In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1732: Heaven's Dao Master Daoist Protector

Ji Haotian sat with the thirty-six extra-dimensional supergods.

At this moment, under Ji Haotian's horrified eyes, thirty-six human elders and old women suddenly appeared out of thin air. To Ji Haotian's surprise, these thirty-six people were the thirty-six elders of the Ji family of the Heavenly Kingdom. He is a Tianlao of the Tianlao Society of the Heavenly Kingdom, and a direct descendant of the Ji family of the Heavenly Kingdom. They all grew up watching Ji Haotian from childhood, and they followed Ji Haotian when they were in the secular world. Hero!

Next, under Ji Haotian's astonished gaze, the thirty-six elders of the Ji family's royal family in the heaven suddenly turned into thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods, and then gradually merged with the thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods sitting on the ground. !

Ji Haotian looked at Ji Haotian, who was surprised, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, do you understand this time?"

Ji Haotian exclaimed: "I didn't expect that the thirty-six elders of the Ji family of the heavenly kingdom are actually avatars of your thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods! It turns out that when you were in the secular world, your thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods were already You are with me! The causal relationship between you and me is deeper than that of the Eighteen Super Primitive Patriarchs of the Kingdom of Heaven!"

Absolute Void Super Divine Dao: "This also includes His Majesty's so-called imperial grandfather and imperial grandmother Fu Li Yuan's first ancestor! Because the other thirty-six avatars of our thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods are still relatives of your majesty in your previous life as a human being, Your Majesty, your transmigration into Ji Haotian is also the result of our discussion with the Transcendence Supreme Treasure Pagoda!"

Ji Haotian was surprised again when he heard this!

At this time, the Heavenly Dao Pagoda Artifact Spirit in the depths of his soul responded to him, telling him that it was indeed the case.

The super-god beyond the realm said to Ji Haotian: "Your Majesty, our thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods are your real guardians, the second ancestor of Fu Li Yuan and the eighteenth super-primitive ancestors of the kingdom of heaven are not your real guardians!"

The cosmic holographic super-sacred way: "Fu Li Yuan's first ancestor is not your emperor's grandfather and grandmother!"

Ji Haotian said in disbelief, "How could this happen? Are my parents, the Second Sage Milo, my biological parents?"

The unified dimension is super-sacred: "The Second Sage Milo is your biological parents, and the second ancestor of Fuli Yuan is not your imperial grandfather and imperial grandmother. They are only the second of the seventy-two primordial primordial gods, and the Ji royal family is also It was not created by them, but created by our thirty-six extra-dimensional supergods using their own thirty-six innate qi. Thirty-six surnames Ji were the first to be born. They are an ethnic group, or it can be said that A clan, after many years, has gradually grown into the current Ji royal family!"

Ji Haotian said: "So, the second ancestor of Fuli Yuan has nothing to do with our Ji royal family?"

Judgment First Mother God said: "It can't be said that it doesn't matter, the Ji royal family suffered a great disaster in the early days and almost wiped out the family. The family is regarded as the first ancestor! The second ancestor of Fuli Yuan is the great benefactor of the Ji family, but not the first ancestor of the Ji family. To be precise, our thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods can be regarded as the first ancestor of the Ji family, because the Ji family is the three of us. The sixteen extra-dimensional super gods created it!"

The super-sacred way of vacuum decay: "Originally, the second ancestor of Fuli Yuan was not in the Ji clan, but after you traveled to the Ji clan, the second ancestor of Fuli Yuan felt it, so he appeared in the Ji clan as the first ancestor of the Ji clan!"

Dimensionality reduction to attack the super-sacred way: "If the super-primitive power is intentionally close to the master of the fifteenth avenue, and the master of the fifteenth avenue is mutually causal and closely linked, then it can be invisible, soundless, inactive and inactive. The moving true nature has intercepted the supreme fortune that dominates part of the Fifteen Dao in the dark, and seized the creation of heaven and earth, and the Dao naturally gradually strengthened itself. Ancestor is close to your Majesty for this purpose, they will not harm you, but will use your Majesty's supreme superpower to grow and strengthen themselves!"

Absolute Taiyi Super Divine Dao: "This is the causal relationship between you and them, Your Majesty, it is God's will, we can't act against the sky, and we can't break it. After all, they didn't hurt Your Majesty in essence. On the contrary, they will assist Your Majesty in your rapid growth. So we just let nature take its course and protect your majesty in secret. Our thirty-six extra-dimensional super gods are the real guardians of the great master of heaven!"

Ji Haotian nodded and asked, "Do they know about the existence of your clones?"

Absolute Void Supergod nodded and said, "Yes, both of us knew each other's existence when we were in the secular world, but the water from the well of the two sides does not violate the river water, it's just a tacit understanding!"

Ji Haotian thoughtfully said: "The supreme powers of the five super-primitives are about to reshuffle their cards and return to the right track, what does this mean? Will the second ancestor of Fu Li Yuan and the eighteen super-primitive ancestors of the kingdom of heaven both leave the kingdom of heaven? "

Dominate the God of the First Mother: "Not only will they leave the kingdom of heaven on their own initiative, but the ancient gods of the fifty pillars of the kingdom of heaven will also leave the kingdom of heaven. Their purpose of joining the kingdom of heaven is the same as that of the eighteen super primitive ancestors. They are not the real destined people of the kingdom of heaven. On the right track, they also have to leave the kingdom of heaven!"

Beyond the realm of the super-sacred way: "All the super-primitive powers currently in the kingdom of heaven will leave the kingdom of heaven. After the kingdom of heaven loses these super-primitive powers, it will usher in a new wave of super-primitive powers, these super-primitive powers who have newly joined the kingdom of heaven. Those who are truly destined in the kingdom of heaven are the real ones!"

Ji Haotian asked, "Which super-primitive powers are the real destined people in the kingdom of heaven?"