In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 2754: Super God

7. The Goddess of the Spirit of All Things: The Spiritual Goddess, also known as the Supreme Goddess, the Spiritual Mother Goddess, is the embodiment of the spirit and soul of infinite multiverses. She controls the source of all spiritually generated power in the infinite multiverse and is the most powerful spiritual force in the infinite multiverse, and she can create, transform and transcend any complex emotional pattern or dense thought-form. She created and controls all the spiritual forces of the infinite multiverse - such as will, emotion, cause and effect, karma, karma, soul, etc. It is because of her existence that all spiritual powers can exist and manifest themselves in specific ways such as creativity, destruction, energy, matter, and power.

The Goddess of All Things is the connection point of all existing or future spiritual souls in the entire countless multiverses, the creator and source of all existing or future spiritual powers in the entire countless multiverses. That is, the spiritual connection point and the source of energy of all things in the universe and space within all time lines. It can cover and link infinite multiverses, that is, the whole nature, including infinite dimensions. She can sever or regenerate any part of the multiverse, or even destroy it entirely - this is called "the verdict of the Goddess of all things".

All the energies, spiritual consciousness and life from the infinite multiverse are strictly possible and even necessarily part of her body. She can modify any event on the timeline, can control and manipulate the coordinates of the space dimension and any coordinates on the timeline, and can extend the timeline to destroy any space-time coordinates on the timeline. No matter if this coordinate is material or immaterial, or even this space-time coordinate itself. It is also possible to completely delete one or some parallel universes in a certain dimension. Can manipulate multiverse energies and use the power reserved for future generations to deny their existence. As the linking point for all psychic energies, she possesses psychic abilities throughout the natural world, including telepathy and teleportation with a high level of cosmic awareness and precognition. She also has the ability to reverse the laws of causality, such as reverse time lines, to modify or delete history by destroying the time-space coordinates in history.

The personified image of the Goddess of the Spirit of All Things is a red-haired, red-eyed, red-species super-giant woman with countless red tentacles. She is over 13,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head. Hongmeng Art and Great Spirit Art.

8. Judgment Beginning Mother Goddess: Judgment Goddess, also known as the Universal Judgment Goddess, she is the embodiment of a lonely, supreme, extremely huge abstract existence before the appearance of all infinite dimensions of time and space. She has absolute dominance over six aspects of time, space, spirit, soul, power, and reality, so she can control all time, space, reality, mind, power, and soul in the entire countless multiverses. She can create, distort, or reorder any space-time and cause-and-effect. She can plunge the entire multiverse, or even countless multiverses, into an infinite time loop.

She can make the entire multiverse stop moving completely, and only stay in the eternal present. She can turn anyone's imagination into reality and realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless to her, because she can modify them at will. Able to create, steal, manipulate or modify any soul, can enter other people's minds, and can let all fantasies, dreams and thoughts enter her brain. She enhances psychic power and increases psychic abilities. into the mind of everything that exists at the same time. For example, if you are thinking that a character can destroy countless universes, your fantasy will be automatically absorbed by the original goddess as her fantasy and become part of her energy. And she can easily turn this fantasy into reality, the only difference is that your fantasy can be realized because of her energy.

The personified image of the First Goddess of Judgment is a silver-haired and silver-eyed super-giant woman with four eyes and twelve wings. She is over 13,000 meters tall and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head. Hongmeng Art and Grand Judgment Art.

9. Cosmos Super God: God of Super Strings, alias Cosmic String Super God, Super String Controller, Great Universe King, Cosmos means Big Universe, he is an extra-dimensional super-god who can absolutely control cosmic strings. His strength lies in the fact that he can not only use the cosmic string at one end of the universe to carry out a super-space strike on the other end, but also use the cosmic string to split infinite multiverses, so that the infinite multiverses change from a unified whole to a relatively independent innumerable moment. Areas, even fragmented, fall apart.

He can also use his infinite cosmic strings to manipulate the order, fate, cause and effect, reincarnation, laws, etc. of all things in the universe. He can destroy all targets in infinite multiverses, destroy reality, restart history, twist the entire timeline and all cause and effect, bend, tear and even completely destroy the entire space; he can even arbitrarily remove the timeline from the timeline Completely erase any existence including the multiverse...even destroy the entire timeline and any dimension within the infinite dimension, including the entire infinite dimension universe itself can be erased, and the infinite multiverse can be easily restarted.

