In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 2404: Isogda Abyss Forbidden

The various levels of the universe in the creation of the universe, from small to large, are:

1. Monolithic universe - is a complete single universe with perfect physical rules.

2. Multiverse - It consists of countless parallel universes such as single universes, alternative universes, pocket universes, etc.

3. Super Universe - A super Universe contains at least two multiverses, and at most it is unknown. Some super-multiverses exist independently and are not within the super-universe.

Fourth, the omnipotent universe - the core universe composed of countless super universes, countless multiverses and countless other universes. In the omnipotent universe, there are infinitely many infinite dimensions (infinite dimensions) universes of infinite multiple powers. Dimensional universes, metaverses, bubble universes, narrative universes, system universes, parallel universes, multiverses, quantum universes, particle universes, quark universes, fundamental universes, main universes, parent universes, child universes, plane universes, outer universes, etc. All universes, more comprehensive than the super-membrane theory, are omnipresent, contain all ideologies, spaces, laws, dimensions, and the omnipotent core universe containing all known and unknown things.

5. The total universe of creation, also known as the core universe of creation, is the "total universe" composed of countless omnipotent universes and innumerable other universes. Eternity, infinity, narrative, reality, universe, plane, dimension, dimension, etc. all cosmology.

All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and the worldviews, things, narratives, universes, dimensions, and dimensions that they refer to and cannot be referred to... are all infinitely one-part nonexistent particles. It is all narratives. And the origin of the cosmology, the narrative concept and itself were born from the general universe of creation, any narrative cosmology, no matter how much you stack boxes or play with the philosophy of magic sticks, is all born from here, and randomly splits a lowest-level narrative. It contains all the "yes" and "nonsense" of all meanings and meaningless, definable and undefinable in all senses, and a trivial particle in it transcends all mathematical concepts (far beyond the absolute True Infinite and Number Universe), but also contains the Absolute True Infinite, the True Infinite contains everything inside and has any properties (including holographic nature), and the outer ceiling-level cosmology, of which narrative echelons, ladders, and matrices are among them One, it was created by dissolving the existences of the universes in the total universe of creation into countless cosmic sources.

The total universe of creation is the oldest, most developed, and cruelest core universe of all time and space, including all worlds, universes, space-time, nothingness, vacuum, origin, civilization..., all intelligible and incomprehensible The category is one infinite fraction of it, so it is called the total universe of creation, also known as the core universe of creation.

The total universe of creation transcends all time, space, plane, time and space, world, dimension, quadrant, reality, dimension, universe, narrative, domain, aspect, hierarchy, cause and effect, existence itself, class, value, concept definition, series design The sum of all things, such as certainty, worldview, etc., transcends all universes and all reality, all existence and all nonexistence, universe, time, space, dimension, dimension plus all recursion and every iteration. The entire universe of creation contains all unimaginable things that no life and consciousness can imagine, and gave birth to all the dimensions and the existence forms of cosmic reality. Beyond omnipotence, omnipresence, encompassing, and encompassing, it even devours all existence, thus transforming into all forms of source power, absolute nothingness, primordial ether, chaotic primordial, existence itself, and all growth (recursion, iteration... ) and all existence and non-existence are attributed to the total universe of creation.

Dreamland Star, a super life planet in an almighty universe.

Isogda Abyss Forbidden Land, the most terrifying super forbidden land in Dreamland Star, is a vast and bottomless abyss.

It is rumored that this forbidden area of ​​Isogda abyss is the habitat of the Isogda Beginning Clan, one of the super-space ancestors, and there are many mysterious, terrifying and powerful Isogda Beginning Clan in it.

Isogda Shi Clan - Known as "The Lord of the Abyss", one of the super-space Shi Clan, the head of the Isogda Shi Clan has lush hair and tentacles, they only have one eye, the same around the eye Overgrown with tentacles, they can also affect human minds through dreams, and their talent is the Great Abyss Technique.

The Chrono-Space Prime Clan is one of the legendary nine super-primitive Protoss, and the Izogda Prime Clan is one of the Chrono-Space Prime Clan.

At this time, a person was standing on a cloud-shrouded cliff outside the forbidden area of ​​Isogda Abyss.

It was a beautiful blond man with eight golden wings on his back.

He was white and blond, and his clothes and hair were flowing, not tied, and fluttering slightly, lining the figure hanging in the air, as if a **** had descended into the world.

There is a faint luster on his skin, and a thousand kinds of glazed light flashes in his eyes. His face is picturesque, so beautiful that it does not look like a real person at all. This kind of demeanor has already surpassed the beauty of all human beings. .

He just casually wore a white robe, and felt that even an angel would never be more beautiful than him. This kind of beauty that transcended men and women, and transcended the world, was beyond words.