Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2989: The amazing Lin Xiaoyuan!

After saying that, Li Feng saw Huang An continuing to follow Lin Yuan step by step.

Li Feng and Huang An have a thousand-year-old relationship. Li Feng knows Huang An very well. Huang An is arrogant but treats Li Feng pretty well.

After all, Huang An agreed to Li Feng's every transaction request before.

Li Feng traded the Creator resources from Huang An and Huang An did not refuse, otherwise Li Feng would not have thought of Huang An directly when he knew that Lin Yuan was going to trade with the Creator who was dying.

In Li Feng's impression, Huang An always held his head high and his waist straight when he walked.

But Huang An, who was following Lin Yuan, actually bent his waist slightly. This discovery made Li Feng's heart move.

Thinking of Huang An's attitude towards Lin Yuan just now, Li Feng was surprised to guess that Huang An might have joined Lin Yuan's army! ?

Li Feng felt that this was very possible. Otherwise, if Lin Yuan had made a deal with Huang An, and Huang An had obtained the spiritual materials that could restore life span from Lin Yuan, Huang An's attitude towards Lin Yuan would never have been like this. !

Li Feng could faintly feel Huang An's fear of Lin Yuan from the way Huang An looked at Lin Yuan.

It's possible for Huang An to have any emotion towards Lin Yuan, but it's really inappropriate to be afraid.

Li Feng and Zhan Lu were already very close, but because of Lin Yuan, Li Feng and Zhan Lu got closer.

Li Feng had a gathering with Zhan Lu not long ago, and the discussion was about the development of the newly acquired land in Fubao Palace.

Regarding the development of the land in Fubao Palace, since Zhan Lu promised Li Feng to increase the tax point of Fubao Palace on Duobao City, Li Feng no longer restricted Zhan Lu's expansion of power in Duobao City, but instead returned the tax to Duobao City. Zhan Lu’s great support!

This made the relationship between Zhan Lu and Li Feng much closer than before.

Zhan Lu revealed to Li Feng that Jin Chen, a special guest of Fubao Palace, was now helping Lin Yuan and seemed to be under Lin Yuan's command.

Zhan Lu was very surprised when talking about this matter. Zhan Lu was sure that Lin Yuan and Jin Chen did not know each other before.

Among the special VIPs, there seemed to be a conflict between Lin Yuan and Jing Chen.

I don’t know when Jin Chen and Lin Yuan started to have a subordinate relationship!

Zhan Lu didn't have any special thoughts in mind when he said this. He just lamented to Li Feng that Lin Yuan was so powerful that he could actually make a strong man in the Holy Spirit Realm take the initiative to attach himself to him like he is now!

Li Feng heard what Zhan Lu said. Li Feng had little contact with Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan was able to become a tribute to Duobao City because Li Feng took the initiative to fight for it.

Since then, Li Feng has not had any contact with Lin Yuan.

Hearing the news about Lin Yuan strengthened Li Feng's confidence in making the decision.

Now Zhan Lu feels that Huang An's attachment to Lin Yuan is exactly the same as what Zhan Lu said about Jin Chen's attachment to Lin Yuan.

Li Feng prepares to learn a story from Huang An when he has the opportunity to see Huang An again.

Let's see if Huang An has devoted himself to Lin Yuan's command.

Li Feng originally did not want Huang An to go to Duobao City's treasure house, and asked Huang An to select supplies directly in Duobao City's treasure house.

The treasure house of Duobao City is accumulated by the city owner Li Feng for many years. Li Feng also put into it the resources that he had not obtained when he was working in Duobao City.

Huang An will not be polite to him at all when it comes to the selection of resources. Basically, all of his treasured resources will be taken away by Huang An.

Although Huang An would use Creator resources to replace himself, some of the materials Huang An took from the treasure house were much higher than those of a fourth-level Creator.

Many of these materials can already be used to replace the fifth-level creator resources.

Li Feng's ability to accumulate so many rare resources depends on Duobao City, a very popular resource trading city.

Huang An gave up the opportunity that he finally got and had only one possibility, that is, Huang An needed to cooperate with Lin Yuan to carry out actions.

If Lin Yuan could conquer a fourth-level creator like Huang An at the first meeting, Li Feng felt that it was necessary to once again close the relationship with Lin Yuan and deepen the cooperation between the two parties.

Only by knowing how to borrow strength in Yunwai Tianyu can you go further!

Lin Yuan had already arrived at Fubao Palace with Dong and Huang An. The master of Fubao Palace, Ling Muzhuo, personally greeted Lin Yuan at the entrance of Fubao Palace and took Lin Yuan and the others to a section of Fubao Palace. A quiet room.

