In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 207: 2 great ancient tribes

Heaven Continent, Heaven.

The central Tianshan, the central heaven.

Zixiao Peak, Zixiao Palace.

Under the dazzling and beautiful stars and fruit trees in the mountains, Ji Haotian and the left and right two Tianzai sat together, sipping tea and chatting leisurely.

At this moment, Zuo Tianzai Ji Weilong exclaimed: "The mysterious and powerful giant clan of the Guigantes was born, and the world is going to be lively now!"

Right Tianzai Xiao Zhantian is a belligerent, he laughed loudly: "The more lively the better, according to rumors, the giants of the Guigantes clan are all powerful, brave and good at fighting, I will definitely meet them when I have time! "

Ji Haotian said with a smile: "The Guigantes are a giant clan with majestic stature and infinite strength. The adult Guigantes giants are ten feet tall. According to legend, there were two most powerful and brutal races in the great world that originated thousands of years ago. , one is the Guigantes tribe, the other is the Gorgon tribe; these two races are too powerful and brutal, making the origin of the great world charred and turbulent, and later the four great demon ancestors appeared to defeat the seven monarchs of the Guigantes , forcing the Guigantes to retire and not be born; then the four great demon ancestors appeared, defeated the three queens of Gorgon, and forced the Gorgons to retire, so that they would not be born and bring trouble to the world. Since then, the Guigantes and The Gorgon clan retired, and they claimed that as long as the four great demon ancestors and the four great demon ancestors were still in the Dafan universe, the two clans would not be born!"

Zuo Tianzai Ji Weilong said in surprise, "Now that the twenty-four ancestors of the universe have left the Dafan universe, wouldn't it mean that the Gorgon tribe will be born? What kind of race is the Gorgon tribe?"

Ji Haotian said, "The Gorgon tribe is also known as the snake-human tribe. The tribe is half-human and half-snake, with a human head and a snake body. Any creature that looks directly into their eyes will turn into a stone statue; It is very dangerous and terrifying to swallow mountains and rivers, swallow the sky, and swallow everything. The blood on the right side of the Gorgons has the power to bring back the dead, while the blood on the left side is extremely poisonous and deadly."

Right Tianzai Xiao Zhantian exclaimed: "This Gorgon family is really dangerous and terrifying! The three Gorgon queens should all be in the Great Perfection Realm of Yashen, and they must be even more dangerous and terrifying. If we encounter them, we will Be extra careful!"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "The three queens of Gorgon are indeed three extremely dangerous and terrifying women! According to legend, they are three terrifying banshees with fangs, countless venomous snakes, and human-headed snakes. There are also rumors that They are three beautiful women with human heads and snake bodies, and any creature that looks directly into their eyes will turn into stone statues. The three queens of Gorgon are three sisters, they are: Queen Sisina, Queen Yurielle, and Medusa Queen."

At this time, the four principals of the four academies, the four gods, came together.

The Four Great Gods are four tall and handsome white youths, all powerful emperor-level geniuses, possessing four high-grade Chaos Treasures Four Sacred Swords, they are:

The origin of Tiandaoyuan is God Frantinus, the origin of the holy sword

The Tianzheng Academy educates God Florimund, educates the holy sword

The God of Truth Gladios of the Tianjian Academy, the Holy Sword of Truth

The court of heaven ends God Theodorakis, ends the holy sword

The Four Great Gods greeted Ji Haotian, the boss, and then greeted the two left and right slaughterers.

After watching the four gods take their seats, Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Why did the four of you come here together, did something major happen?"

Origin God Frantinus smiled and said: "Reporting my dear boss, we have just received two big news, the first news is that the three giant legions of the Pontos Hygigantes tribe of 300 million giants were dispatched and began to gain momentum. The second news is the birth of the mysterious and terrifying Thalassa Haigor Worker Clan, and the three major serpent corps of the Gorgon tribe, 300 million snakemen, are dispatched to attack the Demon Country Continent aggressively!"

Right Tianzai Xiao Zhantian said with a smile, "It seems that these two ancient clans are going to take revenge!"

Zuo Tianzai Ji Weilong smiled lightly: "These two tribes have been oppressed by the four great demon ancestors and the four great demon ancestors for thousands of years, and now it's finally time for revenge!"

The End God Theodorakis said, "One of the two ancient races claimed to enslave the Demon Race and occupy the Demon Country Continent; the other claimed to enslave the Demon Race and occupy the Demon Country Continent. Both of them are extremely powerful. The two wars will inevitably lead to the loss of life and turmoil in the world! The twenty-four ancestors of the universe have left, and no one can shock the origin world, except the seven monarchs of Guigantes and the three queens of Gorgon, and the four Xuanhuang four of the four academies in Pangu Continent. The ancestors, the Eight Great Ancestors of Chaos Continent’s Eight Great Guilds, and the Seventy-two Saint Ancestors of the seventy-two exotic countries, these old antiques and old monsters will probably be born, making waves and causing chaos in the world!”

Ji Haotian smiled lightly: "In an era when the twenty-four ancestors of the universe suppressed the great world of origin, countless old antiques and old monsters were suppressed by them and they dared not raise their heads. Now that the twenty-four ancestors of the universe have left the Dafan universe, they are finally liberated and can be proud of themselves. Our five countries in the universe are all direct descendants of the twenty-four ancestors of the universe. These old antiques and old monsters will definitely vent their accumulated resentment on the five countries in the universe! Therefore, for a long time in the future, it will be difficult for all five countries in the universe. quiet!"