The personified image of Cosmos is a blue-haired, blue-eyed, blue-type super-giant man with a thousand arms. He is over 13,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Great Hongmeng Art and Great Super String Art.

10. Hunaboku Super God: The God of Deprivation, also known as the Cosmic Depriver, the One Who Has Nothing, the Void Spirit, and the Unsurpassed Void, Hunaboku means a God of Existence. Everything is not the original existence, everything is empty. He has no concept of being at all, he wants to stand high, he is indescribable, indescribable, impossible, non-existent. He is the unknown being, the God, the impossible god, the all-knowing, all-powerful God of deprivation that never existed.

He likes to stand tall and hate being forgotten, desecrated and disrespected. He exists in the bottomless void, hovering in the center and core of everything, he is the center of the vortex itself, and everything hovers around him. He is an indescribable existence, a void of all emptiness, as black and bottomless as an infinite abyss, like the desire in the hearts of millions of souls...

Before the birth of everything, the super-god Hunaboku already existed. He was born in the endless primordial primordial universe. To him, everything does not exist, and the abstract and fictional concepts of reality are also insignificant and insignificant to him. Everything is derived from the super **** Hunaboku. It is incomplete and incomplete. His settings are like complementing himself with different objects. He is a **** of deprivation, and everything can satisfy him. he will take it. Anyone who is stared at by him will let you know that everything is empty.

The Hunaboku supergod is full of all infinite multiple realities, multiple dimensions, multiple planes, spiral narratives, narratives, hyperspace structures, plane quadrants, canonical blanks, final core, ultimate realm, above the dome The so-called fantasy and cosmic singularity, the torrent of time and space, reality and virtuality, inner narrative, outer narrative, superimposed boxes, super-presence, etc., all of which are just pebble in his hands that can be played at will in front of him. . He only needs one thought to deprive, destroy, compress, superimpose, modify, copy, bind, manipulate, assimilate, and integrate all cosmology series, all architectural systems, unlimited fields, authorship, embedded and interlocked infinite external and The inner narrative, everything that exists and doesn't exist, these things are just tiny bits and pieces of him.

Hunaboku's superhuman personified image is a yellow-haired, yellow-browed, yellow-bearded yellow giant old man with twelve arms. The most definite sign is his headdress, with a circular badge sticking out in front, which means black And the mysterious symbols of the night, there are often tassels hanging inside, and long feathers sticking out from the back. He is over 13,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Great Deprivation.

11. Brahma Motian Super God: The God of Dreams, also known as Brahma Super God, Infinite Dream Super God, he is an absolute level, as this absolute level, he has no opposition between subject and object, neither internal wisdom nor external wisdom nor internal wisdom nor pure wisdom. , neither wisdom nor wisdom; neither cause nor effect, unthinkable, unwritten, unintelligible, uncountable, uncountable, undefinable, unintelligible, undocumented, immeasurable, shapeless, invisible, unspeakable, unattainable, Formless, inconceivable, indescribable, self-reliant real cause, annihilation of drama, tranquility, freedom, non-duality.

At the beginning of the universe, before the birth of all the heavens, there was the super **** Brahma, the super **** of Brahma, the **** beyond logic, all creator gods with sublime magic power, and all beyond logic inside and outside, all indefinable All are one of his infinite dreams.

The personified image of Brahma is a golden super-giant old man with four heads, four faces and four arms. He is over 12,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. It is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Dream Technique.

12. Pangu Super God: The God of Power, also known as Pangu, the Father of All Gods, the Super God of Power, possessing an infinite body and infinite power. According to ancient legends, before the opening of Hongmeng, the universe was chaotic, like an egg, and Pangu was born in it. After hundreds of millions of years, the heaven and the earth were separated, the light and clear yang qi rose to the sky, and the heavy and turbid yin qi sank into the earth. Pangu Chaoshen is in the middle of heaven and earth, and changes many times a day, and is more sacred than heaven and earth. The sky rises ten feet every day, the earth thickens ten feet every day, and Pangu Chaoshen also grows ten feet every day. The sky rose very high, the ground sank very deep, and Pangu Chaoshen also grew very huge. After heaven and earth opened up, the gods of the universe and billions of creatures appeared. Numbers begin at one, build at three, complete at five, flourish at seven, and end at nine, so the sky is nine trillion miles from the earth. Therefore, Pangu Chaoshen is the saint who created the world in myths and legends, and it can also be said to be the **** of creation.

