Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

Chapter 697: First defeat

Chapter 697

The Jiangdong Army outside the north gate was standing by, while the two thousand Huai Si Xiaoqi were getting closer and closer, gradually approaching within two hundred steps.

Two hundred steps is not a distance for the cavalry.

Seeing the sudden attack of Cao Jun's iron cavalry, the Jiangdong army general was naturally worried, while Li Shu above the city was overjoyed and commanded his personal counterattack.

Zhou Yu looked around. Although Han Dang’s arrangement was very reasonable, it was precisely the infantry formation to resist the cavalry formation, but the Han Dang army’s lineup was too thin. Originally there were only three thousand people. There were hundreds of people who went to the city to fight. The more than 2,000 people who were down can be formed into a small formation.

On the other hand, Cao Jun’s cavalry rushed from the opposite side, with more than 4,000 horses, and the galloping formation was almost comparable to an army of tens of thousands of pawns. Han Dangjun in front of Huaisi Xiaoqi was like a man's arm.


Below the soil platform, a detective came galloping over and raised his head and said loudly: "School Wei Taishi reports, do you suspend the siege and lead your army to support General Han?"

Tai Shici and Han Dang can be described as the "only two" in the Jiangdong army who are proficient in cavalry warfare. He naturally knows how powerful cavalry groups charge, and relying on Han Dang more than two thousand soldiers and horses alone, the lineup is too thin.

Zhou Yu didn't speak yet, another fast horse galloped up, and immediately the whistle rider said loudly: "The governor, General Huang asks for instructions, do you send troops to meet General Han?"

Cheng Pu anxiously said: "Gong Jin, there are too few righteous people, otherwise, let Gong Fu and Ziyi lead the army to respond."

"No." Zhou Yu shook his head.

"Why?" Cheng Pu didn't understand. Han Dang, Huang Gai and him were the only remaining veterans in the Jiangdong Army. Especially since Zu Mao sacrificed for Sun Jian, the three together assisted Sun Jian, Sun Ce, and Sun Quan. Feelings are as strong as iron stones. Seeing Han Dang's situation in critical condition, he naturally wanted to help him.

Cheng Pu dissatisfied: "Could it be possible that most governors thought that with more than 2,000 people in Han Yigong's district, they would be able to withstand Cao Jun's iron cavalry?"

Cheng Pu’s words already meant to blame, but Zhou Yu didn’t care. He explained: “General Cheng, Cao Ren’s subordinate is a cavalry, with strong mobility. If Captain Taishi and General Huang are separated to support Lao Han General, then our army outside the west gate and the south gate will be weakened. Then Cao Ren will let go of the old general Han and go straight to the west gate or south gate. What about our army?"

"Could it be possible for General Han to divide his troops to support General Huang and Ziyi? Two legs can't run with four legs." Zhou Yu said meaningfully.

Cheng Pu suddenly realized that he thought Zhou Yu deliberately didn't save him, so he said ashamed: "No wonder Gong Jin was appointed as the chief governor by the lord, Gong Jin is really clever."

"However, our army can't just sit idly by, right?" Xu Sheng couldn't help asking.

"Of course we have to save, and we have to annex this Cao Jun cavalry in one fell swoop!" Zhou Yu said loudly.

For example, most of the places where horses were left today were Liu Ye. In addition, Yuan Shao and Gongsundu occupied Youzhou, and they produced horses. The rest of the princes had no large-scale cavalry.

Even if these two thousand cavalrymen are not the entire cavalry of Cao Jun, they must be a large part. If they can be wiped out, they will have an advantage in the next battle against Cao Jun. Therefore, Zhou Yu tried every means to wipe out Cao Ren's forces.

"Passing orders!"

Zhou Yu shouted: "Order Huang Gai, Tai Shici, and Chen Wu to continue to attack the city and take Shuxian as soon as possible. The troops and horses are lined up outside the city, and they are not allowed to move out at will."

"Order Han Dang to stick, and my Chinese army will personally dispatch to rescue the North Gate!"

Zhou Yu's eyes were ambitious. When he gave the order, Cheng Pu, Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang and other generals clasped their fists, while the 13,000 army responded in unison, and morale was high.


Zhou Yu stepped off the platform, sat on the chariot, and was surrounded by 13,000 Jiangdong army soldiers, moving faster toward the north gate.

At this moment, the two thousand Cao Jun cavalry had reached a hundred steps from the Han Dang army formation, and they were about to enter the Han Dang army in an instant.

However, at this moment, the two thousand cavalry suddenly turned around, slammed the brakes about a hundred steps from Han Dang, and turned aside.

A Jiangdong Army archer felt a bit in his heart and couldn't help but shoot the arrow in his hand.

This was terrible, it seemed to have triggered a chain reaction. Nearly a thousand archers seemed to have touched some mechanism, and all shot the arrows on the bowstring together.

Whoosh whoosh!

Arrows have the strongest lethality within 50 steps, but their power decreases sharply after more than 100 steps. Not to mention iron armor, even leather armor is hard to penetrate, and the time for infantry to charge a distance of 100 steps is enough The archer shoots three rounds, which is the so-called short shot but only three rounds.

Most of the arrows were shot on the ground, because the two thousand Cao Jun cavalry suddenly turned, so they were exposed to a large open space in the Jiangdong Army's field of vision, and these arrows greeted the open space one after another.

A small part of the arrows hit Cao Jun’s cavalry, but most of them didn’t have strength. They hung softly on the cavalry's armor leaf. There were also some powerful arrows, which were more than a hundred steps and still lethal. Cao Bing snorted with an arrow hitting his body, and several horses were shot by the arrow. He threw the owner off his back and ran away in pain.



The former is Han Dang's thought, while the latter is Cao Ren's mood.

"The bow and arrow are wound, the shield hand and the spearman are ready to withstand it!"

Han Dang screamed, frowning. He still underestimated the cavalry of Cao Jun. He didn't expect that Cao Ren was so good at commanding cavalry. He used the method of seduce to attract the arrows of the Jiangdong Army to shoot out. In this way, the archer who was the first attack method became a waste.

Archers don’t need to pull the bow to shoot arrows. The combination of catching arrows, opening strings, and aiming is nearly ten breaths, and they can shoot two or three rounds of arrows when facing a pawn. It's here.

Although Han Dang knew how to fight cavalry with infantry, he still left a loophole due to the fact that there were too few men and horses and ordinary soldiers had no experience against cavalry.

Cao Ren, who is veteran in battle, would naturally not let go of this good opportunity, and immediately exclaimed: "The enemy has shot out an arrow. What are you waiting for? Give it to me!"


The two thousand Cao Jun cavalry screamed together and gathered into a sharp cone formation. The mighty front of the army pointed directly at Han's army, and the distance of a hundred steps approached.

The archer can't count on it anymore, and can only hope that the shield and spearmen can cooperate with each other to withstand the charge of Cao Jun's cavalry.

Han Dang frowned and sternly shouted: "The sword and shield hand resist, the spearman strikes!"

Facing Cao Jun's cavalry coming from Benz, Jiang Dongbing's sword-shield and spearman both looked tense, cheered themselves up, and firmly grasped the weapon in their hands.



Finally, two thousand Cao Jun cavalry slammed into Han's army.