Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2970: Xinghan Holy Spirit!

Lin Yuan and Xia Zongzi entered Mu Zexirang's lair directly and captured Mu Zexirang.

Mu Zexirang was not given any room to resist.

Mu Zexiran must ask if he wants to protect his own interests.

Mu Zexiran always felt that what the other party said about arranging a high-level elf for him was a bit misleading.

How could the upper elf arrange things so easily?

If the other party is not connected to the Elf School, then he must be lying to himself.

Lin Yuan said in an extremely serious tone.

"You are about to join me. Trust is something we must have between us."

"I will soon let you see the high-level elf that I promised and arranged for you. Just letting you coexist with this high-level elf will require some effort on your part."

Lin Yuan's answer made Mu Zexirang frown. Lin Yuan's words showed that Lin Yuan himself had no cooperation with the Elf School.

However, since the other party promised that he would be able to see this high-ranking elf soon, Mu Zexirang agreed without any choice.

When a highly intelligent creature faced its future leader, Mu Zexirang said it very clearly.

"When I join your army, I will definitely leave this land. There is a lot of energy in this land that I can control but cannot take away."

"Do you have any plant life there?"

"Even if it is a plant creature in the Holy Spirit Realm, I can use this energy to help it ascend to a large level and transcend the Holy Spirit Realm itself. This is my gift to you."

"I hope you can treat me well in the future and don't deceive me!"

Lin Yuan had an expression of surprise on his face when he heard this. There are currently four plant-type spiritual creatures contracted by Lin Yuan, namely Lily Lily, Ultimate Tentacle Vine, Xinghan Peony and Abyss Red Lotus.

Among them, Abyss Red Lotus has the lowest strength. It is only at the level of the King-level Immortal Seed and has not yet set foot in the Kingdom of God.

The Abyss Red Lotus is at the threshold of bloodline transformation. The best way for a creature whose bloodline is at the threshold of transformation to evolve is to first improve its bloodline and then improve its strength.

Therefore, Abyss Red Lotus is the most unsuitable for Mu Ze Xi soil to help him improve his rank.

Among the remaining three spiritual creatures, Lily Lily is the master of healing, and the Ultimate Touch Vine is the master of combat. Both of them are very important to Lin Yuan.

But compared to functionality, Xinghan Peony is better.

More importantly, Xinghan Mudan can assist Wen Yu in convening the Celestial Council.

Therefore, the priority of Xinghan Peony is the highest among the spiritual plants Lin Yuan has.

Lin Yuan summoned Xinghan Peony and said to Mu Zexiran.

"This is natural. I have always been responsible for all the creatures who have invested under my command."

"You can help her improve her level. Her current strength is at the ninth stage of the Immortal King level and has yet to reach eternity."

"According to what you just said, it should be able to be directly promoted to the level of the Holy Spirit Realm."

After Mu Zexiran investigated Xinghan Peony's situation, the expression on his face was extremely exciting.

"This is natural, you should be a spirit bonder, right?"

"I'm very curious about how you cultivated this spiritual creature? To be able to cultivate it to such an extent!"….

Lin Yuan did not deny his identity as a spiritual person, but said it very proudly.

"Every one of my spiritual creatures is cultivated according to the optimal method. From now on, if you join my staff, there will be no exception for your cultivation."

"Not only will I help you quickly obtain the power of merit, but I will also invest the resources you need."

When Mu Zexiran heard this, his face showed something like a smile but not a smile.

"My true body is Xirang. You must know something about Xirang, otherwise you wouldn't know how to catch me!"

"All Xi soils need two things to improve their strength."

"The first is pure spiritual energy, and the second is substances rich in pure earth element energy."

"Are you really willing to give these two resources that only a fourth-level creator can allocate?"

After hearing Mu Ze Xirang's words, Lin Yuan secretly thought that his guess was indeed correct. What Xirang needs to improve his strength are indeed these two resources that he can produce in large quantities.

Lin Yuan directly took out two wooden boxes made of completely jade wood, and Xia very considerately transported them to the Confinement Muze Breathing Soil Cage.

"These two wooden boxes contain all the resources you need. You can absorb them yourself."

"I will continue to provide these resources to you in the future, and you can rest assured about this."

"I think the resources I have provided for you should make you feel more at ease, right?"

"Even if these resources cannot prove anything, they can still show you my sincerity."

