Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2930: Lin Xiaoyuan, who always falls out!

Speaking of this, Yi Xue paused and then continued.

"Because of your relationship with Fengxuan, you acted arrogantly. Some of Fengxuan's actions have tarnished your wisdom, sir."

"Fengxuan is from the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan. The Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan is a dependent of our Andela clan. I am ready to make the entire Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan apologize to you!"

Hearing this, Lin Neng twitched the corners of his mouth twice and looked at Yi Xue speechlessly.

This translator is really capable of pulling blood. Even after the Andela clan dealt with the whirlwind, it was still able to pull it on himself!

I really want to use the wind whirlpool, but even if I use the wind whirlpool, there is no relationship between the wind whirlpool and the wind whirlpool, let alone a deep bond!

No matter what Fengxuan does, it is bound to not affect him.

Yi Xue himself wanted to clean up the Andela clan, thinking that the Andela clan was disobedient.

But he said it as if it was for himself!

Lin Yuan was very disgusted with this behavior of Yi Xue. Did he really look like such a fool? ?

Without Lin Yuan opening his mouth, Jingchen had already released his aura.

This aura went straight to the translator's blood and completely suppressed the translator's blood.

"Chief of the Translate Blood Clan, the small Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan still has no relationship with our Elise Clan."

"Are you dissatisfied with our Elise clan by forcefully bringing such a guy together!?"

"You can kill or cut into pieces your own dependents. If we, the dependents of the Elise clan, would not be able to do such things that would go against the interests of the Elise clan."

"Not to mention affecting the cooperation between the Elise clan and other clans!"

Ji Chen's words were so merciless that Yi Xue changed his expression several times.

Normally, Shimei would definitely speak up for Yi Xue, but this time Shimei did not do so.

Shimei wished that Lin Yuan would have a rift with the Andela clan, so that the Ellente clan would have more opportunities to contact Lin Yuan.

It was rare for Yi Xue to be contradicted like this. Yi Xue had always regarded Chun, Dong, Kani, Jing Chen and others as Lin Yuan's blood servants.

When the blood servant contradicted him, Lin Yuan did not speak to stop him, which showed that Lin Yuan must be very dissatisfied with him.

Yi Xue knew the current affairs very well and hurriedly obeyed.

"Your Excellency Hei, you have misunderstood me. No matter how powerful the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan is, they cannot match the Elise Clan's connections."

"I just made a mistake, please forgive me!"

Lin Yuan had a dignified sneer on his face.

"Your Excellency Yixue, our two clans do cooperate, but mutual respect is a must."

"If something like this happens again, the Andela clan will no longer be friends with my Elise clan."

"I have always been very curious about how the Silent River and the Scarlet Realm are far apart. How do the ethnic groups in the Silent River cooperate with the Andra clan?"

Yi Xueben was shocked and angry because of Lin Yuan's words. Seeing Lin Yuan change the subject, the expression on Yi Xue's face became a little more natural.

The questions Lin Yuan asked were clear to Yi Xue, who quickly answered Lin Yuan truthfully.

In order to ease the relationship with Lin Yuan, Yi Xue explained the situation in great detail. As soon as Yi Xue finished speaking, he heard Lin Yuan ask.

"So the person who made the friendship between the Andela clan and the four Jihe clans is also a member of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan."

When Yi Xue heard Lin Yuan mention Fan Lou, he thought that Lin Yuan was going to target Fan Lou because of the Andela clan, so he hurriedly excused Fan Lou.

"You don't know something, Mr. Hei. This Brahma Tower was originally a foreign member of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan. Because of his great contribution to the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan, he was given the blood essence of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan and obtained the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan. The blood of a clan.”

"But the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan treated Fanlou extremely poorly. Fanlou almost died at the hands of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan."

"We, the Andela clan, intend to change Fan Lou's race and make Fan Lou a vampire."

Lin Yuan's expression moved slightly when he heard this, and then he said with a smile.

"Oh? I didn't expect that your Andela clan would value this foreigner named Fan Lou very much, and you would even spend your blood essence to help transform Fan Lou's bloodline."

"Hearing what you say makes me want to get to know this guy named Fan Lou!"

"Let's go. When you return to the Andela clan, you can introduce Fanlou to me and let me get to know such a number one person!"

When Yi Xue heard this, he was startled at first, and subconsciously wanted to shirk it.

He thought that Lin Yuan also took a fancy to the four Jihe clans and wanted to compete with the Andela clan for their relationship with the four Jihe clans.

