In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 2117: Innate super-dimensional consciousness f

With the arrival of the avenue master Lin Taiyi, the masters of the nine ultimate forbidden places gathered here.

Tianhou Pan Tianchan looked at Lin Taiyi who was approaching, and said coldly, "I think you, Lin Taiyi, are also looking for shit. You and Sigismund are both virtuous, and both dogs can't change their shit!"

Lin Taiyi, who came over, smiled and said, "I want to eat your first and second concubines even more."

Xiao Zhantian, the third deputy of the kingdom of heaven, suddenly glared at Lin Taiyi and scolded: "Lin Taiyi, you are too bold, aren't you? You dare to speak unkindly to our first and second concubines of the kingdom of heaven, are you courting death? Believe it or not, I will die now. you!"

Suddenly, the five transcendent masters and the supreme five emperors descended from the sky like five supreme gods.

The five masters of transcendence, also known as the supreme five emperors, possess the nominative figures of the five great avenues of transcendence and are in charge of the five great avenues of transcendence. They have existed for eighty-one chaotic ages (one chaotic age is six trillion years), and they are the five supreme super-almighty beings who have reincarnated in the eighty-one chaotic ages. They will be reincarnated for hundreds of millions of generations in each chaotic evolutionary era. After eighty-one chaotic evolutionary eras, they have accumulated eighty-one chaotic evolutionary era supreme peaks and extreme cultivation bases, all of which are sealed by them in their own supreme transcendence soul. within the source of the soul.

The five transcendent masters of deification are also known as the Wushang Wudi, and their image characteristics are:

1. Ji Haotian, the great ruler of the heavens and the emperor of heaven, is a peerless and beautiful man of the human race with black hair and black eyes.

2. The great master of nothingness, the illusory emperor Koos, a beautiful man of the demon race with black hair and purple eyes, with thirty-six black wings on his back, with a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

3. The great ruler of Hongmeng, the mighty dragon of the Hongdi Emperor, a handsome man of the Wu tribe with purple hair and purple eyes, with eight purple wings on his back, and a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

4. Biemonds, the great master of chaos and the emperor of chaos, is a beautiful man of the monster race with gray hair and gray eyes, with a gray-gold horn on his head, and a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

5. The great ruler of time and space, Shidi Rachi Plessis, a beautiful man of the dragon race with blue hair and blue eyes, with a pair of blue-gold dragon horns on his head, and a nine-colored halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

Aura of Wisdom: A unique feature of the super-primitive powerful person, representing the wisdom, enlightenment and realm of the super-primitive powerful person. The higher the wisdom, awareness and realm, the bigger the halo of wisdom behind his head; Some are ten feet long, some are several feet long; the super-powerful super-primitive almighty can even send the halo of wisdom to the heavens and the world, illuminating the starry sky and the universe.

There are five colors of the aura of wisdom, from high to low:

1. Nine-colored halo of wisdom - five transcendent masters (the supreme super-primitive almighty and super-almighty with eighty-one chaotic mana).

2. The colorful halo of wisdom - the ten masters of creation (the super-primitive almighty and the giant almighty who possess 80 chaotic mana-generation powers).

3. Purple Aura of Wisdom - Thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods and seventy-two chaotic primordial gods (Taiwu super-primitive almighty and omnipotent one with seventy-nine chaotic-generation mana).

4. Golden Aura of Wisdom - Super-Space 81 Pillars of Prime God and Super Primitive Ninety-nine Pillars of Ancient Gods (Tai Fan Chao Primitive Almighty and Middle Almighty with 78 Chaos Deriving Mana).

Fifth, the silver halo of wisdom - the other super-primitive almighty (little almighty ones).

The halo of wisdom has no beginning, no end, no form, no life and no death. Only the super-primitive powers can see each other's aura of wisdom, and other creatures cannot see the super-primitive power's aura of wisdom.

With the advent of the five masters of transcendence, the masters of the fifteenth avenue have also gathered here.

Ji Haotian looked at the crowd and said with a long smile, "It's so lively here, the master of the fifteenth avenue and the masters of the forty-one forbidden areas of the nine extreme forbidden areas have all gathered together!"

Sigismund the Great Brahma said with a light smile: "It seems that everyone is here for the fruit tree of innate super-dimensional consciousness in the secret realm of innate super-dimensional consciousness!"

Xu Di Koos said with a smile: "To be precise, it's for the 81 innate super-dimensional consciousness fruits that are about to mature!"

The master of the fifteenth avenue and the masters of the nine extreme forbidden places gathered here for the purpose of the secret realm of the innate super-dimensional consciousness under the Infinite Island.

According to speculation, there is an innate super-dimensional consciousness fruit tree in the secret territory of the innate super-dimensional consciousness under the Infinite Island. There are 81 innate super-dimensional consciousness fruits on the tree, which will mature soon.

They all have high-dimensional consciousness. If they swallow and refine an innate super-dimensional consciousness fruit, their high-dimensional consciousness will evolve into the ultimate super-dimensional consciousness. The Lord of the Five Great Dao and the Lords of the Nine Ultimate Forbidden Lands are here.

Super-dimensional consciousness refers to a state of consciousness that transcends dimensions, adding the space-time dimension to the static system view and holistic view. In the theory of transcendental development, the system view or pattern view is a very important cognitive perspective and the core of the holistic development view. Categorizing the complex information in the living environment into patterns or helps us to re-classify and re-cognize the environment in our consciousness. The pattern audience and system view allow developers to clearly see Rules flow in a pattern or cycle in a system. The scale of the system or model expands with the continuous improvement of transcendence. A mature transcendence developer can systematize the entire society, even the known universe, and can capture the overall output of nature, society and the universe. Information, when feeling the whole of the system, the transcendent will have a sense of opposite existence to the system, and the transcendent will examine and read the information of the system with a posture of standing outside the system, but this feeling is relatively static. The relative static of the transcendent and the system shows that the transcendent and the system are in the same space-time dimension, but if the transcendent can transcend the space-time dimension, the system can be viewed with a dynamic development view of the system. The relatively static information of the system is the overall output of the objectivity of the system. Just like when we observe a person, his external image is an objective information that we can directly read, but we are the future development of this person. It is difficult to read, because we cannot obtain his space-time information, and this inability to do anything about the space-time information is because the observer is in the same space-time dimension as this person, or is limited by the same space-time dimension. However, if the transcendence can capture more space-time information through transcendence, it can incorporate the space-time dimension itself into the observed system, and then the system will present information containing the space-time dimension, that is, the observed one. A person is no longer a relatively static person who is presented to you as usual, but a person in a state of constant birth, aging, illness and death. What he presents is not an image of information, but information about his life. This kind of thinking angle that incorporates the space-time dimension into a closed system is super-dimensional consciousness.