Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v1 Chapter 960: 3 Flower snake pupil totem

The Medusa Snake Demon can clearly feel the power of Killing Heaven Butterfly.

Coupled with Master Apostle's kindness and respect to Lin Yuan, it is impossible for Medusa Snake Demon to refuse either for himself or Wendy.

After seeing her mother nodding, Wendy climbed from Lin Yuan's wrist to Lin Yuan's shoulder, and finally climbed all the way to Lin Yuan's auricle, leaning her head on Lin Yuan's auricle and said softly.

"Wendy is willing."

Hearing the snake-like Medusa Wendy said yes, Lin Yuan directly attached his hand gently to Wendy who was on his auricle.

Then the running mental power made a contract with Wendy.

After the contract was over, Lin Yuan's mental power and Wendy's mental power built up a mental induction.

This also made Wendy and Lin Yuan closer.

Slaughter Heaven Butterfly has doubled its size because of the Medusa Snake Monster on its back.

In addition, the Flying Snake Butterfly also dutifully propped up the energy shield, so that Lin Yuan, Medusa Snake Demon and Snake Medusa Wendy on the back of Snake Snake Butterfly would not be told by the airflow. influences.

In the process of slaughtering the heavenly butterflies inflaming their wings and flying, Lin Yuan found that the space in the swamp world was much more stable than the main world.

After the slaughtering butterfly entered full-speed flight, the space of the swamp world did not ripple like the main world.

I think this is why there are dimensional cracks opening in the main world.

Now that there was nothing left or right on the back of Slaughter Heaven Butterfly, Lin Yuan decided to give Wendy, who had already contracted, a perfect original baptism.

Lin Yuan summoned the prince, and the prince who was summoned by Lin Yuan was instructed to dance directly on the back of Slaughter Heaven Butterfly.

A hundred silk threads entangled from the skirt to Wendy's body that was less than thirty centimeters long.

Immediately afterwards, a faint amber source power was injected into Wendy's body.

Seeing this sudden change, especially the hundreds of silk threads entwined with her own daughter, the Medusa Banshee immediately became worried.

But he didn't dare to make any radical moves.

At this time, the Medusa Snake Demon saw that his snake-like daughter suddenly changed into Medusa's form.

Then it kept changing back and forth between Medusa form and snake form.

Lin Yuan has also been observing the snake-like Medusa performing the perfect original baptism. He did not expect that the snake-like Medusa Windy would return to a half-human state in the perfect original baptism.

Wendy in Medusa's form looks only five or six years old.

She has dark green hair, white skin, and big green eyes, just like a porcelain doll.

In the process of Wendy's continuous conversion from Medusa's form to snake-like form, Lin Yuan found that the color of Wendy's dark green snake's body was getting lighter.

In the end, it became a green color almost identical to that of Lily Lily's leaves.

It made Wendy's entire snake body as if it were carved from an excellent jade with a water head.

At the same time, Lin Yuan keenly noticed that Wendy's green eyes suddenly split into three.

Each pupil is slowly turning into the shape of three flowers.

One, two, three.

The last three pupils turned into three flowers clustered together to form a bouquet.

At the moment when the pupils of the eyes formed a bouquet, an eye-like totem appeared on Wendy's forehead.

This eye-like totem also has a bouquet of three-petal flowers formed by the three pupils in Wendy's eyes.

The appearance of amber totem like eyes, heralding the end of Wendy's perfect source baptism.

At this time, the sixth-level Medusa snake monster looked at his daughter Wendy in amazement.

At the same time, Lin Yuan's eyes were filled with an unprecedented fear.

In the cognition of the sixth-level Medusa snake monster, the apostle is the most mysterious and powerful existence.

Believers who become apostles are a kind of glory.

The sixth-level Medusa snake demon really couldn't understand what kind of power could enable the life in front of him to subsequently create an apostle.

Is it possible that the legend is true?

After Wendy finished the baptism of perfect origin, she twisted the jade-like snake body to come to Lin Yuan, blinked her big watery eyes and stretched out her hand.

Seeing Wendy reaching out to herself, Lin Yuan was almost cut off by Wendy.

At this time Wendy looked five or six years old, very similar to the age of Chu Ci when she had just brought Chu Ci to survive.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but recalled the time when he struggled with Chuci.

Lin Yuan hugged Wendy up, but Lin Yuan who only picked up Wendy looked at Wendy's emerald green hair and felt a little strange.

As the Medusa snake demon Wendy's hair should be snake hair, right?

Why does Wendy now have the same hair as a normal human?

Moreover, Wendy was originally a snake-like Medusa, how could she become a Medusa banshee after undergoing a perfect original baptism?

Just as Lin Yuan thought about it, Wendy in her arms turned into a small snake 30 centimeters long like a jasper carve.

Wendy crawled down from Lin Yuan's arms and came to Medusa's snake monster.

Once again in the form of a humanoid Medusa, UU Reading opened his hand to his mother.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan knew that Wendy could change back and forth between the form of snake and Medusa.

But seeing Wendy who opened his hand to him, the sixth-level Medusa snake demon no longer dared to hug Wendy.

Lin Yuan secretly said.

If it hadn't been for the snake-like Medusa to become the believer of the lizard, I am afraid that the Medusa snake demon at this time has already kneeled in front of Wendy in admiration.

This scene before him gave Lin Yuan once again his own knowledge of the apostle.

The apostle is not so much a name as it is a level of life.

The life level of the apostle must definitely surpass the dimensional creatures.

And this kind of life level has been able to steadily suppress the blood relationship.

At this time, Lin Yuan's heart was scratched. After waiting for the Klein Junction to mark the location in the swamp world, Mobius made his mark in the swamp world.

I was finally able to check the attributes of Wendy, Liteng and Medusa.

Soon, the slaughter-eating butterfly flew to the place the Medusa snake-monger pointed at.

Lin Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw this place.

This place is exactly the same as the Medusa Snake Demon described.

And outside the mountains where the three marsh mud deposits are not large swamps.

It's the fragmented land interspersed in the swamp.

These lands divide the marsh waterways, making it difficult for large swamp creatures to survive in this swamp.

Lin Yuan is very satisfied with the environment in front of him. It can be said that the environment in front of him meets his own requirements.

It can also meet the growing needs of Arakawa orchid buds, which is the source of endless summer.

Looking at the land under his feet, Lin Yuan's expression changed, a touch of murderous intent poured out of Lin Yuan's body.

"Next, we must clean up this land."