There is no doubt that the Elise clan is stronger than the Andra clan.

In the competition for relationships with other forces, the Andela clan simply cannot compete with the Elise clan.

But Yi Xue immediately thought that Lin Yuan would not stay in the Andela clan for long.

Even if Lin Yuan actively wanted to make friends with the Jihe Four Clan when they didn't know Lin Yuan at all, the Jihe Four Clan would definitely be defensive and would not be directly recruited by Lin Yuan.

For example, the four Jihe tribes did not know the situation in the territory of the Elisa clan. All he had to do was not introduce Lin Yuan too much when introducing Lin Yuan to the four Jihe tribes.

The Four Jihe Clan have been in contact with the Andela Clan since they came to the Scarlet Realm. It is thought that only the Andela Clan can give the Four Jihe Clan a sense of security.

With the tyranny of the Elise clan, the Elise clan should not take the initiative to make friends with the four Jihe clans.

The strength of the four Jihe clans is only comparable to that of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan, and they are only at the level of the Familia clan.

The Andela clan has strong men in the Holy Spirit realm, but the strongest combat power of the four Jihe clans is only at the peak of the Kingdom of God, and there is an insurmountable gap between them.

If the Elise clan takes the initiative to make friends with the four Jihe clans, their value will be somewhat reduced!

Yi Xue's impression of the four Jihe tribes was not good. The four Jihe tribes were somewhat arrogant in their behavior.

This kind of arrogance should not exist in contact with the Andra clan.

The four Jihe tribes dared to take such a stance because they probably felt that the Blood Tribe needed the help of the Dark Spiny Fish Tribe in their actions against the Mermaid Tribe.

But in fact, many blood clan forces have not counted on the venom produced by the dark spiny fish clan.

A group without the Holy Spirit Realm can only be used as a tool at best.

"Your Excellency Hei, you are interested in getting to know Fanlou, so I am naturally willing to introduce Fanlou to you!"

"It's just that I have heard that this member of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan named Fan Lou is extremely flattering. You should be careful not to be deceived by such a little person when you come into contact with him!"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Fan Lou was indeed just an insignificant person in Yi Xue's eyes.

However, Yi Xue might have forgotten that he had just said that the Andela clan intended to change Fan Lou's race and make Fan Lou a vampire.

This can be said to be the greatest reward given by the vampire clan to members of the dependent clan. Even Feng Qing has never received such favor!

The reason why Yi Xue wanted to give this preferential treatment to Fan Lou was because of the value that Fan Lou could create.

This is because he is afraid that the four Jihe clans he met through his introduction to the Brahma Tower or the direct interest in the Brahma Tower itself will compete with the Andela clan!

Through what Yi Xue said, Lin Yuan could already confirm in his heart that Yi Xue was a person who lacked structure.

As long as there is some pattern in translating blood, as the patriarch of a clan, he will not do such topsy-turvy things.

It would be fine if he didn't notice Yi Xue's thoughts, but the key point was that Yi Xue made himself aware of the calculation in his heart.

In many cases, Lin Yuan doesn't have to be this smart person, but the premise is that others don't really think of him as a fool.

If others directly regard Lin Yuan as a fool, then if Lin Yuan doesn't expose this person, it will really look like Lin Yuan is stupid!

"Haha, Your Excellency Yi Xue is really good at joking!"

"I remember that Your Excellency Yi Xue just said that he was going to transform this member of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan named Fan Lou into a vampire."

"How could this Brahma Tower be as miserable as Mr. Yi Xue said!?"

"If Sir Yi Xue really doesn't want to introduce you, forget it. I'm not interested in getting to know a guy who is a member of your Andra clan!"

The fact is exactly what Lin Yuan said. There is really no need for Lin Yuan to meet with Fan Lou.

Lin Yuan's reward for Fan Lou could not be bigger than asking Dong to give it to Fan Lou quietly.

With the strength of Andra clan members, it is impossible to detect Dong's trace.

Yi Xue's face turned red and white at Lin Yuan's words. Yi Xue looked at Shi Mei as if asking for help, making it clear that he hoped Shi Mei could help him say a few words.

Shimei rolled her eyes at Yi Xue speechlessly.

I just want Yi Xue to introduce Lin Yuan to me. Even Yi Xue is not willing. How can I have the face to ask for my help now! ?

Could it be that he wanted to perjure himself and show Lin Yuan that the translation of blood did not mean this! ?

I know what Yi Xue just said. Isn't Yi Xue afraid that Lin Yuan will be angry with him because of this?