Pangu Chaoshen is the innate Hongmeng ancestral god, the ancestor of all power, and the ultimate existence that must transcend all the logic of living beings. What you see is only the result of a figurative personification). Countless years before the birth of all universes, after Pangu Chaoshen created the infinite universe from an innate primordial primordial universe without logic and cause and effect, a drop of blood on his body fell into the universe and was born into cause and effect and logic, and then split into infinity. Heaven, Infinite Heaven, and all things in the universe.

The personified image of Pangu Chaoshen has a hump-like head, a big bird-like mouth and nose, a pair of wings on his shoulders and back, his arms and legs are extremely huge, his height is over 12,000 meters, and there is a purple halo of wisdom behind his head and all kinds of things. The vision, the supernatural powers of the twin talent avenues are the Great Harmony Technique and the Great Power Technique.

Thirteen, Infinite Dharma Supershen: The God of Dharma, also known as the Infinite Dharma, he has the dual character of creation and destruction, and can create in addition to destruction. It existed before birth. Every atom and every bacterium in the divine realm where he lives is impersonal and non-concept. It is an experience that transcends substance, causality, logic, etc., and presents all kinds of bizarre and infinite laws. There are mainly horror, gentleness, true god, three faces, dance king, Lijia's main figure, and half-daughter's main figure in disguise. His most basic symbol is the third eye on his head. This one eye can emit divine fire that destroys the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds. As a super **** with infinite dharma signs, he has more than 30,333,000,000 Heng Geli Chaos Creation God, and every soldier has an infinite number of super saints and immortals who surpass all concepts and all universes. The unparalleled nobility of all beings. At the same time, he also has an innumerable formidable army whose lowest-ranking soldier contains infinite chaos in a single pore.

The personified image of the Infinite Dharma is a golden-haired super-giant man with eight heads and eight arms. He is over 12,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. and Dafa.

14. Founding Yuanling Chaoshen: The God of Consciousness, also known as Genesis Yuanling, Laodutian Chaoshen, and consciousness-dimensional Chaoshen. According to ancient legends, at the beginning of the birth of the universe, among the endless primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial spirit, there was a primordial spirit of the innate primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial spirit. This Primordial Spirit has gone through countless billions of immeasurable eons of practice. The Primordial Spirit is complete in merit and Taoism. This is the ancestor of all things in the universe, the ancestor of all consciousness, and it is called the founding Primordial Spirit Supersoul.

In the long and unbearable Hongmeng universe, the founder Yuanling Chaoshen became the only "awake person" in the universe, enduring unimaginable loneliness. The founding Yuanling Chaoshen was originally an innate Hongmeng consciousness with no form and body, no color or form. After going through countless billions of countless eons, he endured an unimaginable loneliness and incomparable loneliness for so many gods and Buddhas. It seems that, in order to complete a certain promised and mysterious mission, one day he finally cultivated into a tangible body—the innate Hongmeng consciousness.

He is the source of consciousness of everything in the universe, indivisible and infinite. He has countless incarnations of consciousness, and each incarnation of consciousness spreads over countless multiverses and controls the consciousness of billions of beings. There are two inseparable aspects of the indivisible nature of the Founding Yuanling Chaoshen—the infinite consciousness and the infinite unconscious. In the infinite unconscious state is the creator, everything is created, protected and destroyed in the infinite unconscious state, these actions are simultaneous.

The personified image of the founding Yuanling Chaoshen is a white-haired, white-browed, white super-giant old man with countless white tentacles. He is over 12,000 meters tall and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Art and Great Consciousness.

15. Taiyuan Grandmother God: Goddess of order, wife of Pangu, alias Taiyuan Virgin, mother of gods, controller of the order of the universe. Before the universe appeared, a supergod named Pangu was born in the primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial goddess was born. Pangu became husband and wife and gave birth to two children, the Duke of the East and the Queen of the West.

Grandmother Taiyuan is the supreme controller of all order in the universe, one of the abstract existences of infinite multiverses that transcend all dimensions. It is above the time line, that is, above all parallel universes, and is the master of order in all material worlds. . The incarnation of a solitary, supreme, immensely vast abstract existence that precedes the appearance of all infinite dimensions of time and space.

