Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2559: Zerg Holy Blood!

Lin Yuan had been on his way in the Zerg world for two days.

Because the abyss emperor is a master of the living realm extremely fast.

This made Lin Yuan travel at least half of the distance in the Zerg world.

Lin Yuan found that the Zerg world was really too barren, and the stony earth in the Zerg world was much harder than the land in the abyss world.

The land of the abyss world can also grow some earth-type plant-like spirits.

The land of the Zerg world is barren.

The Cordyceps, which is abundant in the Zerg world, has not been seen in many places.

Most of the time, when they were discovered by other zerg, they devoured it directly.

The Zerg world relies entirely on self-produced products.

Under such circumstances, a unique civilization with such a powerful strength was still born, which made Lin Yuan even more looking forward to the worm eggs soaking in the sacred pond, the place of inheritance.

And the red liquid that seeps out from the ground every once in a while in the mountain behind the inheritance.

The Zerg world is so desolate that the Zerg can develop like this.

The mother insect of the Zerg has exchanged genes with the creatures of other dimension worlds, and the Zerg is bound to become more powerful.

Lin Yuan obtained the scale of the new emperor in the eyes of Jiuyuanhai in the water world and became the emperor of the mermaid family.

It is equivalent to the inheritance of the mermaid family.

In the process of accepting the inheritance, a tragic picture appeared in Lin Yuan's mind.

The mermaid race and the race of handsome human beings with bat wings behind them fell behind.

The race with wings on its back and fair complexion and handsome face is probably a fairly powerful race in the outside world.

"Fairy Wood"

I just don't know how the race to which this worm egg belongs is in the outside world.

"The inheritance of the adult Zerg is coming. Among the fourteen queens of the Zerg, only the Zerg Queen Kali has been guarding the Zerg."

"Her wormhole is not far from the side of the inheritance land!"

"We Zerg have the ability to communicate with each other, and I have explained the situation to Carly in advance."

"Carly is waiting for you, sir!"

Lin Yuan nodded lightly when he heard the words.

For Lin Yuan, it was more important to go to the place of inheritance of the Zerg to get two endless gems.

But Lin Yuan still chose to meet Carly first.

Because once Lin Yuan showed her disregard for Carly after Meisha revealed Carly's existence.

On the one hand, it will make Carly think that she is not valued.

On the other hand, spreading it out will make others feel that they don't value Carly.

In the future, it will be very difficult for Carly to develop in a group of reincarnation masters.

The dimensional creatures that can become the masters of the reincarnation realm are all true heroes without exception.

Lin Yuan is willing to give full dignity and decency to Carly, who has surrendered to herself.

"Let's go, first go to Kali's wormhole and then take Kali to the place of inheritance of the Zerg."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, the smile in Meisha's eyes became a little gentler.

On the one hand, Lin Yuan's attitude towards Kali can represent Lin Yuan's character, and on the other hand, it is about equal to Lin Yuan's attitude towards the entire Zerg clan.

Lin Yuan's behavior not only made Mesa feel respect and warmth, but also let Mesa know that Lin Yuan was paying attention to the Zerg.

Lin Yuan's previous promise was definitely impossible to just say casually.

"The land of the inheritance of the adults has always been cleaned by the newly promoted Zerg queen."

"Carly knows more about the recent developments of the eggs than I do."

"I have told Carly that you are going to the land of inheritance, and Carly has already made preparations."

"I won't waste your time, sir!"

"There should be red liquid obtained from the back mountain crater in the place of inheritance, Carly. You can get the red liquid first and investigate the red liquid."

"Otherwise, when you arrive at the back mountain of the place of inheritance, I am a little afraid that those red liquids will not be secreted."

"We Zerg have been researching there, but we haven't detected the regularity of the red liquid."

As he spoke, Lin Yuan saw that the ground beneath his feet had changed.

All the hard stones were crushed, and there were holes one after another in the debris.

There are probably tens of thousands of zerg lurking in each hole.

The architectural style of the Zerg is very rough, and it looks like an ant nest in nature.

But the same Zerg building doesn't look beautiful from the outside, but the inside is exquisite.

The Zerg should be said to be the only race among all dimensional creatures that live together in the hundreds of millions.

When he arrived at the central building, Lin Yuan saw a zerg queen with big eyes and a very lively temperament, standing there quietly with four worm legs and two pairs of worm wings behind her back.

After seeing Lin Yuan, he actually crawled down and bowed deeply to Lin Yuan.

If the scene in front of him is seen by other Zerg members, he will be surprised and shocked in his heart.

Even though Kali is the weakest among all the Zerg queens, Kali's character is notoriously unruly.

Even the Zerg Queen Carrie at the peak of the reincarnation has not contradicted her.

If it wasn't for Mesa's persuasion this time, Carly would not have stayed behind in the Zerg Dimensional World to do housekeeping work.

Mesa was able to persuade Carly because Carly had the best relationship with Mesa among all the Zerg.

Carly had been favored by Mesa before she became the Zerg Queen, so Carly was willing to give Mesa this face.

And Mesa also made a promise to Carly, saying to Carly that some of the collected materials could be donated to Carly in her own name.

Carly never imagined at first that the Zerg would end up being captured when they used their entire clan to conquer a newly discovered world.

The other thirteen Zerg queens who were stronger than themselves could only choose to be loyal to this powerful creature.

If you resist, not only is it meaningless, but it may also affect the image of the Zerg clan in the eyes of that powerful creature.

It took Carly two days to digest all of this, and then Carly thought about how to make this powerful creature look after her.

He will not despise himself because he is the weakest.

In order to please a person, the most basic thing is to know the person's character and preferences.

All this Carly did not know.

Carly also knows that her emotional intelligence is not high, and she is not good at interpersonal matters.

So Carly was going to ask and accompany the big man to Mesa in the land of inheritance.

Carly thought that Mesa wouldn't tell herself this kind of thing, because no one in the round wanted to have an extra competitor for nothing.

The preferences and personality of this big man were also discovered by Mesa a little bit.

Carly didn't expect that in the face of her own inquiry, Mesa would tell her everything in detail.

This made Carly know exactly how to face the grown-up.