What Shmei hates most is selfish collaborators, but the Andela clan has been friends with the Ellente clan for nearly a thousand years.

Shimei felt very regretful. If the Andela clan had not been the one to support them in the first place, the Ellente clan would have had a strong ally!

Based on the current attitude of the Andela clan towards the Ellente clan, if any problems arise in the future, the Andela clan will not help the Ellente clan at all!

Shimei didn't want to help Yi Xue, but now he wouldn't want to hurt Yi Xue.

Shimei has a lot of things to deal with regarding the friendship between the two clans, and it won't be too late to divide the relationship between the two clans after they are dealt with!

Yi Xue, who did not receive any help from Shi Mei, looked quite annoyed. In Yi Xue's eyes, Shi Mei was coveting the opportunities of the Andela clan.

I have indeed forgotten Shimei’s previous help to the Andela clan.

In the heart of Yi Xue, he is more willing to take credit for the rise of the Andela clan!

Yi Xue has always promoted himself as the great riser who revived the Andra clan.

Yi Xue heard dissatisfaction from Lin Yuan's words, and just when Yi Xue was about to defend himself, he only heard what Lin Yuan said.

"Since the Andra clan doesn't even have the slightest sincerity, then I'd better go sit in the Ellente clan!"

"The deal to be negotiated with the Andela clan is the same as that with the Ellente clan."

Shimei originally felt very regretful that she could not make friends with Lin Yuan, but she never expected such a big reversal.

This reversal made Shimei, a steady female vampire clan leader, look obviously excited on her face, and Shimei said hurriedly.

"My Ellente clan is very willing to trade with the Elise clan, and I will definitely treat Elise Black as the most distinguished guest!"

Yi Xue never expected such a situation to occur.

Yi Xue didn't care that his words would cause Shi Mei's dissatisfaction, so Yi Xue hurriedly spoke.

"Elise Black, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean it at all. I hope you can understand my thoughts clearly!"

"My Andra clan has always treated you as the most distinguished guest!"

Lin Yuan didn't even need to speak, Shi Mei had already said sharply.

"You can't say whether you are a distinguished guest or not. Elise Black can feel it herself!"

"With your attitude just now, no one can sense your so-called sincerity!"

"Now that Her Excellency Elise Black has decided to go to the territory of our Ellente clan, you should respect Her Majesty Elise Black's decision!"

Having said that, Shimei invited Lin Yuan with great enthusiasm, and her enthusiasm for Lin Yuan was many times stronger than that of Yi Xue!

Shimei is indeed a person who is far more able to put down his posture than Yi Xue, especially when Shimei wants to make friends with someone.

Shimei was very concerned about the transaction that Lin Yuan just mentioned. If she could trade with Lin Yuan once, she would be able to truly understand the benefits of being friendly with Lin Yuan or the Elise clan.

Lin Yuanli ignored Yi Xue and left directly with Shi Mei.

Lin Yuan has never had contact with Fan Lou until now. It is a good thing not to see Fan Lou.

This allowed Fan Lou to completely break away from himself.

Lin Yuan has informed Qin Yu of the subsequent development route arranged for Fan Lou. Qin Yu will naturally find a suitable opportunity to promote Fan Lou.

Lin Yuan's reward to Fan Lou will be delivered to Fan Lou tonight. The Andela clan has severed its relationship with itself and can no longer rely on the Elise clan.

We can only make good friends with the four Jihe tribes through Fanlou!

The Ellente clan, a blood clan that has always been on good terms with the Andela clan, UU Reading has obviously separated from the Andela clan.

Yi Xue suffered such a big blow and needed a place to vent. The Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan became the best punching bag for Yi Xue.

Lin Yuan did not stay in Ellente for long, even though the people of the Ellente clan had been entertaining Lin Yuan with great enthusiasm.

Lin Yuan and the Ellente clan obtained a large amount of blood-based spiritual materials through pure spiritual energy transactions. These blood-based spiritual materials were enough for the Blood Bath Mother for a long time.

Shimei regarded her relationship with Lin Yuan as the luckiest thing that happened to the Ellente clan in the past three hundred years.

Shimei planned to use the pure spiritual energy obtained from the transaction to improve her own strength.

The Ellente clan is indeed a clan inherited from the prince's blood, but this does not mean that the prince's blood will forever confine the Ellente clan.

If he can go one step further after being promoted to the pinnacle prince, then the Ellente clan will rewrite history and gain the same glory as the Elisa clan! ()