Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2490: Chaos Sandbar!

Chapter 2490 Chaotic Sandbar!

No matter what the previous two people said, the pressure is now on him.

But how can I know so much?

Tuyan and Zhenjin are in a competitive relationship. As the two masters, they jointly discovered the sixth-level underground crack in the hole.

He introduced a large number of his apostles and believers into the main world, but he did not pass on the situation to let more masters know.

Since the underground world is divided into four major mining areas, the two masters who invaded the main world must belong to a certain wheel-turning master in the four mining areas.

You don't need to think about what kind of thoughts he is carrying, who has not informed his allegiance of the situation.

These two rulers greedily came up with the idea of ​​monopolizing the main world.

Even knowing that there are powerhouses with Eternal Realm strength in the main world are still like this, which is enough to prove how greedy Tuyan and Zhenjin are.

It is impossible for greedy people to share the resources they have discovered with others, so Tuyan and Zhenjin have always wanted to kill each other.

But because the strength is almost the same, there is no chance for each other.

This allowed the two to win over Shi Jian, an apostle with gargoyle blood.

Because Shi Jian just became the point of competition between the two.

Shi Jian was one step away from reaching the Lord. Whoever won Shi Jian received the powerful help of Shi Jian.

It's like suppressing the opponent.

Although Shi Jian is made of stone, he is not stupid at all.

Know your role and value.

That's why I never refused Tuyan and Zhenjin's wooing, but they never agreed to both.

Shi Jian knew that only in this way was in his own best interests.

Otherwise, the underground world would not have been anxious for two months, and still did not do anything to the Cold Hammer tribe in front of us.

Zhenjin felt that if Tuyan wanted to die, he would definitely calculate himself at this time.

Zhen Jin, who was full of pressure, also said many rumors.

Lin Yuan nodded secretly when he heard the words, although there are some things that the Lord has said now that the Lord has not said before.

But the content of the two is very different, and the core information is almost the same.

After Zhen Jin explained the situation, Lin Yuan asked Shi Ji to let go of the water prison.

"Originally, I was going to kill the people with the least knowledge among you, to kill the chickens and show the monkeys."

"But the three of you have shared a lot of important information, so I decided to give all three of you a chance to survive."

"But before that you want me to do one thing, to be a guide in the Underworld."

"I wonder if you would like it?"

Lin Yuan's tone towards the three was very gentle, as if he was alone with a familiar friend.

This made the pressure of the three suddenly disappear.

But Lin Yuan's words immediately filled the three of them with a sense of oppression.

"Hengyuan, if any of the three of them is unwilling, you just kill it."

"Catching a few masters in the underground world of Noda is nothing but a matter of hand."

Hengyuan is the enforcer of Lin Yuan's order.

The three of them knew that as long as they expressed their refusal, Hengyuan would implement Lin Yuan's instructions and directly kill the three of them without any room for conversion.

As the saying goes, it is better to die than to live, not to mention that now is a good opportunity for the three of them.

The breath emanating from Hengyuan explained everything.

Such a powerful existence is only the subordinate of this humanoid creature in front of him. There should be no existence in the underground world of Nuoda that can compete with the strength of this humanoid creature in front of him.

Zhenjin and Tuyan were previously dispatched by the Master of the Wheel Mirror, whom they had taken refuge in, to **** resources to the Dizu Palace.

This looks like a good job to have a chance to get in touch with the most powerful people in the underground world, but it is not the case.

Because after statistics, at least 20% of the masters who transported supplies in the Dizu Palace fell into the Dizu Palace every time.

Because once someone in the Dizu Palace exists, I feel that the small mine owner's tribute resources are not good.

It will directly spit at the master or apostle who transports the supplies.

For those small mine owners, if the master or apostle they sent out has not returned for two months.

Then you can come to the ancestral palace in person with more abundant resources to apologize.

As a small mine owner in the four major mining areas, the Mirror Master will not put his cronies in danger.

Therefore, Tuyan and Zhenjin are not favored by the small mine owners who are loyal to them.

Compared to following a master who doesn't favor him, following Lin Yuan might be able to fight for a better future!

And Lin Yuan's strength is much stronger than the small mine owner he is loyal to.

In a world full of crises, only the stronger the life of allegiance is, so that it will not be affected by the overturning of the life of one's allegiance.

The power of allegiance to life is much more important than grace in the survival laws of underground creatures.

Tuyan, Zhenjin and Shi Jian hurriedly crawled on the ground facing Lin Yuan, and assured him directly with the source totem.

"We must do our best to do the errand you ordered!"

According to his original decision, Lin Yuan sent out all the masters of the reincarnation realm.

Red Thorn sat on the shoulders of the Abyss Great Emperor and followed Lin Yuan, feeling contented in his heart.

The red thorn finally found a chance to haunt Lin Yuan all day long. UU reading

Because the power dispatched by Lin Yuan crushed the underground world, Lin Yuan did not personally go to the underground world to sit down.

Instead, he was preparing to wait for Hengyuan to bring out the masters of the reincarnation realm in the underground world.

Ling Yuan was left in the Federation of the Goddess by Lin Yuan, while protecting Bu Po's safety and helping Lin Yuan to investigate the nearby cracks in the sixth-level Zerg dimension.

After seeing Wen Yu's management of the swamp world, Lingyuan reflected more than once that the swamp world was too chaotic.

However, the relationship between these neighboring God Mother Continent and the major federations on the Sandbar Continent is definitely more chaotic than the situation in the Swamp World.

As a master of reincarnation, Lingyuan can use his breath to perceive all things.

It's like having the perspective of God.

Lingyuan can clearly see what kind of open and secret battles are going on between the major federations on the Shazhou Continent.

The whole sandbar continent robbery group is prevalent, but how many real thieves are there?

The real situation of the vast majority of the thieves groups was formed by those federations.

The real purpose of the formation of these death thieves groups is not like the real death thieves group to kill people and go out of their way to act for resources.

The truth is that as long as they can block things for the hostile federation, these death thieves will do it.

Having seen the bottomless looting of the Thieves Group several times, even Lingyuan, a dimensional creature who believes in the law of the jungle, couldn't help but want to pull out the flower of evil in front of him.

Pulling up the flower of evil in front of him was no different from sneezing in terms of Lingyuan's strength.

But Lin Yuan let himself come here for the purpose of protecting a teenager and exploring the cracks in the sixth-level zerg dimension.

His rash action was a relief, but it was very likely to destroy Lin Yuan's plan.