Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

Chapter 420: Stable situation

Xia Houyuan looked happy: "Yuqing's letter has arrived?" Back then, Xia Houyuan and Liu Ye cooperated with each other and entered the granary of the Longshe Bocai Department. They defeated the enemy in a battle, and the friendship was quite deep.

Cao Cao's expression was happy, and then suddenly changed.

A letter from Yuqing? Why is it so at this point, is it...

Cao Cao's expression sank when he thought of this, and said to Cheng Yu: "Zhongde, read."

"Nuo." The tall Cheng Yu stepped forward, took the letter, and frowned after a quick scan.

"Why, is it possible that the general chariot wants to stop Cao from advancing?" Cao Cao said in a bad tone.

Cheng Yunian said: "Brother Meng De, my younger brother Yuqing, is also very heartbroken when I hear of the death of the old man. However, the art of war will not revive his teacher because of anger. Brother Meng De is an official of the imperial court and knows the law. How can we send troops to attack Xuzhou?"

"When Zhang Kai saw the wealth, he wanted to murder the old man. Now Meng De has captured Langya County. A certain man has persuaded the emperor to place Langya County under Qingzhou. In addition, he ordered Tao Qian to donate grain, grass and Wanshi to brother Meng De. It is not easy for Brother De to support a million Yellow Turban thieves in Qingzhou. Moreover, Grandpa Cao can be postponed as Tai Fu. If Brother Meng De misses the friendship between you and me, he should withdraw from the army, remember to remember."

In this letter, Liu Ye did not directly buckle the big hat of the court, but instead focused on the personal relationship between himself and Cao Cao: You see, brother Meng De, it is understandable that the old lady died, but Zhang Kai did this. You can’t find Tao Qian if you’ve been wronged, you can’t find Tao Qian; but if your father is dead, I can understand, ceding Langya County, giving you ten thousand stones, grain and grass, and also giving you money to Cao Song, you get land and money, too Are you satisfied with being chased?

After reading this letter, Cao Cao's expression was a little slow: "It seems that although Yuqing has been named a general of chariots, he still has some old feelings."

Xia Houyuan's footsteps stopped, and he wondered: "Master, is our army retreating or...?"

Cao Cao shook his head: "You don't have to retreat, you can rectify the soldiers and horses in seconds, and immediately attack Xiapi!"

Xia Houyuan looked a little embarrassed, but he nodded firmly: "Yuan understands."

When Xia Houyuan walked out of the camp, Cheng Yu said: "Master, it is an established thing to attack Xuzhou, but from now on, I am afraid that the friendship with Liu Cheqi will be abhorrent."

Cao Cao waved his hand: "It's okay, where is there to see friendship in the world? Chong Er went into exile in Chu country and received the courtesy of King Chu Cheng, and said that he would repay King Chu Cheng. The so-called retreat and three homes are obviously to repay King Chu Cheng for his acceptance. In fact, it is showing the enemy's weakness and breaking the Chu army. It can be seen that if you are contending for the hegemony of the world, you will only be self-defeating."

Xi Zhicai nodded and said sternly: "Yes, the most critical thing right now is to attack Xuzhou! Once you sit in the second state of Qingxu and leave it to Yuan Shao to deal with it in the north, our army will quickly calm down the Central Plains. By then, it may not be impossible to achieve the six kingdoms of Kantong. Even if Liu Ye is a strong Qin, he may not be in a fight!"

Cao Cao nodded, his expression quite complicated: "Yuqing...General Chaqi..."

Although Cao Cao received a letter from Liu Ye, he was determined to attack Xuzhou.

Lieutenant Xia Houyuan led the five thousand elite soldiers and left the camp quietly in the night, unknowingly they were far away from Yan County, but Cao Bao didn't know it. After all, there was a sudden loss of 5,000 people from the 50,000 army camp, which was basically indistinguishable.

After Xia Houyuan left Yan County, he immediately brought into play his violent marching style, leading five thousand elite soldiers to the south, crossing Siwu City, from Donghai County to Xiapi County.

Xia Houyuan led his army deliberately to pass through a hidden place. In addition, Xuzhou's defenders were all guarding the city and did not go out of the city to fight. Therefore, no one found Xia Houyuan's deeds along the way.

At noon on the second day, five thousand elite soldiers under Xia Houyuan suddenly appeared under the city of Xiapi like a divine soldier.


Under Xia Houyuan's order, the five thousand army cut down the trees around the city to make a ladder, and used the fierce arrow rain of archers to suppress the defenders under the city.

Although there were as many as 10,000 defenders in Xiapi City, Xuzhou had been at ease for a long time, and the appearance of Xiahouyuan Army was unexpected, so he was shocked, and was suddenly attacked by Cao Jun.

In a critical moment, Tao Qian personally went into battle and supervised the battle near the city. Seeing Tao Qian's appearance in person, the Xiapi defending army immediately boosted their morale and drove Xiahou Yuanjun down the city in a big effort.

However, this battle made Tao Qian's heart cold and sweaty. Tao Qian went to the city to watch it in person on the next day. Xia Houyuan ordered five thousand soldiers to lumber camp overnight, temporarily supervised the construction of a camp of 10,000 people, and played the banner of Cao Cao.

"Shijun Tao, it seems that Cao Cao is besieging Yan County on the bright side, but actually he personally led the elite soldiers to attack Xiapi, or should General Cao Bao lead the Danyang elite soldiers to return for help?" Mi Fang said eagerly.

Tao Qian frowned: "But, how do we know which way Cao Cao is the main force? In case Cao Cao attacks Xiapi just to contain our army, in fact, he will deploy heavy troops in Yanxian and Quxian, in case Cao Bao returns. Don't Donghae County hand in hand for help?"

Mi Fang persuaded: "The Cao Jun’s offensive was so fierce yesterday, presumably Tao Shijun had also seen it. The enemy army was already exhausted from the long-distance attack, but it was still able to attack the city. The main force must have reached the city."

"Xiapi is where Xuzhou County is located. If there is a loss in Xiapi, the hearts of Xuzhou people will float." Mi Fang sighed: "Besides, Cao Bao's family is still in Xiapi city. It’s better than Ambassador Tao personally write to General Cao to come back."

Tao Qian condensed his eyebrows for a while and sighed: "Well, in that case, let Cao Bao come back, but we must order Zhao Yu to defend Donghai County."

"By the way, Zifang, you can go to Yuan Shujun again. Don't go to Runan County this time, go directly to Xiao County, and ask General Zhang Xun to dispatch troops as soon as possible. Someone is willing to add three thousand stones!"

Mi Fang nodded: "Fang understands."

Because Xia Houyuan besieged Xiapi, Tao Qian had no idea about the enemy, so he had to send a letter to Yan County.

Xia Houyuan deliberately let go of several messengers after leading his army to shoot down several messengers.

The messenger sent by Tao Qian from Xiapi City drove day and night, arrived in Yan County within two days, and delivered the help letter written by Tao Qian to Cao Bao.

Cao Bao was taken aback when he saw the letter. Not only was Cao Jun attacking Xiapi suddenly, but Cao Bao's industry and family were all in Xiapi. In case of any loss in Pi, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Premier Zhao, you must guard the city well, so you must hurry back to Xiapi!"

After instructing Zhao Yu, the guard of Donghai County, Cao Bao led 20,000 Danyang soldiers and quickly moved south.