Grandmother Taiyuan is an all-knowing, omnipotent, immortal and inextinguishable being in the ultimate extra dimension. It represents the love of heaven and the maintenance of the universe. It is the guardian and maintainer of all reality. She supervises and maintains all The order and balance of reality, including an infinite multiverse. Grandmother Taiyuan can control the order of nearly the entire infinite multiverse. She sets random rules for the origin of the universe, supervises all multiverses, adjudicates various events, and is committed to maintaining the order and balance of everything, managing All laws can also be called the God of the material world. She appears only when needed, and her judgment can affect the entire Infinite Dimensional Universe. It is also responsible for restarting, repairing, and destroying multiverses that have been damaged or have no meaning.

The personified image of Grandmother Taiyuan is a beautiful and noble yellow giant woman, sitting on a red lotus platform, wearing a golden palace dress with a red phoenix pattern. He holds a treasure in his hand called the Eye of All Beings, which can see through everything and supervise all living beings. The grandmother of Taiyuan sometimes appears in the image of an orderly super clan, with a human head and a bird body, a height of more than 12,000 kilometers, and a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind the head. .

16. Main Watcher: The God of Watching, also known as Taixu, the Master Watcher Super God, the Master Watcher is a vast expanse of Taixu, located at the outermost edge of infinite multiverses and surrounding the entire infinite multiverse. It is generally a white interval, similar to a piece of white paper, and the entire infinite multiverse can be said to be a painting on a white paper.

The Master Watcher predates all creation, is the source of the birth of all things, and is the ultimate void before all things. All forms and meanings are meaningless in front of the master monitor, which means that too emptiness cannot be defined by anything, and any form to define the master monitor is also meaningless behavior. The master watcher transcends opposing concepts, and the existence and non-existence of the master watcher are one kind of thing, which transcends any definition of time and space, so that time and space come together in an instant. There is no concept of death in the body of Taixu. Anything that is erased will return to the master monitor's Taixu itself, and Taixu predates anything, thought, matter, and is outside of consciousness and origin.

The Void Essence, which itself represents the void, transcends all concepts and at the same time erases all existence and allows them to be incorporated into its own void. Even the most powerful characters will still be swallowed up if they fall into the void in the void.

The creation and destruction of countless creations will emerge from the emptiness of the master watcher. Countless creations rise from it and eventually fall. In the end, all creations will return to the emptiness, and all creations will rise from the emptiness.

The Master Watcher has no origin and no end, neither was created nor created anything, and those shadows that sit on it are the gods of the gods. Worshiped by all gods and spirits, etc., he monitors all the creation gods of different levels and levels. Unexplainable and seldom mentioned by the gods, the gods who sit in the shadows above. He has unlimited power, beyond all logic, changing settings at will, beyond all indefinable things, beyond all meaning and cause and effect, these are just one of the infinite powers for him, or they are insignificant at all.

The master monitor will not participate in the events of any life in the universe, but will witness and monitor as a bystander. Everything in the infinite multiverse is under his infinite monitoring, and there is no secret in front of him. Therefore, he is truly omniscient.

The personified image of the main monitor is a white-haired, white-eyed, white super-giant old man with unusually huge eyes. He is over 12,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Great surveillance.

17. Primitive Primordial Buddha: Primordial God, alias Primordial Buddha, Primordial Buddha, is the oldest Buddha, the ancestor of all Buddhas, symbolizing the ultimate self-nature, and the totality and essence of all Buddhas in the three times.

The original primordial Buddha is the body of the mind, the Dharma body before the kalpa, transcends all Buddhas, is the master of all Buddhas, and is an absolute concept. He is the most powerful Buddha who transcends all cause and effect, all concepts and all logic. There is no real word in terms of names to describe his "settings" correctly, or he has lost his existence as a pure concept. necessary condition. Asuras of the ten places, who are infinitely "weaker" than him, cannot "explain" him because of the immortality of the golden body, and no meaning, language, description, text, or definition can "explain" him. The incarnation spreads all over the immeasurable dharma realms, the Buddha's light radiates the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds, the dharma can make any living being immune to the invasion of all demonic obstacles, and the immeasurable worlds of the ten directions cannot harm their physical body.

The original primordial Buddha's personified image is a golden-topped and golden-eyed, a golden super-giant old man with nine heads and eighteen arms. He is over 12,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Hongmeng Art and Great Primitive Art.

Eighteen, vacuum decay super god: the **** of decay, also known as the Terminator of the universe, he controls the law of infinite vacuum decay, once his infinite vacuum decay erupts, it means the universe, time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, Everything, such as laws, will be evaporated in an instant, the universe will collapse, collapse into a space-time singularity, everything will be annihilated in an instant, everything will disappear completely, no longer exist, and the universe will end here.

