Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2450: Heartburn Mushroom

Chapter 2450

Heartburn Mushroom

This kind of spiritual thing will occasionally appear on the star network, but ordinary spiritual qi professionals do not dare to contract this kind of spiritual thing without precedent.

Because the price of this kind of spirit is very high, let alone scholars and spirit observers, many creators are reluctant to buy it for research.

Spirits without precedents basically do not have the ability to stabilize heredity.

Forces such as Ninglu Immortal Garden, Brahma Insect Cage, and Liyun Bird Shrine, which functioned as the function of cultivating spiritual things, were more or less trapped by these unprecedented spiritual things.

Although such spirits are not suitable for breeding, the contract is indeed a good choice.

But in the eyes of many people, this kind of spiritual contract is also a big pit.

After the disciples of the great powers contracted this kind of spiritual object, they suddenly discovered that some special rare energy and spiritual materials need to be used in order to improve the rank and quality of this kind of spiritual object.

Supplying these energies and spiritual materials to spirits for a long time is likely to be higher than the value of the spirits themselves.

And the ability of spirits after being cultivated is not necessarily too strong.

The children of the old and top forces are often reluctant to make uncertain choices in the contract of spiritual things.

Spirits like the Kraken that can win more with less are especially favored by the children of the old and top forces.

Lin Yuan can use the real data of Mobius' exclusive characteristics to investigate the spiritual things, and roughly judge the future development direction of the spiritual things.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that the spiritual thing you choose is not strong, let alone that the spiritual thing you choose will not be able to pay for the resources to cultivate.

The third spirit in Lin Yuan's vision is called Heartburning Flame Mushroom, which can be regarded as the most special existence among the fire attribute spirits that Lin Yuan has seen.

The normal fire attribute spirits manipulate the flame to burn the external body. The heart flame generated by the Heartburning Mushroom will not cause harm to the body, but it will destroy the mind, spirit and soul of the living body.

If the mind, spirit and soul are likened to a piece of paper, the flame generated by the Heartscorching Mushroom can set the piece of paper on fire.

Without human intervention, this flame will burn the mind, spirit, soul to ashes.

Heartburning Mushroom's attack on the mind, spirit, and soul also uses fire element energy, but the fire element energy has been mutated through the transformation of Heartburning Mushroom spores.

Such aberrations cannot be answered with conventional Reiki professional knowledge.

If the Heartburning Flame Mushroom continues to evolve, it will be cultivated through the pure fire element energy.

Most of the abilities will evolve all the way in the current direction.

Lin Yuan's current fighting methods do not have any offensive methods against the mind, spirit and soul.

The appearance of the Heartburning Mushroom made up for this for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan still has a will rune carrying the will to destroy that he has not used.

If it wasn't for the discovery of the fourth spirit, Lin Yuan would have chosen the Heartburning Mushroom without hesitation to make a contract.

The fourth spirit is called Huo Jing Puppet.

The Fire Spirit Puppet is a kind of spiritual creature that may be born naturally after a long period of gestation in the core of a volcano.

Lin Yuan once obtained a Dragon Ball of Splendid Ruilong from Xia Qing.

Splendid Ruilong and Huojing Puppet are somewhat similar, but Huojing Puppet is far less difficult to appear than Jinxiu Ruilong.

Under normal circumstances, only element-derived creatures can exist in an elemental form, and the Fire Spirit Puppet is a rare spirit that exists in an elemental form.

Huo Jing Puppet is good at large-scale fire element attacks in groups, and with the continuous improvement of strength, the body surface condenses flame armor like a flame giant, with strong melee capabilities.

The Huojing Puppet was the most in line with Lin Yuan's needs at the beginning, and it was also very suitable for the rune that contained the will to destroy.

Lin Yuan has never been a tangled person, but he is indeed hesitating between Heartburning Flame Mushroom and Huo Jing Puppet.

After some hesitation, Lin Yuan chose Heartburning Mushroom.

The ranged damage of Fire Puppet's fire attribute can be replaced by the abilities of Yuansha, Azure, and Yinyin.

However, Lin Yuan's means of targeting the mind, spirit, and soul are vacant.

After making the decision, Lin Yuan directly photographed the Heartburning Flame Mushroom, and Lin Yuan, the fire essence puppet, did not let it go.

Just because Lin Yuan abandoned Huojing Puppet didn't mean that Huojing Puppet wasn't good enough.

The current city of the sky is cultivating white-clothed Servants on a large scale, and Lin Yuan can reward the potential white-clothed Servants with the Fire Essence Puppet.

Used to enhance the defensive power of the Sky City.

After photographing the spiritual object he wanted, Lin Yuan left StarNet directly.

In the past, Lin Yuan's delivery address was set at Guiyuan Manor, but this time Lin Yuan set the delivery address at Huiyue Hall.

If you want to get an exclusive courier on Xingwang, you must have more than five transactions on Xingwang every month, and the transaction amount should not be less than 500 Glory Coins.

Lin Yuan has not purchased supplies on Star Online for more than half a year, and Aneng is no longer Lin Yuan's exclusive courier.

At this time, in the Dragon City branch of Ostrich Logistics, a courier was sorting out the list that was distributed to him. UU reading

Suddenly I discovered that in the list of dispatches to the capital, one of the addresses was actually on Qingyue Mountain!

Ordinary people don't necessarily know where Qingyue Mountain is, but these ostrich logistics couriers who often deliver supplies know nothing better.

Qingyue Mountain is the territory of Lord Moon Empress. This courier never imagined that he would be able to deliver such an order in his lifetime!

Denglong City was not far from the capital, and Lin Yuan received the Heartburning Mushroom and three needle-haired spiders in just over an hour.

Just as Lin Yuanyuan was studying the Heartburning Flame Mushroom, the Royal Court Council was officially held.

Thirteen crowned princes are sitting beside a quaint long table.

During this period of time, the Radiance Federation has encountered more changes than it has encountered in the past few decades.

Fortunately, all these changes ultimately point to good results.

The three scars of Hui Yao that no one wants to mention have now been resolved.

The first is the bad luck of Zhujun's body dyeing.

Zhu Jun chose Wang Fuxiang to marry Wang Fuxiang as his wife, which was Zhu Jun's own choice.

Zhujun is willing to give up his life and be with Wang Fuxiang, and there is no way for others to stop it.

When his majesty who had a good relationship with Zhujun went to stop Zhujun and Wang Fuxiang from being together, he attracted Zhujun's hatred.

For this reason, Zhujun broke with several crowned princes, and has not reunited until now.

Fortunately, after the moon, he found a way to break the bad luck of Zhu Jun, otherwise Huiyao would lack a five-star creator.

The lack of a five-star creator will have a very serious impact on Radiance.

The second thing is that after a month, because of the fight with the crown of the Free Federation.

In the case of killing the opponent, he was seriously injured with only ten years of life left.

At the beginning, only Chanming and the old man knew about it, but after all, the paper couldn't contain the fire.