Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2931: Fire Feather Crazy Lion!

Lin Yuan didn't think much about his interactions with the Ellente clan.

Lin Yuan's deal with the Ellente clan was entirely because Lin Yuan still needed some blood-based spiritual materials. Lin Yuan's heart was completely set on the Sky City at this time.

Returning to Sky City this time, the resources Lin Yuan obtained through his trip can increase the strength of the core members of Sky City at an extremely fast speed.

These resources can also make the Kingdom of Faith more complete.

Fan Lou thought he would have the opportunity to meet Lin Yuan, but Fan Lou felt quite regretful that he could not see Lin Yuan.

That evening Fan Lou met Dong. Fan Lou's impression of Dong was no less than that of Lin Yuan.

At that time, Dongyi waved his hand and controlled the virtual beast that landed in the second-level world, as well as everyone on the virtual beast's back.

Dong handed a piece of space equipment to Fan Lou, nodded to Fan Lou, and left directly.

Dong didn't say anything more to Fan Lou because Fan Lou couldn't be seen by Dong yet.

Dong Ken nodded to Fan Lou, which was already his greatest affirmation to Fan Lou.

Fan Lou didn't care about Dong's attitude towards him. When Fan Lou first came into contact with Dong, Dong's attitude towards him was much harsher than it is now.

Lin Yuan's willingness to let Dong take this trip was enough to show how much Lin Yuan valued him.

Fan Lou inspected the supplies in the space equipment with anticipation, and a shocked expression appeared on Fan Lou's face.

Fan Lou stood there in shock for a long time. Fan Lou asked himself in his heart more than once, how could he be able to get so many rewards from Lin Yuan.

Many of the levels of these rewards have exceeded Fan Lou's ability to recognize resources.

The resources that will be used as rewards in Lin Yuan's hands are like this. When these resources are handed over to Qin Yu, the queen of the blood race, Qin Yu will also be excited and shocked.

Fan Lou was now appreciated by Lin Yuan through his own abilities, which made Lin Yuan truly regard Fan Lou as a subordinate worth cultivating.

Otherwise, Fanlou would not be qualified to obtain so many high-quality resources!

Such as these more than 3,000 spiritual energy crystals and nearly 10,000 blood-based spiritual materials, the current Brahma Tower has no idea how to use them.

But when Fan Lou becomes a member of the vampire clan, these things will come in handy.

The resources Lin Yuan invested in Fan Lou gave Fan Lou a rough idea of ​​Lin Yuan's arrangements for him.

Fan Lou was extremely satisfied with the arrangements Lin Yuan had made for him!

After becoming a vampire, Fan Lou will not only undergo a transformation in his life level, but will also start a new journey.

After understanding, Fan Lou discovered that Dong did not go to see the envoys of the four Jihe tribes, which meant that the envoys of the four Jihe tribes failed to receive Lin Yuan's reward.

From now on, Fanlou will have to rely on the envoys of the four Jihe clans to serve him. Fanlou also regards himself as a superior in the Sixth Patrol Team.

Fan Lou knew very well what kind of things he should do as a superior.

The envoys of the Four Jihe Tribes were very obedient in helping me. I wanted to make the envoys of the Four Jihe Tribes more obedient to my arrangements and follow my lead. Fanlou felt that he had to give some benefits to the envoys of the Four Jihe Tribes.

Those blood-based spiritual materials are of little use to the messengers of the four Jihe tribes, but those aura crystals are something that the messengers of the four Jihe tribes cannot ask for! ….

These spiritual energy crystals cannot be used up in a short period of time. As long as he works with Lin Yuan, he will always have the opportunity to obtain these spiritual energy crystals again!

Fan Lou took out four hundred spiritual energy crystals, and each one hundred crystals were placed in four brocade boxes.

Since you have decided to reward, you should reward more, otherwise it is better not to reward at all!

Since it is used as a reward, the reward must be fair and impartial.

The four Jihe tribes have a very close relationship with each other because they are jointly controlled by Lin Yuan. The messengers of the four tribes will exchange information.

If the envoys of the four Jihe clans knew that their rewards were biased, the party that received less rewards would definitely have opinions in their hearts.

Mo Hen was the most supportive of him and almost became the spokesperson of the four Jihe clans.

Fan Lou would secretly give Mo Hen part of the reward given to him by Lin Yuan. Fan Lou believed that Mo Hen could understand his intentions and would work harder for him in the future.

Mo Hen received a total of two hundred spiritual energy crystals. Mo Hen has never received so many rewards since he was born!