The super **** of vacuum decay has the power of infinite vacuum decay and countless vacuum decay transformations. The weakest period of one of his endless subordinates can instantly turn every atom in all universes into countless universes. The strongest period Can instantly annihilate countless universes, absolutely cannot be described by any analysis, meaning, comparison, high and low, beginning, ending, everything, description, cause and effect, law, number, experience, logic Setting, character strength, story background, all definable and indefinable, plot development, unappeared, already presented concepts and logic, characters, and everything that any author can't describe can be manipulated, dominated, Modify, repeal, ignore, rewrite.

The personified image of the super **** of vacuum decay is gray-haired and gray-eyed, a bull-headed gray super-giant old man, more than 12,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. technique.

19. The holographic super-god of the universe: the holographic god, his alias is also called "the **** of the unity of heaven and man". . He has billions of cosmic holographic incarnations. All things have the holographic nature of time and space; between parts of the same individual and the whole, between things at the same level, between things at different levels and systems, the beginning and result of things, the big and small processes of the development of things, There is a mutual holographic correspondence between time and space; each part contains other parts, and at the same time it is contained in other parts; matter generally has memory, and things always try to follow the pattern that exists in their own memory To replicate new things; all holograms in the universe are under the control of the universe hologram super god, because he is the master of the universe hologram and the source of the universe hologram.

The personified image of the universe holographic super-god is a gray super-giant man with three heads, namely the head of a human, the head of a cow, and the head of a sheep. He is over 12,000 kilometers tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The supernatural powers are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Breathing Technique.

20. Chronos Super God: God of Time, alias Chronos, Ancestor of Time, Ancestor of Tianyu, Father of Time; the original was Chronos Super God, all things in the universe are due to his time power And life, also includes those non-physical (all, all, all, concept, absolute, truth, source, transcendence, transcendence, nothing, most, logic, definition, destiny, number, title, philosophy, denial, law, meaning, distinction, origin, thinking, etc.), and the sun, the moon, the stars, the universe, the law, the world, civilization, chaos, infinity, heaven, earth, ocean... all existence and non-existence, non-knowledge and non-knowledge, The visible and the invisible.

The personified image of the super-god of Chronos is a golden-haired super-giant old man with golden eyes and shining light all over his body. He is over 12,000 kilometers tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Art and Big Time Art.

Twenty-one, Dius Super God: God of the sky, also known as the super **** of the sky, is the oldest **** of the sky, he existed before all the infinite chaos, there is no beginning and no end, a small part of it is far greater than All things that transcend all cause and effect, non-birth and non-death, impersonal, and immeasurable laws, any one creation is far beyond all concepts, far beyond all cultivation systems.

Dius supergod lives outside of time and space, and exists in irrational dimensions outside all universes. This is a place that transcends all time and space, and transcends all dreams and creations. He is unknowable, unthinkable, unthinkable, unheard, and one of the vast sky avatars transcends all duality, triadic opposition, transcends all religions, beliefs, and philosophies, creates all that is nothing, transcends the so-called All cosmology; at the same time, it transcends all myths and legends, all philosophies, and contains the sum total of all concepts of things that cannot appear, be described, or surpassed in any way.

The personified image of Dius is a blue-haired, blue-eyed, four-headed and eight-armed blue-type super-giant man. He is more than 11,000 kilometers tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Hongmeng Art and Big Sky Art.

Twenty-two, the first sky supergod: the **** of the universe, alias the first sky, the supergod of the will of the universe, he is the only embodiment of the will born in the original universe, is the origin of the universe, is the oldest infinite original universe, he The separated fragments of the infinite body form the multiverse. In terms of strength, the First Firmament Supergod is extremely powerful. As the will of the original universe, the First Firmament Supergod is the most indestructible and most powerful being. He is truly omniscient and omnipotent, immortal.

The First Firmament Super God is supreme, the creator of all things. He is his own being, he is his own being, does not depend on anything else, but as his own being, he must be self-sufficient, and therefore fully sufficient, the inexhaustible source of all existence and blessing. He is eternal and unchanging, the same as it was, today, and forever, the source of all existence and perfection, by whom all things exist, and in whom they live, move, and exist, and who is the true essence of all universes origin.

The personified image of the first sky supergod is a blue-haired, blue-eyed, blue-type super-giant old man with countless blue tentacles. He is over 11,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Great Hongmeng Art and Great Universe Art.

