In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 2519: Mysterious 9 Ultimate Leaders

The supreme five emperors came to the nine super primordial **** emperors and the ultimate forty-two masters under the shade of the tree.

Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian looked at everyone present and smiled playfully: "Yo, it's quite lively here, are you guys having a meeting? Why are you all gathering together, isn't it too hot? Let's go!"

The emperor Biemonds greeted everyone with a blank face: "Haru! Eruibo's buy Neimu Ezi... Aimu... Yi's son Ouer's favorite clothes Luomu."

Everyone in the shade of the tree staggered when they heard the words, with black lines all over their heads.

At the beginning of the extra dimension, the super emperor gave them a blank look and said: "You supreme five emperors are really five freaks, full of nonsense, and there is no real form! There is only one universe tree of heaven, and your five transcendence masters are here, look. The chances of coming to us are reduced again, there is really no way!"

The super-primitive ancient emperor Herak said with a smile: "There is a way, our nine super-primitive **** emperors and the ultimate forty-two masters will join hands to drive the supreme five emperors out of the Basalomau almighty universe, so that we can obtain the heavenly universe tree. Great opportunity!"

Sigismund the Great Brahma nodded and said, "You are right. I agree and agree to join forces to drive the Supreme Five Emperors out of the Almighty Universe of Barthalom."

Ji Haotian pouted, ignoring him, but looked at the Third Empress of Hongmeng and the Third Empress of Chaos, and said with a smile, "Mother of six children, are my six precious sons okay? I haven't seen my six children for many years. My precious sons, I miss them very much and want to meet them, when will you bring my six precious sons to heaven?"

Empress Hongtian rolled his eyes at him and said, "Didn't we bring all six children to the kingdom of heaven a thousand years ago? A thousand years has passed in a flash, how can it be that long? If you want to see them, come to the Hongmeng Temple. and Chaos Shrine!"

Ji Haotian said: "Okay, when I have time, I will definitely go to Hongmeng Temple and Chaos Shrine to see my son! By the way, are the two supreme leaders of your Hongmeng Temple and Chaos Shrine male or female? They won't Seduce you? It won't be bad for my children, will it?"

Queen Aegina curled her lips and said: "You think too much, let me tell you the truth, we don't know what the Supreme Leader of our respective forbidden areas is, because we have never seen the Supreme Leader of our respective forbidden areas, they are too It's mysterious!"

The supreme five emperors and the nine super-primitive **** emperors were surprised when they heard the words.

Daoist Lin Taidao: "What Queen Aegina said is the truth. Although our ultimate forty-two masters are the masters of the nine extreme forbidden places, we are indeed the nine who have never seen our nine extreme forbidden places. The ultimate leader, I don't know what kind of existence they are!"

Hongdi Taiyi Hongmeng nodded, he looked at the Twelve Emperors of Xuhuangtian, and said: "Ji Haotian and I have both been to your Xuhuangtian, and we have had conversations with the leaders of the Xuhuang, but the difference is that the leaders of the Xuhuang Talking to Ji Haotian in an old voice, but talking to me in the voice of a young man, we are puzzled, is the leader of your Xuhuangtian an old man or a young man? Is he a super-primitive power or a super-primitive power A reincarnated person?"

Pan Huang Yapan, the head of the Twelve Emperors of the Void Emperor, said thoughtfully: "We don't understand either, we don't know what's going on, the leader of the Void Emperor is too mysterious, we have never seen him before. , I just heard his voice, and when he talks to us, his voice often changes, sometimes it is the voice of an old man, sometimes it is the voice of a man, sometimes it is the voice of a child, it is elusive and incredible!"

Shidi Laqipulessis asked: "The legendary Nine Great Ultimate Leaders of the Nine Great Forbidden Territories possess the Nine Great Forbidden Territories, and their power is comparable to that of the Nine Creation Treasures. Is this true? Absolutely. The domain is the exclusive symbol of the ten masters of creation, how can the nine ultimate leaders have absolute domains? This is unscientific, it is incredible!"

There are three thousand kinds of Dao fields owned by the creator, also known as the three thousand Dao fields, that is, the Dao enchantment that the creator will comprehend when he reaches a certain height, it can also be called the Dao field. When you obtain the Dao, you comprehend the Dao field like the enchantment. In this Dao field, you are the master, controlling everything and ignoring everything, but if both sides have the Dao field, then you can only collide, just like the collision of the enchantment, come A fight. The avenue field is equivalent to condensing a huge spherical avenue area around you. This avenue area has its own rules, and this is the biggest one. But in battle, if others also have the Dao Domain, it will be stone to stone to see who is tougher, that is, whoever has the stronger Dao Domain ability, whoever is the victor.

The avenue field is divided into nine levels, from high to low, they are:

Absolute Supreme Realm - Five Realms Beyond the Control of the Master

Absolute Realm - The Realm Controlled by the Ten Masters of Creation

Beyond the realm - beyond the realm of genius

The field of creation - the field controlled by the genius of creation

Emperor-level domain - the domain controlled by emperor-level geniuses

King-level domain - the domain controlled by king-level geniuses

Advanced field - the field controlled by general-level geniuses

Intermediate Field - Intermediate Avenue Field

Low-level realm - low-level avenue realm

The high-level Dao domain will always suppress the low-level Dao The transcendence domain has reached an infinity level. Some transcendence domains can cover a galaxy, some transcendence domains can cover a universe, and some transcendence domains can cover a universe. The realm can cover a multiverse, and the legendary five absolute supreme realms can even cover countless multiverses.

There will be treasures of the town and the vision of heaven and earth in the Dao Domain. Because the Dao Domain and the Dao Soul are interconnected, the Heaven and Earth Vision in the Dao Domain is the Dao Soul. Therefore, once you are covered in the Dao Domain, you will face the triple attack of the Dao Domain Power, the Town's Treasure and the Dao Soul. Some superpowers will have many treasures of the town and many Taoist souls in their avenues, which increases the infinite power of the avenues.

The three thousand avenues are derived from the three thousand avenues. The most powerful in the three thousand avenues are the legendary five absolute supreme realms, which are controlled by the legendary five transcendence masters. The power of the five absolute supreme realms in their peak state is comparable to Beyond the Treasure, the five absolute supreme domains are: the Great Domain of Heaven, the Great Domain of Nothingness, the Great Domain of Hongmeng, the Great Domain of Chaos, and the Great Domain of Time and Space.

Next to the five absolute supreme domains are the ten absolute domains, which are controlled by the legendary ten masters of creation. In charge of destiny, cause and effect, desire, reincarnation, creation, destruction, time, space, and life Large field, in charge of the large field of death.

The strength of the Dao Domain depends on the level of its own level and the level of the owner's own cultivation realm.