Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2917: The open blood pool!

None of the vampire members who came to the Elisa clan's territory were willing to use their own lives to put an end to the disaster that had happened to the Elisa clan.

Chun and Dong beside Lin Yuan did not take action, while Kani and Jianchen kept killing these star thieves.

Kani and Jue Chen's attacks were extremely fierce. The general strength of these star thieves was in the realm of the realm of emperors, and it was difficult to resist Kani and Jie Chen's attacks.

Lin Yuan's protection of He Nalu allowed He Nalu to spread the news smoothly.

The elders of the Elisa clan already knew about the Star Thief invasion.

Under normal circumstances, these star thieves would fight tooth and nail to prevent Ha Na Lu from delivering the message.

Once the elders of the Elisa clan know the news, they will definitely send people to eliminate these star thieves.

However, these star thieves did not target He Nalu too much. He Nalu and other vampire members of the Elisa clan did not discover this detail.

After delivering the message to the clan, He Nalu hurriedly expressed her gratitude to Lin Yuan.

"Thank you for buying time for me to spread the news to the ears of the elders in the clan!"

"The elders will soon send people to eliminate these star thieves. Why don't you go with me to the interior of the territory!"

"We can no longer resist here!"

He Nalu was full of affection for the pure-blood young man standing in front of her. The vampires were all about appearance, and Lin Yuan's appearance was very in line with the aesthetics of the vampires.

In addition, Ha Nalu keenly sensed an aura of dignity and superiority from Lin Yuan.

This kind of aura can only be cultivated by people with truly high positions.

This kind of temperament made Ha Nalu still couldn't help but have a rosy look on her face even in the current environment.

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard this.

"It's really hard to resist here. I don't know why the star thieves gathered together and chose to invade the Elisa clan at this time."

"Even if they know that the Elisa clan is about to open a blood pool, these star thieves should not come to take advantage of the Elisa clan!"

"The Eliza clan is about to have a queen, and the blood pool doesn't seem to be of much value to these star thieves."

Lin Yuan had a pensive expression on his face when he spoke, as if he was seriously helping the Elisa clan think about the reasons.

What Lin Yuan said was exactly what He Nalu was thinking. These star thieves have been wandering around the periphery of the Scarlet Realm. These star thieves will indeed rob the supplies of the vampire caravan from time to time.

However, he did not dare to offend any powerful Vampire clan for fear of being retaliated by this powerful Vampire clan.

These star thieves should be afraid of the Elisa clan.

Before opening the blood pool, the Elisa clan thought about many situations that might occur after opening the blood pool, but they never thought that these star thieves would target the Elisa clan!

Therefore, the Elisa clan did not conduct any similar rehearsal at all.

These star thieves have seriously affected the Elisa clan's ritual of opening the blood pool. Hanalu is very afraid that other vampire forces will take advantage of these star thieves to cause trouble and attack the Elisa clan!

It can be said that the Elisa clan has made great determination to open the blood pool. If something goes wrong, the Elisa clan will lose at least a thousand years of accumulation.

Lord Qinyu is only one step away from becoming the queen. Lord Qinyu is the most vulnerable period during the bloodline promotion stage.

This kind of fragility does not refer to losing strength, but once you fail in the process of blood transformation, it will be difficult to get another chance to transform! .

Lord Qinyu has lost the opportunity. I am afraid that in the next few hundred years, the Elisa clan will not have any prince-level vampires who can try to attack the queen again!

This lack of foundation will cause the Elisa clan to fall back at least three places in the ranking of the vampires in the Scarlet Realm!

"These **** star thieves really don't know who gave them the courage. No matter how many there are, they must kill them all!"

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in the heart of my Elisa clan!"

Lin Yuan ignored the cruel words of the female vampire in front of him. Most of these star thieves would leave the Scarlet Realm after completing this operation.

It is not easy for the Elisa clan to seek revenge on these star thieves.

Moreover, Liu Chen and Liu Yao would not send out all the star thieves they had gathered at once. The number of star thieves participating in this operation was far from the few seen now.

I hope these star thieves can give some help and lure more people from the Elisa clan out!

Just when Lin Yuan was about to follow the female vampire named He Nalu to the interior of the Elisa clan's territory, Lin Yuan received a soul message from Yu Chun.

"Master, according to the current situation, once there is a problem in the blood pool, the Elisa clan will definitely investigate the vampires who have entered the territory one by one."

"The energy of the blood pool is forcibly absorbed by other vampires. The Elisa clan will never give up. The Elisa clan will definitely go crazy."

"At that time, you will probably no longer be able to maintain your current status as a vampire!"

"Since the other blood clans, the Elisa clan, are aware of this, you will definitely be listed as a target of suspicion by the Elisa clan."

"Instead of doing this, it's better to stay outside the Elisa clan's territory. Helping the Elisa clan fight against the star thieves can also gain a favor from the Elisa clan."

"If the Elisa clan falls into a state of madness, the Andra clan will definitely be implicated, and it is possible that it may even affect the Brahma Tower!"

"Retaining the identity of a vampire, especially the identity that you have been managing for a long time, is only good for you!"

"Once your current vampire identity becomes sensitive, it will be difficult for you to have contact with other vampires in the Scarlet Domain for a long time to come!"

Since Lin Yuan has given up on restoring the memory of his previous life in Guixian Pond and is no longer bound by the memory of his previous life, everything about Lin Yuan is bound to grow again!

If he participates too much, it will affect Lin Yuan's growth.

In this case, Chun would only put forward his opinions and opinions to Lin Yuan at a critical moment.

As for whether Lin Yuan adopts his own opinions and views, it is Lin Yuan's own business.

Seeing the thoughtful expression on Lin Yuan's face, UU Reading Chun spoke.

"A vampire at the peak prince level is indeed stronger than Liu Chen and Liu Yao, but it is not a threat to me and Dong!"

"Dong and I will go to the blood pool to control or kill this prince-level vampire."

"You are helping to resist the star thieves on the periphery. The Elisa clan will never suspect you."

"Besides, you have helped the Elisa clan now, and the Elisa clan will still thank you in the end!"

Lin Yuan heard what Chun said and immediately made a decision to do it according to Chun's method.

The vampire identity that Lin Yuan has now created can be said to be extremely successful. While being on good terms with the Andela clan, he has also made contact with at least five other vampire clans that share the blood heritage of the prince.

These vampire clans all planned to have good relations with Lin Yuan.

Under such circumstances, if Lin Yuan gave up his current identity, all his previous relationships would be in vain.

And this incident will definitely serve as a warning to these blood clans.

Later, when Lin Yuan wants to make friends with these forces as a new vampire, he will definitely be guarded by these forces.