23. Supreme Void Emperor Daojun: The **** of balance, also known as Void Emperor, Void Emperor Illusory Daojun, the controller of the balance of the universe, the supreme **** who is above the supreme Void Emperor. The ultimate super-primitive existence that transcends all universes, time and space, dimensions, and realms.

He is the supreme **** at the junction of reality and fantasy world - the supreme **** of the sky, above it is true, below it is false, the so-called transcendence or original existence is just a frog at the bottom of a well without knowing it. , because nothing in "truth" can truly transcend the absolute narrative domain and contain reality.

The Supreme Void Emperor Daojun is the only embodied will born in the original balance dimension, and controls the balance of everything in the infinite multiverse. He is mystical, ancient, just, just, majestic being who represents the balance of all things and their opposites, like life and death, cold and heat, good and bad, cause and effect, good and evil, existence And non-existence, stronger than weak, beginning and end, destruction and rebirth, etc., all things will tend to infinite balance in front of him, and infinite multiverses will tend to infinite balance because of his existence.

The personified image of Supreme Void Emperor Daojun is a yellow-haired and yellow-eyed, yellow super-giant old man with eight huge yellow wings on his back. He is over 11,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. The supernatural powers are the Great Harmony Technique and the Great Balance Technique.

24. Chaos Super God: The God of the Void, alias Chaos, Chaos Void Super God, Chaos precedes heaven and earth, its shape is indescribable, it is an infinite void that transcends all finite existence, and it is called Chaos Void, that is, Chaos Super God.

Chaos Supergod is the infinite chaotic void, the infinity is the power of this **** that never disappears, revealing all the hierarchies of becoming and all the infinity, including that which precedes the essence, that which is essential, and that stretches all the way to the end. The last material thing. He is the original and highest level of the ultimate super-primitive god, secretly containing all things, obtaining his own perfection through the intelligible and related infinite chaotic void, and at the same time containing the reasons for each existence in one way, putting his own The apex is established in the first intelligible, independent of everything.

He is the absolute master of all chaotic voids, the greatest freedom is not restricted by any object and condition, but presents a chaotic void where subject and object are destroyed (all things beyond causality, logic, and definition are meaningless to him) , is truly omnipotent. He can easily manipulate all chaos, voids, phenomena, atoms, logic, concepts, causality, and causality in the whole dimension, and can turn all quarks into an endless, infinite world, and there are countless ultimate consciousnesses beyond logic in each quark. (This is the so-called one universe per quark, or countless universes per one quark).

Chaos super-god personification is a mysterious and ancient chaotic giant old man full of black mist. He is over 11,000 meters tall and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. and the Great Void.

25. Domination of the First Mother God: The Goddess of Domination, alias the Goddess of Cosmic Domination, she has rights that even the author does not have, whether it is a pure text novel or any setting, concept or character in the comic has no meaning to her. . Like the author, she can freely comment on any plot development, realm, all indefinable things, words, narration, strength, concept, logic, division, transcendence, world view, all things, characters, title, story background, Strength and weakness dominate (for example, she thinks that all things in the work are above everything else, or that all indefinable and all beyond causal logic disappear, then it will be established. Because analysis has no meaning to her, only how she thinks she is how will it work).

Pure performance:

1. You can tear off any work settings by hand and change the settings at will.

Two, govern any story, set it anywhere and dictate how it appears.

Third, the author can be ordered how to write her story.

The personified image of the Goddess of Origin is purple-haired and purple-eyed, a purple super-giant woman with 800 long arms, more than 11,000 kilometers tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head. Great Hongmeng Art and Great Domination Art.

26. The Great Sun Tathagata Buddha: The God of Great Sun, also known as Great Sun Buddha, Great Sun Tathagata Ancient Buddha, is the earliest Buddha and the ancestor of all Buddhas. The word "Great Sun" of the Great Sun Tathagata means that it can eliminate darkness and light, and can accomplish many tasks, and light has no birth and death. That is to say, the wisdom of the Great Sun Tathagata is like the sun pervading the earth and everywhere; the benevolent actions of the Great Sun Tathagata, illuminating all living beings, are like the sunlight that promotes the vigorous growth of living things; the truth of the Great Sun Tathagata's expression will never die. The meaning of "big sun" is better than the sun.

