In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1860: 5 king 8 eggs

The exchange and fair of the four cosmos colleges held by the Almighty Cosmos College lasted for one year. Now two months have passed, and it is still very lively.

The Tumitila Lake Trading Area is located on both sides of the beautiful Tumitila Lake, where the exchange and trade fairs of the four cosmos colleges are located.

In the lively exchange and trade fair, there is a beautiful cherry blossom forest on the shore of the lake, and there is a row of wooden chairs under the shade.

At this time, the emperor Biemonds and Shidi Rachiplessis were sitting and chatting together.

Not long after, Emperor Augustus of the Void and Emperor Jingyu of Hong Emperor came one after another, and the four emperors sat together and chatted.

After a while, the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian also came. At this point, the Supreme Five Emperors gathered here.

The five masters of transcendence and the ten masters of creation, also known as the masters of the fifteen avenues, possess the nominative character of the fifteen avenues, and are in charge of the fifteen highest avenues of the universe. exist.

Five transcendence masters: also known as the five supreme transcendences, which means "above everything", possessing the nominative figure of the five transcendence avenues, and in charge of the five transcendence avenues. They have existed for eighty-one chaotic ages (one chaotic age is six trillion years), and they are the five supreme super-almighty beings who have reincarnated in the eighty-one chaotic ages. They will be reincarnated for 100 million lifetimes in each chaotic epoch, and after the eighty-one chaotic epochs, they have accumulated 81 chaotic epochs with the ultimate limit of cultivation, all of which are sealed by them in their own supreme transcendence soul. within the source of the soul.

The five transcendent masters of deification are also known as the Wushang Wudi, and their image characteristics are:

1. Ji Haotian, the great ruler of the heavens and the emperor of heaven, is a peerless and beautiful man of the human race with black hair and black eyes.

Second, the great master of nothingness, the illusory emperor Augustus, a beautiful man of the demon race with white hair and white eyes, with thirty-six white wings on his back, and a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

3. The Great Master of Hongmeng, Emperor Hongdi Jingyu, a handsome man of the Wu ethnic group with purple hair and purple eyes, with eight purple wings on his back, and a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

4. Biemonds, the great master of chaos and the emperor of chaos, is a beautiful man of the monster race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a gray-gold horn on his head, and a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

5. The great ruler of time and space, Shidi Rachi Plessis, a beautiful man of the dragon race with blue hair and blue eyes, with a pair of blue-gold dragon horns on his head, and a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

Aura of Wisdom: A unique feature of the super-primitive powerful person, representing the wisdom, enlightenment and realm of the super-primitive powerful person. The higher the wisdom, awareness and realm, the bigger the halo of wisdom behind his head; Some are ten feet long, some are several feet long; the super-powerful super-primitive almighty can even send the halo of wisdom to the heavens and the world, illuminating the starry sky and the universe.

There are five colors of the aura of wisdom, from high to low:

1. Nine-colored halo of wisdom - five transcendent masters (the supreme super-primitive almighty and super-almighty with eighty-one chaotic mana).

2. The colorful halo of wisdom - the ten masters of creation (the super-primitive and all-powerful creators with eighty chaotic mana).

3. Purple Aura of Wisdom - Thirty-six extra-dimensional super gods and seventy-two chaotic primordial gods (Tai Wu super primordial almighty and medium almighty with seventy-nine chaotic mana).

4. Golden Aura of Wisdom - Super-Space 81 Pillars of Prime God and Super Primitive Ninety-Nine Pillars of Ancient Gods (Tai Fan Chao Primitive Almighty and Little Almighty with 78 Chaos Deriving Mana).

Fifth, the silver halo of wisdom - the other super-primitive almighty (sub-almighty).

The halo of wisdom has no beginning, no end, no form, no life and no death. Only the super-primitive powers can see each other's aura of wisdom, and other creatures cannot see the super-primitive power's aura of wisdom.

At this moment, Shidi Rachipius looked at Ji Haotian, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Ji Haotian, you son of a bitch, what level of cultivation have you reached now?"

Ji Haotian said, "My cultivation level is not as high as your bastard, but only in the three-star Eternal Emperor Realm."

Bumblebee said: "You bastard's cultivation level is indeed not as high as ours. The cultivation level of the four of us is now the realm of the six-star Eternal Emperor."

Ji Haotian asked, "You four **** have already gotten out of the Supreme Multiverse. What are you doing back at the academy?"

Void Emperor Augustus smiled and said: "Don't forget, we are all students of the Almighty Cosmos Academy. Although we have all withdrawn from the Supreme Multiverse, it is normal to return to the academy to cultivate."

Ji Haotian said disdainfully, "Returning to the academy to cultivate? I think you all have other plans, right?"

Emperor Hongdi Jingyu said with a smile: "Haotian, didn't you stay in the academy and refuse to leave? The four of us did have a purpose in returning to the academy this time, I think you should know it, we just tacitly agreed. That's it!"

Rakipresis said indifferently: "We don't need to be tacit, let's make it clear! The purpose of everyone getting together this time is the same, just for a drop of the supreme blood that will come to the world! It's a pity that there is only one drop, we The five have to fight again!"
