Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2544: Earthshaking beauty!

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However, Yinyin and intelligence, and even the abilities of Lin Yuan's other spirits, could not be speculated according to common sense.

First of all, like sound and intelligence, they are spiritual things that should not exist in the world.

It was Lin Yuan who strengthened the two through the pure aura that did not exist in the main world.

And like Soul Whale, Covered Flame Heart Gu was born due to some accidents.

The birth of both requires harsh conditions.

More importantly, Lin Yuan devoted absolute top-notch resources to each of his spiritual things, and Lin Yuan cultivated every spiritual thing he contracted with him in the best way.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would not have created miracles again and again with his spirits!

The evolved Yinyin looked at the gorgeous wings on her body and immediately entered a state of mimicry.

Compared with these gorgeous wings, Yin Yin preferred the simple self at the beginning.

Yinyin jumped on Lin Yuan's shoulders excitedly.

"Lin Yuan Lin Yuan, Yinyin has finally been promoted to the mythical species!"

Lin Yuan looked at Yinyin's excited appearance, and touched the feather on top of Yinyin's head with his fingers.

"Yinyin, what I have here are the crystals of the rules. It will take you a long time to advance to the second realm of mythology through the crystals of the rules!"

"You can transform into the Second Realm of Mythology!"

"By then you will be able to show your face live on the star network."

Hearing this, Yinyin put her cheeks on Lin Yuan's face, and then buried her whole body in Lin Yuan's neck, enjoying the warmth and security that Lin Yuan brought her.

Lin Yuan put his eyes on Lily Lily, Xiao Hei, Zi Xiao and Yuan Sha and asked.

"There are only four of you left now, which of the four of you will advance to the rank first?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Xiao Hei was the first to give in.

At this time, Lin Yuan only listened to Zi Xiao.

"Lin Yuan, when you conquer the Zerg world, I will be able to unlock it!"

"Thinking Soul Whale Red Thorn and the others will need at least a month's accumulation if they want to advance to the mythical species, so let me and the Red Thorn Ning Soul Whale and the others be promoted together!"

"I have a hunch that my promotion to the mythical bloodline will also transform."

"She likes the way I am now, and I want to show her enough for more than a month!"

Lin Yuan just wanted to arrange the order for his spiritual beings to be promoted to the mythical species. He never thought that they could be fed a mouthful of dog food!

Lin Yuan knew that Zi Xiao had never been keen on improving his strength, and Lin Yuan's request for Zi Xiao was as long as he didn't fall behind the big army.

In the face of Zi Xiao's request, Lin Yuan couldn't refuse, so he took Zi Xiao back into the locked spirit space, and asked Zi Xiao to go to the swamp world to find Slaughter Tiandie.

Since both Xiaohei and Yuansha were humbling, Lin Yuan simply spoke directly to Lily Lily.

"Lily Lily, why don't you advance to the mythical species first!"

As a succulent plant, even if the strength reaches the tenth level of the diamond rank, Lily Lily is still unable to communicate with Lin Yuan normally.

We can only understand each other's thoughts and consciousness through spiritual power with Lin Yuan.

Based on Lin Yuan's understanding of plant-like spirits, the spiritual wisdom of plant-like spirits will be greatly improved after they are promoted to mythical species.

By then, he should be able to communicate well with Lily Lily.

Feeling Lin Yuan's instruction to advance herself, Lily Lily immediately spun.

The crystallized main flower head drives a number of auxiliary flower heads to rotate, and the bundles of Luan Cui, which have already been divided into three bundles, exude surging life energy.

The spiritual power and life energy in Lily Lily boiled up in an instant.

A hole appeared in the sky again, and the raging fire like magma poured down from the hole.

The turbulent want to fall on Lily Lily.

Hengyuan immediately blocked the offensive of the baptism of heaven and earth.

The favor of heaven and earth fell from the hole and fell on Lily Lily.

Lily Lily's bloodline has not changed, but as a succulent Lily Lily has undergone mass growth and embellishment.

If you want to say what kind of change Lily Lily can have, it can only evolve towards the "stubborn leaf type"!

Stubborn leaves refer to making the leaves of succulents smaller and more delicate, but the interior can contain more

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Much energy!

Lin Yuan had never had any extravagant demands on the mutant direction of "Stubborn Leaf" before.

Because the mutation direction of the plant-like spirit "Stubborn Leaf" only exists in legends, it was the moon that helped Lin Yuan to confirm this.

Only then did Lin Yuan know that the mutation direction of "Stubborn Leaf" is really possible!

Lin Yuan took out a large number of pupae obtained by feeding Jianmu winged lacewings.

The pure wood-type energy was prepared in advance with the well water of the element well.

Taking advantage of the baptism of heaven and earth into Lily Lily's body, Lily Lily absorbed the effort of baptism of heaven and earth.

Lin Yuan poured all the wood element energy prepared with the elemental well water onto Lily Lily's crystallized main flower head, and crushed seven or eight aura crystals.

Under the triple nourishment of the pure wood element energy and spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, the life energy spewing out of Lily Lily turned into substance at this moment.

Tightly wrapping Lily Lily in it blocked Lin Yuan's sight, so that Lin Yuan could no longer watch Lily Lily's changes through his eyes.

Lin Yuan took a deep breath.

Regardless of the final result, Lin Yuan has no objection.

Because Lin Yuan has already exerted his greatest ability on Lily Lily, what will Lily Lily do in the end depends on Lily Lily's own creation!

Lily Lily did not make Lin Yuan wait too long, and soon the substantive life energy wrapped around her body was sucked back into her body by Lily Lily.

Originally, Lily Lily became bigger than Lin Yuan's head, and being held by Lin Yuan was like holding a large potted plant.

But in the end, when the few strands of real life energy were about to be sucked back into the body by Lily Lily, Lin Yuan saw Lily Lily's hazy figure.

I saw Lily Lily became only the size of Lin Yuan's slap.

There will be such a change, especially when Lily Lily is promoted to the rank, there is only one possibility.

That is Lily Lily mutated towards the "Stubborn Leaf Type".

The current Lily Lily can be said to be clustered, embellished, crystallized, and stubborn leaves in one, achieving all the changes that Lily Lily can take as a succulent. UU reading

In his previous life, Lin Yuan was fortunate enough to see the imperial green jadeite worth hundreds of millions.

At this time, the color of the lily lily leaves was even more alarming than the imperial green emerald green.

At first glance, it looks like Qinrun is in the long river flowing with life energy, and is infinitely nourished by life energy to the body.

The short and round leaves grow on the branches of Lily Lily, and the red main flower head is the top red jade.

The flowers are surrounded by the blue color in the middle, and the three-pointed green bag has also crystallized.

The gleaming white flowers are raised high, more radiant than the sea of ​​flowers all over the mountains and plains.

Lin Yuan had a hard time believing that a succulent plant could have such an earth-shattering beauty!

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