Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2916: I'll help you hold on!

Shi Mei, the head of the Ellente clan, had been in contact with Lin Yuan on the way, and it was clear that he wanted to get as much information as possible from Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan was extremely skillful in dealing with this kind of invisible inquiry.

Lin Yuan also told Shi Mei the news he wanted to reveal to Shi Mei without any trace!

Shimei wanted to get information from Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan's behavior of following the trend could dispel others' wariness of her to the greatest extent.

Lin Yuan showed his superiority along the way, and the resources Lin Yuan provided at will refreshed Shi Mei's knowledge.

Even if Yi Xue resents Shimei for trying to please Lin Yuan, the Ellente clan is still an ally of the Andra clan.

If Shimei is offended by his actions, it will not be of any benefit to the Andela clan.

Yi Xue secretly explained to Shi Mei that the blood servants around Lin Yuan were extremely powerful.

Lin Yuan had all the strength, bloodline and resources. Even if he wanted to question Lin Yuan's identity, there was no possibility of questioning him.

After all, non-vampire members can't obtain such pure bloodline as Lin Yuan's!

"Your Excellency Hei, I would like to ask you for a favor."

"While you are absorbing the blood tide, can you ask the blood servants around you to bring more blood tides to our side?"

"Don't worry, we will only absorb the blood tide after ensuring that you have enough blood tide to absorb!"

In fact, not only Shimei, but also the heads of several other blood clans also had the idea of ​​making friends with Lin Yuan.

It's just that these vampire clansmen are not as good at catering to Shi Mei, and they have never found an opportunity to communicate with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's posture was really inconvenient for contact.

Shimei's words represent other blood clans. If these blood servants under Lin Yuan really help gather the blood tide, they will ensure that Lin Yuan absorbs the blood tide first. This is understandable.

But this should never be used as a favor by Shimei.

The heads of several clans wanted to remind Shimei not to make decisions for everyone.

However, when they thought that Shi Mei's proposal would be beneficial to Lin Yuan, they reminded Shi Mei that it would most likely cause Lin Yuan to misunderstand, so they gave up the idea of ​​reminding Shi Mei.

Shimei knew very well that what he said would cause dissatisfaction from other clans.

However, it was worth it in Shimei's opinion to make friends with Lin Yuan, but Lin Yuan's performance greatly disappointed Shimei.

Lin Yuan did not respond to his flattery, but nodded lightly.

This made Shimei extremely embarrassed, and at the same time, she determined in her heart that the Elise clan where Lin Yuan belonged was definitely not simple!

The Vampires have this problem. The higher their posture is, the more powerful they feel. If they assume a low posture, they will be looked down upon by the Vampires!

Kani, who was following Lin Yuan, said in time.

"If everything depends on our young master, we will naturally be willing to help!"

"But if anyone hinders our young master from absorbing the tide of blood, we won't be polite!"

The chiefs of the major blood clans did not take Kani and Jingchen seriously, but any strong person who set foot in the Holy Spirit Realm could feel the strength of Kani and Jingchen.

The really powerful people around Lin Yuan were the two women and the old man who had been protecting Lin Yuan in the center.

The heads of the major clans, including Yi Xue, expressed their opinions one after another.

"Don't worry, we are all willing to be friends of the Elise clan, and no one will interfere with Elise Black's absorption of the blood tide!"

"Whoever takes action is our enemy!"

While everyone was talking, there was a sudden burst of energy in the distance, and then rich blood began to spread from the place where the movement occurred. This showed that the Elisa clan had begun to activate the blood pool!

Once the blood pool is opened, its location cannot be hidden.

When the tide of blood spreads again, it will be Liu Chen and Liu Yao's turn to take action!

The star thieves gathered together by Liu Chen and Liu Yao are already in a state of preparation and can take action at any time.

Originally, the Elisa clan adopted a ignoring attitude towards the vampire members from the major clans present.

But now the Elisa clan has changed its attitude and sent a large number of people to verify the identities of the visitors from the major vampire clans.

The purpose is to ensure that no one will cause any trouble when the blood pool opens, which will affect that adult's promotion to the queen level.

Once you remember which clans are coming and who is in each clan.

When a problem occurs, you can directly find the corresponding clan through the person who caused the trouble to settle the matter.

The Elisa clan has made a lot of preparations for such a major event as the opening of the blood pool.

When Yi Xue found out that people from the Elisa clan were checking the identities of the members present, he secretly said something bad.

Lin Yuan, a member of the Blood Clan who had always lived outside the Scarlet Territory, was a huge instability factor for the Elisa Clan.

If the Elisa clan is unsure of Lin Yuan's identity, they will probably not allow Lin Yuan to stay here.

If this happens, it will be difficult to deal with it!

Yi Xue himself definitely hopes to stay here to share the energy in the blood tide, but it is one thing whether there will be conflicts if Lin Yuan is driven away by the people of the Elisa clan.

If I want to advance and retreat with Lin Yuan, I must exit together with Lin Yuan!

But Yi Xue didn't want to give up this hard-won opportunity to absorb the blood tide.

The Elisa clan has always acted in a domineering manner, and it is very likely that they will blame themselves for bringing Lin Yuan, a vampire with an unknown identity.

Yi Xue watched the people of Elisa clan's investigation coming towards him. Just when Yi Xue was about to think of a way to deal with it, he felt several powerful auras coming from the distance.

Yi Xue looked in the direction from which the breath came, and saw a group of non-vampire members.

These people have a very ferocious aura, and they are obviously not members of the Vampire Clan. The Vampire Clan will not allow the Vampires to bar their teeth like tigers.

Being as docile and cute as a kitten is a must-have quality for a family member!

The aura of this group of people is very much like that of star thieves plundering outside the Crimson Territory.

This group of star thieves are extremely ruthless, and basically every caravan of a vampire clan has been robbed by these star thieves.

The Vampire Clan once sent manpower to annihilate these star thieves, but every star thieves group was as slippery as a loach.

Even if we can occasionally catch and destroy a few star thief groups, it will not affect the proliferation of star thief groups outside the Scarlet Territory!

After all, there are huge profits to be made from plundering near the Scarlet Realm.

If these star thieves dare to come to the Elisa clan's territory and run wild at this time, they will definitely anger the Elisa clan.

These star thieves are mostly premeditated and planned.

Because it is impossible for these star thieves to not know what it means to target a vampire clan that is about to have a queen at this time.