Imperial Power Of Han Dynasty

Chapter 710: Divorce book

Chapter 710

After entering the city, Chen Wu immediately sent someone to clean up Li Shu's county mansion, and then asked Zhou Yu to enter.

Zhou Yu also took his benevolence to settle in the county mansion. After all, he was the governor of the Jiangdong army, and he should enter the county mansion if he was in love and reason. The soldiers and soldiers of Jiangdong also believed that it should be the case.

A lamp was lit in the study room of the county guard mansion. After sitting at the table, Zhou Yu stared at the map in front of him, thinking about how to defeat Cao Jun.

Cao's army of 40,000 has a strong combat power, while Cao Cao himself is a cunning and foresight. Cheng Yu beside him is said to be scheming and wise, and Le Jin, Cao Chun, Cao Ren and others are all veterans. It is very easy to maintain the situation in this battle, but it is difficult to defeat Cao Jun.

Just as Zhou Yu was thinking about it, the guard outside suddenly said to the inside loudly: "General Governor, Cao Jun's messenger is here."


Zhou Yu looked up: "Please enter the Cao Jun envoy."


There were several guards of the governor who entered with the envoy of Cao Jun. They were naturally worried that Cao Jun had another conspiracy. What if they wanted to come to murder the governor?

Two guards walked quickly to around Zhou Yu, and two guards caught Cao Jun's messenger from side to side.

Cao Jun’s messenger wore long robes with a cloudy face: “In the next prime minister, Xi Cao belongs to Mao Jie and I have seen Governor Zhou.”

"It turned out to be Mao Gongcao, giving the seat."

Zhou Yu waved his hand, and the captaincy guard at the side immediately took a soft cushion and placed it on the ground, while Mao Jie lifted up his robe and knelt down.

"Under the order of the prime minister, I sent a letter to Governor Zhou." Mao Jie took out a letter from his arms and handed it out with both hands as he said. The guard next to him took it and took it smoothly. After squeezing and confirming that there is no danger, he handed it to Zhou Yu.

"It turned out that Prime Minister Cao delivered the letter."

Zhou Yu nodded, and said loudly: "Come on, the generals, this governor will open this letter of Prime Minister Cao in person, and read the writings of Prime Minister Cao with the generals."

Mao Jie frowned: "The Governor of Zhou, this is a letter written by the prime minister. The special order Mao is to present to Governor Zhou, why bother?"

Zhou Yu laughed and laughed: "Le Yi went down to more than seventy cities in Qi country. It was only because the people of Qi made careful work. King Yan was suspicious and changed his generals, and Qi returned to life. In the battle between Qin and Zhao Changping, the people of Qin spread the news carefully, and Zhao Xiaocheng Zhao Kuo replaced Lian Po, and Zhao Jun 400,000 was smashed."

"Although the governor of the capital does not dare to compare himself with Le Yi and Lian Po, since he is appointed to lead the army, he has to guard against it."

Zhou Yu smiled slightly, but Mao Jie frowned. This is really difficult for Zhou Yu to deal with.

"Go, call the generals!"


In the late night of Shu County, more than a dozen riders galloped out of the county guard's mansion, their horses hooves stepped on the bluestone slab, and they galloped towards the residences of the generals.

"Lieutenant Taishi, the governor summoned."

"General Cheng, the governor is famous, please get up quickly."


In a short while, more than ten Jiangdong army generals, including Cheng Pu, Tai Shici, Pan Zhang, and Chen Wu, gathered in the prefectural mansion, sitting on the left and right sides of Zhou Yu, except for Xu Sheng and Huang who were stationed in the military village outside the city. Outside of the cover, the rest of the Jiangdong Army's generals at the level of Sima and Xiaowei are mostly concentrated here.

Zhou Yu was sitting on the main seat, holding a letter in his hand, and said loudly: "Everyone, Prime Minister Cao wrote a letter to the governor and entrusted this Mao Gongcao to send it. It is really hard work."

"Prime Minister Cao is a famous person in China, and his export is in chapter. His "Haoli Xing" can be said to be heard by all people in the world. The bones are exposed in the wild, and there are no chickens. This sentence is very appreciated by this Governor."

Many generals nodded, only Chen Wu and Lu Meng looked at each other and couldn't figure out their heads. Both of them were crude people, not knowing a lot of characters, let alone appreciating poetry.

Mao Jie smiled awkwardly, and said in his heart: It's broken, it's over now.

"General Cheng, you are the lieutenant general of our army. Back then, you followed Gong Wentai and Prime Minister Cao to fight against the Dong thief. How about you read this letter?"

Zhou Yu smiled and handed out the letter.

Cheng Pu stood up abruptly, took the letter with both hands, spread it lightly, and said: "The governor of the city will enlighten him, only the sky is the only time, and everyone can use their talents. King Yanzhao made the golden platform, and there was the act of resoluteness to destroy the Qi; Qin Xiaogong supported it. The law of the Shang prince passes through Guanzhong. Now that the river is shallow, how can it contain the real dragon? May the Zhoudu...what, the emperor, if the Zhoudu supervises the army...what."

Cheng Pu frowned and said with a deep face: "The governor, this letter is often smeared with black ink, and some are not very clear, but it is probably used by Prime Minister Cao to persuade the governor to subdue."


The temperamental Chen Wu was furious, he slapped the case, drew his sword in his hand, and angrily rebuked Mao Jie: "The surnamed Mao, the governor is loyal. How dare you leave the governor and my Jiangdong army, thinking about it?"

Pan Zhang also frowned and said: "The move of Prime Minister Cao was indeed improper. Back then, King Xiang led eight thousand Jiangdong children across the river. In the end, there were only 28 riders left, and no one surrendered. All of them died in battle. My Jiangdong army was only brave. A hero who fights to the death, is there a coward who surrenders without a fight?"

In anger, Chen Wu went straight through the table and wanted to use a sword to stab Mao Jie.

"Zilie stop!"

Zhou Yu's face was serious, and he patted the table with a "pop". Although Chen Wu was furious, he didn't dare not listen to Zhou Yu's words. He gave Mao Jie a stern look and sat back.

Mao Jie's heartbeat was fierce, and he glanced at Zhou Yu without a trace, thinking: It's broken, this plan of separation really won't work. Fortunately, Zhou Yu is not a violent person who wants to kill. Otherwise, how can Mao's life be saved?


Zhou Yu stood up and stared at Mao Jie coldly: "Mao Gong Cao, the two armies are fighting, and the two armies are fighting, and the victory is determined by the sword and the gun, but Prime Minister Cao tried to frame the governor by scheming. Isn't it a heroic act? It seems that Prime Minister Cao’s courage is far inferior to that of Luoyang General Liu."

"Come on, since Prime Minister Cao condescended to write a letter to the governor, if the governor doesn't reply to a letter, wouldn't it be a bad etiquette?

A small official in the army sent me the brush and ink long ago. Zhou Yu grabbed the brush and dipped it in thick ink without saying a word. Then he splashed the ink with the brush and used the dragon and snake to write magnificently.

Swishwishw, I saw that Zhou Yu wrote like a god, and finished a letter in a short time. He threw down the brush and shouted: "Come on, wrap this letter and let Mao Gongcao take it and send it. He left the city and handed it to Prime Minister Cao."


Cheng Pu stood up, stared at Mao Jie, and distracted him from coming, so he said coldly: "Mao Gongcao, the two armies should not be cut in battle, otherwise Cheng must be a spear if he is old today. Don't poke your two transparent holes."

"see a visitor out!"