Imperial Beast Evolution (Fey Evolution Merchant)

v7 Chapter 2990: And such a good thing! ?

There is an unwritten rule among the creators of the Yunwai Tianyu, that is, the higher the rank of the creator, the more important it is to make the finale, in order to show the dignity of the higher rank creator.

Ling Muzhuo, the master of Fubao Palace, is comparable to a fifth-level creator in terms of status.

But no matter what considerations he had, Ling Muzhuo would not offend these creators, even if the lifespan of these creators was about to come to an end.

Therefore, Ling Muzhuo will consider the rules of the creators when arranging things.

Lin Yuan said with a smile when he heard this.

"Brother Ling, just look at the arrangements, but you must meet my previous arrangements when making arrangements."

Lin Yuan emphasized his request to Ling Muzhuo again. Judging from Ling Muzhuo's attitude towards him and his desire to make friends with him, Ling Muzhuo would definitely handle this matter very appropriately.

Zhan Lu had no sense of presence in front of Lin Yuan. It was not easy for Zhan Lu to communicate too much with Lin Yuan in front of Ling Muzhuo when Ling Muzhuo had made it clear that he wanted to take over Lin Yuan's line.

Zhan Lu focused on Huang An, and Zhan Lu knew Huang An.

Although the relationship between Li Feng and Huang An is not as close, there have been several communications with Huang An.

Zhan Lu took the initiative to talk to Huang An.

"Your Majesty Huang An, I am honored to see you here. It turns out that you know Mr. Lin!"

"By the way, Sir Huang An, you haven't been to this Fubao Palace for a long time."

Huang An is not a special guest of Fubao Palace. Zhan Lu once invited Huang An, but Huang An did not accept Huang An's invitation, which made Huang An very regretful.

If a fourth-level high-level creator can become a special guest of Fubao Palace, and this fourth-level high-level creator has been won by himself.

Then I will definitely get a very high rating inside Fubao Palace!

Huang An glanced at Zhan Lu. Huang An had a pretty good impression of Zhan Lu, a man who advanced and retreated in a decent manner, especially since Zhan Lu and Lin Yuan also knew each other.

Therefore, Huang An's tone towards Zhan Lu was quite polite.

On the way here, Huang An asked Lin Yuan if he wanted to reveal his identity as a servant.

Lin Yuan rejected Huang An and told Huang An to just say that they had done transactions and had a good relationship.

Ling Muzhuo, the master of Fubao Palace, has many information channels. If he wants to investigate, he can find out that he and Huang An have never interacted before.

Lin Yuan didn't want Ling Muzhuo to think that he had a way to control the Creator.

After clarifying Lin Yuan's thoughts, Huang An had already thought about what he should say when facing other people.

"It's true that I haven't been here for a while. Mr. Lin and I not only know Mr. Lin, but he is also an important partner of mine."

Huang An directly stated his attitude towards Lin Yuan, and Huang An's attitude towards Lin Yuan attracted Ling Muzhuo's sideways glance.

The fact that Lin Yuan can be so valued by a fourth-level high-level creator is enough to prove Lin Yuan's capital.

Ling Muzhuo allowed Zhan Lu to chat with Huang An here. It would be great if Zhan Lu could drag Huang An into Fubao Palace and become a special guest of Fubao Palace!

"Brother Lin, I will arrange for you to rest assured. These three creators are staying in different quiet rooms, and there is some enmity between the two fourth-level creators."

"The fifth-level creator didn't want to be in the same room with the two fourth-level creators. He felt that being in the same room with the two fourth-level creators was a stain on his status."

"Brother Lin, if you want to meet these three creators at the same time, I will have to put more thought into it!"

Ling Muzhuo's words were not only explaining the situation to Lin Yuan, but also telling Lin Yuan that the fifth-level creator was not easy to deal with and was a busy man. He hoped that Lin Yuan could be mentally prepared.

Ling Muzhuo set up a matchmaker for Lin Yuan to help Lin Yuan. Ling Muzhuo did not hope that Lin Yuan's help would not be helpful in the end, but that Lin Yuan would become enemies with a fifth-level creator.

In this case, you are doing bad things with good intentions!

After Ling Muzhuo said this, he saw that Lin Yuan didn't show any expression, and he didn't know whether Lin Yuan knew what he meant.

Ling Muzhuo felt that Lin Yuan must be a person who knew what was appropriate, so he did not deliberately remind Lin Yuan.

When Lin Yuan went to see these creators, he didn't take Huang An with him, only Dong.