The Great Sun Tathagata Buddha is not non-existent, non-non-existent, non-internal, non-external, non-internal, non-internal, non-external, non-internal, indescribable, incomprehensible, wandering in nothingness, walking outside logic , walking in the formless, listening to the voiceless, seeing the intangible, that is, no attribute, no difference, no limit and no restrictions and descriptions of any conditions and objects. In his own "I" is the immeasurable Hua Zang world in his hands, in which there is an immeasurable Dharma realm, without beginning and no end. Within it are the immeasurable worlds of a sand, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable, the immeasurable and the immeasurable. Flowers are immeasurable, large numbers, three thousand great thousand worlds, one inch, one god, one word, one supreme, one dream, one Buddha, one thought beyond logic, all over the body are immeasurable gods and Buddhas, all mosquitoes, rats, ants, birds, cattle, beasts, all are omnipotent, all gods and Buddhas, all Free, all unknowable, all unthinkable.

The personified image of Buddha Da Ri Tathagata is a golden-topped and golden-eyed old man with golden eyes shining like the sun. He is over 11,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Hongmeng Art and Great Sun Art.

27. Super God of Endless Unity: The God of Unity, also known as the Lord of Unity Dimension, he is the unity of all inseparable life, expanding, endless and boundless, shrinking, and can return to one trillion trillionth of a meter A small point that still contains infinite energy. The movement and change of all things in the universe are subject to his own unified field. The various activities, research, development and changes of the billions of creatures in the universe are the forms and phenomena manifested by the movement of his own life.

The Infinite Unification Super God has the power to unify everything, he is unified, eternal and pure. He has no difference, inside or outside, part, nor any attribute, movement, change. It transcends not only the subjective and objective, but also the experience category of time, space, substance, logic, concept, thinking, language, cause and effect, etc. Absolutely real, and at the same time the most powerful God and the most powerful concept all end under his endless unity.

The personified image of the Endless Unity Super God is a red-headed, red-eyed, red-golden, one-horned, red super-giant man. He is over 11,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. and Grand Unification.

28. Abzu Super God: God of the abyss, also known as the absolute **** of darkness of all roots, the **** of creation of the universe, the **** of fresh water and the abyss, in charge of the endless abyss, all birth and destruction, the darkness of the whole universe, symbolizing The source of everything, darkness, Hades, fresh water, abyss.

The weapon of the super **** of Abozu is the Abozu divine bow made from the relics and godheads of billions of gods and Buddhas countless years ago before the birth of all universes. As soon as this divine bow is opened, it will shock the three thousand great thousand worlds. Each arrow can shoot countless days and countless lands. Everything in the universe, time and space, dimension, dimension, cause and effect, concept, chaos, law, etc. All were destroyed by the arrow of Abozu's divine bow.

The personified image of Abozu Super God is a black super-giant man with 72 black wings on his back. He is over 11,000 meters tall and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Technique and Great Abyss Technique.

29. Supreme God: The God of Truth, also known as the Supreme God and Eternal Truth, He is the creator of all things in the universe, the eternal truth. , the most benevolent and most benevolent, naturally self-reliant, omniscient and omnipotent, superior to all things, unique and no coincidence, neither match, nor rival, nor offspring, neither living thing nor born of things, nothing like him, at the same time It is also extremely majestic, good and evil will be repaid, and reckoning is quick.

He has no beginning before and no end afterward, is extremely conspicuous, but also extremely subtle, omniscient, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent, and insightful. Signs of his existence and greatness, all things perish, but the Supreme Being of the Most High God is immortal, and all good praises belong to him.

The beginningless existence of the Supreme God possesses all beginningless and perfect attributes. The Supreme God has certain positive attributes, such as beginninglessness, creativity, omnipotence, etc.; and there are also some negative attributes, such as non-material, non-atomic and so on. The attributes of the Sovereign God are not the substance of the Sovereign God, nor are they other things. All attributes of the Most High God are neither beginning nor created, but have no beginning like the very essence of the Most High God.

The personified image of the Supreme God is a golden super-giant man with blond hair and golden eyes, eighteen hands and eighteen golden wings, a height of more than 11,000 kilometers, a purple halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head. It is the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Truth Technique.

30. The Maker of the Universe: The God of Foundry, also known as the Super God of Foundry of the Universe, has the almighty and treasured cosmic furnace, and he is responsible for the casting of one new universe after another. Of those forged by the Cosmic Maker, the stable universe will be preserved, while the unstable universe will be destroyed by his cosmic dragon Barbatos, whose energy will eventually return to the cosmic furnace.