After Mu Zexiran saw the two boxes of supplies given to him by Lin Yuan, he indeed began to trust Lin Yuan even more than before.

Muzexi soil grows wildly here, and there is no chance to come into contact with such creator resources.

Through his life on this land and his understanding of the information, Mu Ze Xi soil generally knows the value of these creator resources.

Lin Yuan is willing to hand over so many precious resources to himself, which really shows that Lin Yuan has no possibility of deceiving himself.

If Lin Yuan really wanted to deceive himself, he would not give up these resources!

After understanding this, Mu Zexirang began to respect Lin Yuan in his words.

He really regarded Lin Yuan as his master.

Lin Yuan did this for two purposes. In addition to making Mu Ze Xirang believe that he could make Mu Ze Xirang feel at ease, there was also a reason to cultivate Mu Ze Xirang well.

Judging from Mu Ze Xi soil's abilities alone, her strategic value is higher than Cang Chi and Cui Ji. For the country of faith, Mu Zexi soil can completely exist as the cornerstone of the foundation level.

Xinghan Mudan understood the situation and found out that he had such a great opportunity!

Among Lin Yuan's spiritual creatures, his strength is comparable to that of Abyss Red Lotus, but Abyss Red Lotus is better at fighting than him.

This makes Xinghan Mudan feel somewhat inferior.

Fortunately, the exclusive characteristic [celestial amplification] I obtained can amplify Wen Yu's holy source objects and help Wen Yu convene a celestial parliament.

This has enhanced its strategic value.

And now because of this, I have received this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. ….

After this, he will become the strongest among Lin Yuan's spiritual beings.

Xinghan Peony transformed into its true form and took root in front of Mu Zexi soil, waiting for this opportunity to come.

Lin Yuan nodded to Xia and signaled Xia not to control Mu Ze Xi soil anymore.

It is impossible for Muze Xirang to deceive himself after he understands the interests and risks. Unlocking the confinement of Muze Xirang not only gives Muze Xirang respect and dignity, but also allows Muze Xirang to more conveniently guide the people gathered here. The energy enhances Xinghan Peony's strength.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and Dong had completely controlled the Titan Rhinoceros family, allowing the Titan Rhinoceros family to gather in the forest not far away.

Seeing Mu Zexiran helping Lin Yuan's spiritual creature improve its strength, Dong did not speak, but planned to wait for Xinghan Mudan's promotion to be completed before talking to Lin Yuan.

So as not to distract Lin Yuan.

As for those titan rhino elephants, although they will feel extremely hungry if they don't eat for a few days, it will not have much impact on their bodies.

Rather than using the Tree of Faith to control the Titan Rhinoceros clan, Dong suggested that Lin Yuan use his own Kingdom of God to control the Fountain of Faith and Holy Spirit of the powerful Titan Rhinoceros clan one by one.

While breathing in the starlight, Xinghan Peony finally stopped improving.

Xinghan Peony has broken through eternity, divine fire, and divine kingdom all the way from the king-level immortal species. Now he has condensed the Holy Spirit and become a strong man in the middle stage of the Holy Spirit Realm. He is firmly at the top of the list of all the spiritual beings contracted by Lin Yuan. .

Lin Yuan will later provide Xinghan Peony with the power of faith, and Xinghan Peony also has its own way of obtaining the power of faith.

Lin Yuan has nothing to worry about.

Lin Yuan used Mobius's skill [Real Data] to investigate Xinghan Peony.

[Name of the spiritual object]: Xinghan Peony

[Spiritual species]: Ranunculaceae/Paeonia

[Spiritual object level]: Realm Emperor level (10/10)

[Spiritual Elements]: Wood/Light

[Spiritual Quality]: Elementary Holy Spirit

[Divine Kingdom Level]: Micro


[Qiming]: Where there are twinkling stars, you will be guided by the stars and will not be affected by the blinding effect. You can also see the surrounding environment clearly in absolute darkness.

[Cast Starlight]: When stars appear, the body can be tempered by starlight to improve physical fitness.

[Quenching Starlight]: Where there is starlight, absorb the energy of starlight to temper mental power to increase the intensity of mental power.

[Concentrating Starlight]: When the soul is traumatized in a place with starlight, the starlight will nourish the soul and allow the soul to recover as quickly as possible.