Mo Hen followed Fan Lou just to improve his status in the Dark Spiny Fish Clan. He never expected to receive such a generous reward!

These actual benefits are much more important than improving status. These two hundred spiritual energy crystals are enough to make Mo Hen's bloodline go further!

The improvement in strength would have enhanced Mo Hen's status in the Dark Spiny Fish Clan.

"Master Fanlou, thank you for cultivating me. I will have to rely on you in the future, and I hope you will not hesitate to help me!"

"From today on, I, Mo Hen, am willing to accept any assignment from you. I will treat every word you say as an imperial edict!"

Mo Hen's words were plainly a surrender to Fan Lou. Mo Hen would help Fan Lou do things before, but he never called Fan Lou "sir".

Mo Hen can't get along with Lin Yuan, so he treats Fan Lou like this now just because he thinks that he can get a good future if he gets in touch with Fan Lou!

For the sake of his own future, Mo Hen is willing to give his loyalty, even if it goes against the interests of the Dark Spiny Fish Clan, Mo Hen will not hesitate to do so!

Anyway, the Dark Spiny Fish Clan has also surrendered to Lin Yuan and is a force under Lin Yuan's command. Fan Lou knows this.

Since Fan Lou is also loyal to Lin Yuan, he will naturally not do anything to harm the interests of the Dark Spiny Fish clan.

Mo Hen has great ambitions, and Mo Hen's ambitions are aimed at the Dark Spiny Fish clan rather than Lin Yuan's status.

This makes there is no conflict between Mo Hen's ambition and Fan Lou's needs.

Fan Lou is willing to have the opportunity to lend a hand to Mo Hen. If he lends a hand, as long as Mo Hen is a person who knows how to repay his kindness, he can bring him the feedback he wants!

Mo Hen's current statement made Fan Lou very satisfied.

"Mo Hen, I work beside Mr. Lin Yuan. Mr. Lin Yuan treats me well, and I will certainly treat you well too!"

"The two of us are currently in a relationship where both prosper and suffer. If you understand this, you will know what to do in the future!"

"Even if I don't work with you anymore, the connection between us will still be unbroken!"….

Fan Lou's words seemed to be a reminder to Mo Hen, but in fact Fan Lou did not have this intention in his heart.

Because Fan Lou knows very well that Lin Yuan plans to develop himself in the vampire clan in the future, and his development will only get better and better!

As he develops better and better, Mo Hen will naturally hug his thighs tightly.

If one day the development of Fanlou becomes worse and worse, Fanlou will no longer have any requirements for Mo Hen!

Fan Lou believed that Mo Hen would no longer be able to follow him obediently and obey his orders.

In the next few days, members of the Andela clan frequently went to their residences in the territory of the Dark Acantha clan in order to see Brahma Lou.

The Andra clan lost its friendship with the Elise clan, a situation that Yi Xue had never expected before. Not only that, the Ellente clan, which is currently on good terms with the Andela clan, also has a lot of dissatisfaction with the Andela clan, and it has even reached a situation that threatens the cooperation between the two clans!

The Andela clan cannot sever cooperation with the Ellente clan, firstly because the Andela clan still relies on the Ellente clan for many aspects of cooperation.

Secondly, it is because the Ellente clan has been helping the Andela clan in the past.

After the Andela clan breaks off diplomatic relations with the Ellente clan, Shimei will definitely speak ill of the Andela clan outside and label the Andela clan as ungrateful.

If this is the case, it will be difficult for the Andela clan to continue to hang out in the Scarlet Territory!

The Andela clan has developed rapidly in recent years, and has actually offended many other vampire clans.

Yi Xue knew this in his heart.

An Lie, the elder, was unable to make decisions on many matters by himself. After Yi Xue returned, An Lie told Yi Xue exactly what had happened in the clan during this period.

Originally, Yi Xue was in a bad mood, but after hearing An Lie's story, Yi Xue's mood became even worse.

Before the critical point, I proposed to support the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan as a dependent clan. Even if I wanted to blame it, no one could blame it!

No matter how bad the current situation of the Andela clan is, it is not impossible for the dependent clan to be chosen.

The Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan has endangered the interests of the Andela Clan, and the Andela Clan has no reason to keep such a dependent clan!

"Which ethnic groups in An Lie have the strength to replace the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan recently?"

An Lie knew immediately that Yi Xue wanted to abolish the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan. It can be said that Yi Xue's idea coincided with An Lie's idea.