This quiet room can only be used by Ling Muzhuo, the owner of Fubao Palace in Eastern Time and Space, when he receives distinguished guests. No one else, not even Zhan Lu, the person in charge of Fubao Palace in Duobao City, has such qualifications.

Zhan Lu followed Ling Muzhuo with some depression throughout the whole process. Ling Muzhuo's actions were tantamount to taking away his opportunity.

Although Ling Muzhuo also gave himself some compensation, compared with the opportunity Ling Muzhuo took away, no matter how generous Ling Muzhuo's compensation was to him, it was not enough to make up for Zhan Lu's desire to make progress!

Lin Yuan did not turn away from Zhan Lu because of his relationship with Ling Muzhuo, the master of Fubao Palace. When he saw Zhan Lu, he took the initiative to say hello to Zhan Lu, which made Zhan Lu very happy.

The image of Ling Muzhuo was completely consistent with the image Lin Yuan saw in Starlight Link. Lin Yuan said to Ling Muzhuo familiarly.

"I haven't seen Palace Master Ling in a few days, but he still looks like the master!"

Lin Yuan's words made Ling Muzhuo smile. Ling Muzhuo had never seen Lin Yuan's true appearance in the Starlight Link, and was very curious about Lin Yuan's true appearance.

It didn't take long before I finally had the chance to meet him!

Ling Muzhuo asked Zhan Lu to report Lin Yuan's situation to him in detail. Zhan Lu had always emphasized to Ling Muzhuo that Lin Yuan was extremely young.

Ling Muzhuo was very suspicious of Zhan Lu's words and always felt that what Zhan Lu told him was not true enough.

Zhan Lu said that Lin Yuan was less than fifty years old. How could he be surrounded by such a powerful force when he was less than fifty years old! ?

Even if Lin Yuan is really the young master of a certain force, it won't be like this!

How could such a huge power be handed over to a young man to control without experience?

Now that he met Lin Yuan, Ling Muzhuo could confirm that what Zhan Lu said was true.

Lin Yuan is indeed less than fifty years old, and no creature can fake his longevity.

The younger Lin Yuan was, the more Ling Muzhuo paid more attention to Lin Yuanlai.

"Master Lin is really a young genius. He already has such a huge power at a young age, and he can go out and make a career on his own!"

"When I was Mr. Lin's age, I was still a troubled boy. I didn't even know what to choose for the future!"

Ling Muzhuo's words were a sigh from the bottom of his heart, otherwise Ling Muzhuo would not have needed to be so unnecessarily polite to Lin Yuan.

Ling Muzhuo now has a cooperative relationship with Lin Yuan. This kind of meaningless greeting will make Ling Muzhuo, the master of Fubao Palace, very cheap.

When Ling Muzhuo was in his forties or fifties, he was still a **** who relied on his family's resources to do nothing. It was only after some changes that he began to work hard.

In Ling Muzhuo's opinion, as long as Lin Yuan doesn't die in an accident, he will definitely become a great person in the future!

The fact that Fubao Palace gives such good treatment to special VIPs means that Fubao Palace is intentionally giving resources to these powerful people and investing in these powerful people.

In the future, if there is an opportunity, these powerful people can also bring feedback to Fubao Palace.

Ling Muzhuo had the intention to invest in Lin Yuan, but Ling Muzhuo was not sure whether Lin Yuan was willing to accept Fubao Palace's investment.

Judging from the creator resources Lin Yuan used in the transaction with Fubao Palace, Lin Yuan probably did not need the resources Fubao Palace poured into it.

Lin Yuan said with a smile when he heard Ling Muzhuo's words.

"Palace Master Ling is too polite to say that!"

"Palace Master Ling, you are a big shot in Yunwai Tianyu now. Every step of your step can cause a storm in the eastern space and time. Fubao Palace is not just a small force!"

"If Fubao Palace didn't have such ability, I think I wouldn't have such an in-depth cooperation with Fubao Palace!"

"It takes a long time and a lot of resources to cultivate the thing I gave Palace Master Ling."

"This also requires the energy assistance of Xi soil."

Ling Muzhuo liked to flash his wrists at Lin Yuan ever since he started communicating with Lin Yuan. Now Lin Yuan's words also mean to flash his wrists at Ling Muzhuo.

People like Ling Muzhuo who like to show off their skills must be very snobbish. In the cooperation between the two major forces, snobbishness cannot be regarded as a shortcoming.

Snobbery has the advantage of being snobbish.

As long as Lin Yuan shows enough energy for Ling Muzhuo to take him seriously, Ling Muzhuo will pay more attention to Lin Yuan during the transaction with Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's words shocked Zhan Lu and Huang An, and also caused waves in Ling Muzhuo's expression.