[Starlight Clothes]: Guide the starlight to turn into a piece of clothing on the target's body. The target wearing this clothing will be immune to poisons and curses, preventing poisons and curses from harming themselves.

[Yunxing Flower Jade]: After the petals absorb enough starlight, the petals will turn into jade and separate from the flower. The jade-like petals can be stored for a long time, and these jade-like petals can speed up the quenching of starlight on the body. Refining.

[Galaxy Guidance]: In any environment, you can contact the galaxy through your mind, determine your location, and receive the blessing effect to improve your good luck and turn disaster into good luck. ….

[Star Teardrops]: Gather the energy in the stars and brew it in the calyx, eventually transforming it into pure star energy.

[Starlight Leap]: When pointing at two things through starlight, the starlight will create a starlight link between the ends of the two things. The starlight link is used to allow the targets at both ends to communicate with each other in the space link.

[Starlight Sacrifice]: Sacrifice the starlight received by yourself, use the energy in the sacrificed starlight to improve your other skills or exclusive characteristics, and strengthen the effects of skills and exclusive characteristics.

Exclusive features:

[Seal of the Stars]: Try to communicate with the stars. Whenever you successfully communicate with a star, a star seal will appear on your body. The star seal can help you resist the curse effect, activate the star seal, and the star seal inside The energy will be poured into the body, improving the physique in a short period of time.

[Star Contract]: Deeply bound to a certain star, you can use the energy of the star to improve your own defense. The improvement of defense is related to the strength of the star and the degree of binding to the star.

[Love the stars]: Containing too much energy for the stars will cause a burden on the stars. Understand the pain of the stars, drain away the full energy from the stars, and use the energy in the stars to strengthen the physical fitness of the designated target. (If the target cannot withstand the power of the stars when the target is strengthened and the enhancement is terminated, you need to share the excess power of the stars and bear the backlash of the power of the stars.)

[Star Map Shackles]: Through the stars related to itself, the energy in the stars is used to form a star map and applied to the target. Whether it is day or night, the imprisonment of the star map will make the target's physique and body energy unable to gain any more Ascension, one's own absorption of energy will strengthen the shackles of the star map, and the effect of the shackles of the star map is doubled at night.

[Astral Amplification]: Attach yourself to a certain thing, let your own mental power superimpose with the attached thing to enhance the thing's sensitivity to the star, exponentially deepen the connection between the thing and the star, and promote the star to accept the attached thing. .

[Light-guiding branch]: Use starlight and its own original power to divide the plant to produce secondary flower beads. The secondary flower beads have the function of specifying the use of starlight to jump between the secondary flower beads and the main flower beads, which is equivalent to a stable star position coordinate.

The power of the Kingdom of God:

[Starry Flowers]: Whenever you make contact with a star and reach a state of intimacy with this star, a flower that can represent this star will bloom on this plant. Whenever these stars inherit faith, You can use the flowers formed by the stars to absorb and divert some of the faith gained by the stars.

[Star Brewing Spirit Spirit]: By brewing the power of the stars in the stars, it uses the power of the stars to combine with the power of faith to form a special star spirit liquid. This star spirit liquid has a certain tempering effect on the Holy Spirit. It can effectively restore the wounds suffered by the Holy Spirit.

The creatures in the Holy Spirit Realm have one more power of the Kingdom of God than the creatures in the Kingdom of God Realm. Lin Yuan knew this a long time ago.

The first being in the Holy Spirit Realm that Lin Yuan explored was Kani. UU read www.uukanshu. com

The power of the Kingdom of God that Kani obtained when she was in the Kingdom of God somewhat limited Kani's combat effectiveness. It was only after Kani was promoted to the Holy Spirit Realm and obtained the power of the Kingdom of God [Jackal Devouring Purgatory] that Kani's situation opened up.

Let Kani's combat ability no longer be limited.

Xinghan Peony upgraded to the Holy Spirit Realm and gained two new skills, one exclusive characteristic and two divine kingdom powers.

None of these skills, exclusive characteristics, and divine abilities disappointed Lin Yuan.

In particular, the two skills [Starlight Leap] and [Starlight Sacrifice] can be linked with the exclusive feature [Light Branch].

Xinghan Mudan gained an ability that was similar to the Celestial Council of the Holy Origin, but completely different.

The skill [Starlight Leap] acquired by Xinghan Mudan when he set foot in eternity may be able to open up a new situation for Lin Yuan's development. (End of chapter)




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