"Lord Translator, the white-bellied rattlesnake clan and the fire-feathered wild lion clan both have great potential."

"At that time, I will personally conduct an inspection among these groups. The strength of these two groups is similar to that of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan. In some aspects, it is even much stronger than the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan!"

"Especially, the bloodline of the Fire Feather Crazy Lion Clan is even better than that of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan!"

"When it comes to choosing a family member, I will definitely choose someone who is more obedient than the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan this time!"

Yi Xue raised his hand and rubbed his chin. This was an action Yi Xue used to do when he was thinking.

"First select the ethnic groups that are suitable for becoming a dependent clan, and then convene an elders meeting to discuss them."

"Then you take two jars of blood wine that has been brewed for more than eight thousand years and set off to visit the Black Wing Speaker. Let the newly elected clan leader replace Feng Qing during the replacement of Councilor Zunque!"...

An Lie's dislike for the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan can be regarded as the greatest among the entire Andela clan.

"Lord Yi Xue, the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan sent people here to seek forgiveness. Do you think it is necessary for us to give the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan a chance!?"

When Yi Xue heard this, he waved his hand.

"Opportunity? How can this opportunity be so easy to give!?"

"Why don't I see the Elise clan giving us a chance!?"

"Before we execute the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan, let the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan go back and think about the past, and don't come to our Andela Clan again to be an eyesore and an annoyance!"

"If there are any messages like this in the future, please don't let these messages reach my ears."

"You said before that Fan Lou has not yet given a reply. You can go see Fan Lou again on my behalf."

"Tell Fan Lou that the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan can be managed by Fan Lou. The life and death of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan are tied to Fan Lou's happiness and anger."

"No matter what, we must strive to make Fan Lou a member of the Andela clan!"

"As long as Fan Lou becomes a member of the Andela clan, not only will the four Jihe clans no longer have any objections to the Andela clan, but they will also become a help to our clan!"

Yi Xue thought over and over again and felt that as the leader of the Andela clan, it was really not suitable for him to go to see Fan Lou in person.

If he went to see Fan Lou in person, it would be fine if Fan Lou agreed.

If Fan Lou continues to delay, his face will be completely lost. How can he lead the members of the Andela clan in the future?

It is indeed possible that Fan Lou rejected An Lie before because Fan Lou knew that Feng Qing had given up on him, and he had been working hard to contribute to the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan, so there was something wrong with his mentality.

But after such a long time, Fan Lou must have thought clearly about everything he should think about.

If Fan Lou refuses again, there is only one possibility, that is, Fan Lou does not want to join the Andela clan and become a member of the Andela clan.

Joining the Andela Clan is an excellent opportunity for Fan Lou. As a smart man, Fan Lou should also know that if he can join the Andela Clan, he will stabilize the cooperation between the Andela Clan and the Dark Spiny Fish Clan. .

Only the Dark Spiny Fish Clan will take Brahma Lou more seriously!

Otherwise, if you just want to establish a relationship with the Dark Spiny Fish Clan based on kindness, such a relationship will definitely not last long!

An Lie had been rejected by Fan Lou once before and did not think that Fan Lou would reject him again, so he decisively accepted the task assigned to him by Yi Xue.

An Lie has been working hard to become Yi Xue's confidant. During this period, An Lie worked extremely hard for Yi Xue.

Now Yi Xue regards An Lie as his confidant, and Yi Xue will appoint An Lie to do many things.

This made An Lie extremely happy!

If the current situation continues, it won't be long before he becomes the third elder of the Andela clan!

Fan Lou thought about it again and again and finally decided that he should contact Lin Yuan first. UU read

Only by asking Lin Yuan himself some questions can he guarantee that he will not make any mistakes when doing things.

It just so happened that Lin Yuan had given him so many rewards, so it was necessary for him to express his gratitude to Lin Yuan.

Fanlou tried to contact Lin Yuan through the letter in his heart, but found that he could no longer contact Lin Yuan through the letter in his heart.

Fan Lou knew that Lin Yuan must have left the Scarlet Realm at this time.

Fan Lou turned to contact Lin Yuan through Phantom Crystal Lithops.

"Master Lin Yuan is very grateful for your gift to me. Now the Andela clan wants to absorb me into the clan. I wonder if I should accept their invitation?"

Lin Yuan knew that Fan Lou would definitely contact him proactively after receiving the supplies from Dong. Lin Yuan was waiting for news from Fan Lou! (End of chapter)




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