contained in it for the heaven and earth spiritual creature Zhu Guiyulu to absorb. After awakening, Mobius is also helping Lin Yuan guide the aura in the aura crystal.

However, this Zhu Guiyulu was really a big spender, and it took nearly nine aura crystal fruits in Lin Yuan's hand to fully mature.

After the fruits of Zhu Guiyulu mature, they immediately exude a refreshing fragrance.

When Lin Yuan smelled this fragrance, he only felt a shock, and his mind was sober.

Zhu Guiyulu, the spiritual creature of heaven and earth, wants to absorb the energy in the fruit after the fruit matures, but it is not yet for Zhu Guiyulu to make an action.

The three mature fruits were picked off quickly by Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan picked the fruit first, and Zhu Guiyulu shook the moist leaf stems in protest like a torn egg.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan rubbed Zhu Guiyulu's leaves with his fingers.

Regardless of whether Zhu Guiyulu could understand her own words as a plant spirit, she said.

"I have a great use for your fruit this time. Later, when you produce another fruit, I will only pick two, and I will leave one for you to absorb and try."

While speaking, Lin Yuan remembered how Zhu Guiyulu ran away from the cinnabar osmanthus when it just bore fruit.

Thanks to the ripening of the fruits of Zhu Guiyulu, otherwise the job of watching the fruits of Zhu Guiyulu will be given to Feng Su Xun Ling.

As long as the wind speed antelope is slightly sloppy, the fruits produced by Zhu Guiyulu will soon be absorbed by Zhu Guiyulu's body.

Lin Yuan directly threw the three Zhu Guiyulu fruits into his mouth. After crushing them, Lin Yuan only felt like he had chewed on a mouthful of mint grass, and the whole piece of mental energy was in a cool state.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuan felt that his mental power was constantly increasing.

Lin Yuan's heart is very happy with the feeling of this kind of mental power constantly improving.

When Lin Yuan felt that the three Zhu Guiyulu fruits had lost their effect and his mental power no longer increased, Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

I just felt that with my current mental power, it was enough to contract three to four spiritual creatures.

Lin Yuan said to Mobius immediately.

"Mobius, you can be promoted to fantasy species."

Mobius heard the words and said.

"Partner, this time my advanced level lock space will have a great change, and I will have to sleep for at least half an hour during the promotion to the fantasy species."

"Although the expansion of the spiritual lock space will not affect the safety of the creatures in the spiritual lock space, the creatures in the spiritual lock space will definitely not be comfortable."

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard the words, preparing to bring Smart, Yinyin and Fengspeed Xun Ling out of the Lingling Space.

Since the floating island whales, gray gray and elemental shells all needed to absorb the pure aura in the spirit lock space, Lin Yuan kept them in the spirit lock space.

Lin Yuan took the cleverness, Yinyin and Fengspeed Lingling left the Lingling Space, Mobius immediately began to evolve towards the fantasy species.

Since Mobius' transformation, the Mobius ring on Lin Yuan's wrist has been very hot.

However, this hotness would not burn Lin Yuan's skin.

Lin Yuan looked at the Mobius ring again, only that the Mobius ring was a little different from before. ,

The previous Mobius ring was carved with the symbols of the spirit pool, the pure land of bliss and the crystal bluestone bowl of condensed spiritual energy.

Now a new symbol is being produced, and this new symbol makes Lin Yuan full of expectations.

Yinyin, smart and wind speed antelope and blue flash purple butterfly always stay in the lock space.

Even if the blue flash purple butterfly only sticks with Lily and Lily, she has long been friends with Smart, Yinyin, and Fengsu Xunling.

Looking at the blue flash purple butterfly who was promoted to the fantasy species, the enthusiastic and intelligent "meow" said with a milky voice.

"Blue flash purple butterfly, did it hurt when you were promoted to the fantasy species!"

"It hurts to be smartly promoted to fantasy species!"

"But smart and brave! It's not like sound and crying!"

The voice heard the words in a twittering.

"Smart, nonsense! How could Yinyin cry!"

"Yinyin is the strongest!"

"Blue flashing purple butterfly, don't listen to clever nonsense! It's clearly a clever and painful meow!"

While speaking, Yinyin also learned the painful cry made during the advancement process of being smart.

The clever listening covered his face with five big furry tails, as if he was shy.

Feng Su Xun Ling jumped up and down like a silly roe deer, expressing his joyful mood for the promotion of his companions.

Lin Yuan saw how harmonious his spiritual creatures were, and his heart was soft with the breeze blowing in the wilderness.

I just feel that there is a good taste of peace in the years.

Although Mobius is in the stage of being promoted to the fantasy species, the real data of his skills can still be used.

At this time, Lin Yuan was using the real data of Mobius' skills to check the attributes of the Blue Flash Purple Butterfly being promoted to the Fantasy Species and becoming the Queen of the Purple Cloud Beauty.

[Name of Spiritual Item]: Purple Cloud Beauty Butterfly

[Spirit species]: Morpho genus/Lepidoptera

[Spirit level]: Bronze level (10/10)

【Spiritual Type】: Spirit Type/Soul Type

[Spiritual quality]: Fantasy changed


【Silent scale powder】: release special scale powder with adhesion with silent effect, UU reading www.uukanshu. com makes it impossible for the target in contact with the scale powder to communicate with the spiritual power release skills, and the scale powder will also absorb the aura in the target body. Under the action of the aura, the scale powder will absorb the aura to split and multiply.

Exclusive features:

[Scaly powder halo]: Its own scale powder has a strong reflective effect. The multi-faceted reflection of the scale powder will cause the target under the scale to be optically polluted, causing dizziness and even temporary blindness.

[Heart, Soul, Beauty]: Motivates the spirit and soul power contained in the body, uses the spirit and soul as a catalyst, enlarges the beauty to an infinite degree, creates a charm and attraction effect on the target, makes the target enter the state of love and compassion, and the target that enters the state of love and compassion will want to All the things of the body will always remain on the body, and the goal of the state of love and pity is proud of collecting the things of the body.

At first glance, Lin Yuan's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Lin Yuan knew that the bloodline of the blue flash purple butterfly had been improved by killing the blood of the sky butterfly, but Lin Yuan did not expect that the bloodline of the blue flash purple butterfly would increase so much after being promoted to the purple sky beautiful **** butterfly.