Zhan Lu has been pulling Huang An to communicate, so let Huang An stay in Fubao Palace to continue communicating with Zhan Lu.

Lin Yuan entered the quiet room and saw an old woman with gray hair and chicken skin sitting on a chair, quietly drinking tea from her cup.

This old woman feels like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

This is the performance when longevity is about to end.

Let the female creator in front of you not be able to maintain the state she was in when she was young!

When the old woman saw Ling Muzhuo walking in with Lin Yuan and Dong, she put down the tea cup in her hand, stood up tremblingly, and took the initiative to say hello to Ling Muzhuo and Lin Yuan.

The feeling this old woman gave Lin Yuan was completely different from the feeling Huang An gave Lin Yuan at that time.

From the perspective of lifespan, Huang An's lifespan was still a hundred years old at that time. The reason he was so arrogant in the face of himself was because Huang An did not expect that he would be able to trade spiritual materials from his own hands that could increase his lifespan.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Huang An despises Li Feng for introducing him to the relationship.

A fourth-level creator has great energy. This old woman must have struggled with the loss of lifespan, so she must have valued the method in her hands to help her gain lifespan.

Ling Muzhuo opened his mouth to introduce Lin Yuan and the old woman.

"Master Xi Mei, this is Young Master Lin that I'm talking about for you. Young Master Lin has a method in his hands that can increase your longevity."

"Brother Lin, this is Master Xi Mei. He is a fourth-level intermediate creator. He is very famous in this area. He is very good at treating wounds in this hospital and has saved the lives of many powerful people in this area."

"You two have a good chat, I'm leaving first."

"I can guarantee that no one will listen in on your conversation."

After saying that, Ling Muzhuo left the quiet room directly. Instead of continuing to chat with Lin Yuan and Xi Mei after the introduction, he gave the space to Lin Yuan and Xi Mei.

Ling Muzhuo very much hoped that Lin Yuan's methods could really help Xi Mei restore her longevity, so that as her introducer, Xi Mei would definitely receive a lot of favors from herself.

If Lin Yuan fails to help Xi Mei regain her longevity, Xi Mei, a fourth-level intermediate creator, will die within one or two months.

If Xi Mei is really going to die, Ling Muzhuo doesn't want Xi Mei to die in Fubao Palace.

Lin Yuan believed that Ling Muzhuo could really create a good environment for himself, and no one would monitor him.

But Lin Yuan would not put his trust in Ling Muzhuo.

The moment Ling Muzhuo exited the room, Dong had already enveloped the room with his aura.

If someone investigates the situation in the room, the winter meeting

Xi Mei took the initiative to pick up the teapot and poured Lin Yuan a cup of tea.

"Master Lin, there should be a relationship between us.

"The life-extending tea is based on pine needles and added with Wanshou purple ginseng, Tianming Xuezhi, Jufu Polygonum multiflorum, and Longevity Zhuguo, four kinds of spiritual materials that can increase longevity."

"It is stir-fried using a special technique and then brewed with Lotus Heart Dew."


"It's just that I can only get a taste of it here."

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. The four-flavored spiritual materials mentioned by Xi Mei, whether they were Wanshou purple ginseng, Tianming Xuezhi, Jushou Polygonum multiflorum or Ningshou Zhuguo, were all extremely precious and belonged to Fubao Palace. To keep privately owned materials that will not be displayed for sale.

Lin Yuan took the tea cup from Xi Mei but did not drink the tea in the cup. Lin Yuan knew what Xi Mei meant by what she said.

Xi Mei was telling herself that even spiritual materials like this could not increase her longevity.

If you can't drink the tea in the cup, just leave.

For Xi Mei, whose longevity is about to be exhausted, no matter how precious the resource is, it is a foreign object. Otherwise, Xi Mei would never have lightly practiced this kind of tea that can extend life, let alone give this tea to others casually!

Xi Mei's dilemma is here, and Xi Mei probably doesn't believe that she can extend her life again.

It was just that Xi Mei instinctively refused to give up in order to survive.

Faced with Xi Mei's situation, Lin Yuan did not need to use as many methods as he did with Huang An.

Seeing that Lin Yuan put down the tea cup she handed over and did not drink the tea in the cup, Xi Mei's eyes fluctuated and she looked up at Lin Yuan.

"Mr. Lin, I'm like this now. Even if you can come up with something that can increase my life span by one year, I'm willing to give you resources ten times the value!"