Ling Muzhuo, who has used the slave plant of Xinghan Peony to enter the Starry Sky Nexus, knows very well that this kind of spiritual creature that can communicate face-to-face in real time and can also carry out ultra-long distance material transmission must be extremely rare!

Ling Muzhuo did not expect that cultivating such a spiritual creature would require the use of resources of Xi soil's level.

It would be difficult for even Fubao Palace to come up with resources like Xirang, and even if Fubao Palace had them, it would be impossible to trade with outsiders.

Lin Yuan played a very positive role in Ling Mu Zhuoliang's skills, and Ling Mu Zhuo now attached great importance to Lin Yuan.

Ling Muzhuo laughed twice.

"It seems that Brother Lin still trusts me and is willing to hand such precious resources directly into my hands!"

"As a brother, I will definitely not let down your trust in me, Brother Lin!"

"The creators I introduced to you this time have already said hello in advance. They heard that you have a way to increase lifespan. They are all looking forward to meeting you next!"

"I wonder if you want to go see them immediately, or should you rest for a few days and then arrange for you to meet with them?"

"They have all arrived here in advance. Brother Lin, if you want to meet, I can make arrangements immediately."

Ling Muzhuo had always called Lin Yuan Mr. Lin before, but now he changed his name to Lin Yuan to this more intimate name, which shows that Ling Muzhuo wants to take a closer relationship with Lin Yuan.

Ling Muzhuo tested Lin Yuan in this direct way. If Lin Yuan recognized and responded to his call, it meant that Lin Yuan also wanted to get closer to him.

If Lin Yuan didn't have such an idea, forcing himself to close the relationship with Lin Yuan would probably arouse Lin Yuan's resentment.

Although Lin Yuan may be considered young, Lin Yuan has already developed an extremely sophisticated humanistic sophistication during his long time in the main world.

Lin Yuan laughed and said to Ling Muzhuo.

"Brother Ling, since you have already found those creators, if I keep those creators waiting, doesn't that mean I'm making it difficult for you, brother Ling!?"

"Now arrange for me to meet them! If you want to take a rest, it's not too late to take a rest after meeting them!"

"When I meet with these creators, I need to reveal some information about the resources in my hands. I don't want outsiders to know this information, and I don't want these creators to study each other and have different ideas."

"So I want to meet all of these creators individually. I also hope that Brother Ling can inform these creators of my thoughts."

"I don't want to cause misunderstandings among these creators, and I don't want these creators to cause trouble to me!"

Facing Ling Muzhuo, Lin Yuan directly expressed his request without any concealment. Lin Yuan had the foundation and resources in his hands.

Ling Muzhuo now wants to take the initiative to please Lin Yuan instead of Lin Yuan trying to please Ling Muzhuo.

Faced with his own request, Lin Yuan believed that Ling Muzhuo would definitely make it happen!

Huang An, who was following Lin Yuan, couldn't help but shrink his neck subconsciously.

Huang An had already anticipated the fate of these creators who met Lin Yuan alone. Most of these creators who met Lin Yuan alone would eventually join Lin Yuan's army like himself and become a member of Lin Yuan's forces. .

The news that Lin Yuan holds the longevity rat in his hand cannot really be spread. Once it is spread, Huang An can expect that all the major forces in the entire Yunwai Tianyu will jointly target Lin Yuan, hoping to obtain the longevity essence from Lin Yuan's hands. mouse.

There are many powerful ethnic groups who failed to control the news that they had rare materials, so the news of these rare materials spread, which ultimately led to extremely serious consequences!

Being taken under Lin Yuan's strong stance, Huang An can be said to have no regrets at all.

On the contrary, Huang An now regards being able to be taken under Lin Yuan's command as the greatest opportunity in his life.

Compared with being able to live forever, UU Kanshu joining a force and working for that force is nothing.

Because joining Lin Yuan's forces does not mean losing freedom.

He is still a fourth-level creator with great honors. In the future, he will also have the opportunity to walk outside and enjoy the surroundings of other forces.

In the future, Lin Yuan will most likely invest resources for himself to help him improve his abilities as a creator.

Most of those creators will go through their own process, and ultimately feel that they are extremely lucky to be accepted by Lin Yuan.

Ling Muzhuo was extremely happy when he received Lin Yuan's response.

Ling Muzhuo said comprehensively.

"Brother Lin, since you are planning to meet now, I will help you make arrangements. This time, in addition to the two fourth-level creators, the fifth-level creator is also here."

"I'll arrange for you to meet the two fourth-level creators first, and then I'll arrange for you to meet the fifth-level creator later. What do you think?"