There is no ethnic group behind Xi Mei, and she has not joined any forces.

This leaves no one to pass on Xi Mei’s resources.

If a creator with power or family heritage is about to run out of lifespan, there is no way he can squander it like Xi Mei.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan did not immediately answer Xi Mei's question, nor did he bring out the resources Xi Mei wanted to see, but asked Xi Mei.

"Your Excellency Xi Mei, if a person can keep you alive for a long time, but he needs you to join his force and work for him, are you willing!?"

When saying this, Lin Yuan's eyes were fixed on Xi Mei, and Xi Mei could feel Lin Yuan's seriousness from Lin Yuan's words.

Xi Mei smiled casually.

"Is there such a good thing? When any living being is as dead as me, it will regard survival as the greatest pursuit."

"Death is the end of everything. Only by living can you enjoy this world."

"Even if there is such a good thing in this world, I don't believe it can happen to me."

As soon as Xi Mei finished speaking, an orange-red mouse appeared in Lin Yuan's palm. This orange-red mouse was looking around curiously.

Xi Mei subconsciously looked away after seeing the orange mouse.

Xi Mei, who looked away, froze for two seconds, and then her eyes gushed out, staring intently at the Shou Yuan Rat in Lin Yuan's palm.

Xi Mei's breathing suddenly became rapid, and she couldn't help but raise her hands.

When a desperate person like Xi Mei faces a hope that is greater than she expected, she can no longer hide her inner emotions.

Dong's eyes have always been on Xi Mei. If Xi Mei makes any changes and wants to **** the longevity mouse, Dong will be there

Lin Yuan just watched Xi Mei release her emotions quietly. After a while, after Xi Mei stabilized her emotions, Xi Mei directly released her Holy Spirit and bowed to Lin Yuan without Lin Yuan opening her mouth.

"Master Lin, I will regard you as my salvation and serve you throughout my life, and I will be proud to serve you."

What Xi Mei did proved to Lin Yuan that Xi Mei was a smart person, Lin Yuan said to Xi Mei after taking control of Xi Mei's Holy Spirit.

"When you contract this longevity rat, this longevity rat will be placed in my hands. I will help you feed this longevity rat to ensure that your longevity is unlimited."

After seeing Huang An, Lin Yuan decided to use dual methods to control these creators.

Even though Xi Mei was so cooperative, Lin Yuan still had to abide by the rules he had set.

Xi Mei said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I believe in the value I can create, and I also believe you will not waste such a treasure in vain."

"I'm very grateful that you are willing to help me feed the Shouyuan Rat."

Xi Mei's joining Lin Yuan's service went very smoothly, Lin Yuan explained to Xi Mei.

"Don't let outsiders know about the situation of Shouyuan Rat and everything that happened here today, including other creators in the force!"

Lin Yuan said this because he did not want these creators who joined Sky City to know that he had a large number of longevity rats in his hands.

As long as these creators under his control are prevented from passing on information, others will not know about it.

With these two levels of control in Lin Yuan's hands, it was impossible for the creators who had been instructed by Lin Yuan not to obey Lin Yuan's instructions.

Lin Yuan also gave Huang An the same advice, but neither Huang An nor Xi Mei knew Lin Yuan's true intention.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I have never been a talkative person."

"When I go out in a while, should I directly reveal my identity as your subordinate or cover up our relationship so that the owner of Fubao Palace will think that we have reached a cooperation?"

Xi Mei knew that Lin Yuan had to meet three creators in total. Whether it was the unforgiving woman or the arrogant old man, UU Reading's lifespan had reached the end.

Lin Yuan is very likely to take the other two under his wing just like he took himself under his wing.

Regardless of whether Lin Yuan's idea can succeed, doing so is too conspicuous.

Xi Mei's proposal was both expected and unexpected by Lin Yuan. Xi Mei was very good at figuring out people's thoughts.

Although Xi Mei's ability as a creator is not as good as Huang An's, for the power of Sky City, Xi Mei is definitely more worthy of training than Huang An.

"Ximei, you only need to express to the outside world that we have reached a cooperation. Don't forget to thank Palace Master Ling."

After that, Lin Yuan set off and walked towards the outside of the quiet room.

Lin Yuan asked Xi Mei to thank Ling Muzhuo because he wanted Ling Muzhuo to know that he could benefit from introducing these creators who were about to reach the end of their lifespan.

Only with the benefits can Ling Muzhuo use his connections to introduce more creators who are about to reach the end of their lifespan to him!