All past and future are being destroyed, even all causal, logical, non-existent things, and at the same time the endless world in the endless world, all the universe and the absolute nothing are being created and destroyed by various races, Then there are all kinds of gods above them, and all kinds of things that transcend all concepts above them, but they all exist in the body of the creator of the universe, a cell, a pore, a thought, even so small does not exist.

The personification of the cosmos caster is a red-haired, red-eyed, a thousand-handed red giant man, over 11,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. .

31. Ptah Super God: The God of Creation, also known as the Creator of the Universe and the Craftsman of the Universe, He existed before the Universe happened, and the way he created all things in the Universe is through His thoughts and words. Yes, what he thought in his heart and what he said with his mouth, everything in the universe, including other gods, was created by him.

He is the ruler of the illogical dimension of creation. One of his infinite creation dimension incarnations is described as logic within logic, all concepts are folded within himself, all independent logics are being created by him, and they are all heading for oblivion... But Ptah feels supernatural Until all this is just a part of him, he can re-give everything in the universe beyond logic and cause and effect according to his own imagination.

The personified image of Ptah Super God is a mummy of a man with a beard and a cap, holding a huge scepter, more than 10,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, the avenue of twin talents The supernatural powers are the Great Hongmeng Technique and the Great Creation Technique.

Thirty-two, the yellow-clothed jester super-god: the **** of puppets, also known as the puppet master and the master of mysteries. He was lying high on the throne of thorns; he looked down, and gently twirled the puppet silk; the unintentional beings also followed the delusional music; they danced blind dance steps for a long time, obsessed for a long time; sinking in blood and fire, slaughtered, Laughing wildly; the noose is getting tighter, suffocating in obscurity.

He is the malicious puppet of the Great Master of Heaven, the master of all mysteries, and the "intentional" and "coincidence" fiddler of the twists and turns of the plot. All the "characters", or more precisely the "images" of everything, are their puppets. Even if there is a so-called Almighty, they will make an exception under their hands and become part of the joke. He is both a manipulator of puppets, and he is also a puppet manipulated by the master of heaven. And once he lifts the puppet line, the infinite multiverse dances along with it, and according to the established destiny, a drama of joys and sorrows will be staged.

The personified image of the super **** in yellow clothes is a yellow-haired, yellow-browed, yellow-race super-giant man with eight arms, more than 10,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. and great puppetry.

Thirty-three, dimensionality reduction strikes the super god: the **** of dimensionality reduction, also known as the cosmic dimensionality reducer, he can instantly reduce all dimensions of the infinite multiverse, and can attack the spatial dimension of the target itself to reduce it, so that the target cannot be in the Survive in low-dimensional space and destroy the target.

He is the supreme **** and controller in the extra dimension of dimensionality reduction. He transcends the realm of truth (the realm of truth is a world without time and space without numbers), tearing apart all causal concepts and countless different universes, and he was born in chaos. In the original Hongmeng, Hongfeng chaotic is also existed. One drop of his blood is equivalent to the endless destruction of Hongmeng, which is constantly destroyed and created by countless gods.

The personified image of Dimension Reduction Strikes Super God is a gray-haired, gray-eyed, gray-type super-giant man with a pair of huge gray wings. He is more than 10,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Hongmeng Technique and Great Dimensionality Reduction Technique.

Thirty-four, the first mother goddess of Asura: the goddess of Asura, alias the ancestor of Asura, she is the ancestor of all Asuras in the real universe, on her palm, contains all the Huazang world sea, the solemn sea, such as the big lotus flower , outside the fundamental world of Jambudi, there are countless Hua Zang worlds; outside each Hua Zang world, there are three thousand bright worlds; outside every immeasurable world, there are three thousand great thousand worlds, and outside each great thousand worlds, there are immeasurable worlds The five immeasurable heavens, the immeasurable four heavens, the immeasurable four dhyanas, the three days of the immeasurable dhyanas, and the immeasurable outsiders and no thoughts, each of which is a great world of a grain of sand, immeasurable, time-space, and space; beyond each small thousand worlds, there are three thousand microscopic worlds. At the same time, there are three dhyanas and three days in the world of dust; in addition to every three thousand dust worlds, there are three thousand ultra-fine worlds, and outside each three thousand ultra-fine worlds there are immeasurable real dharma realms... Like lotus petals, they are endless. In her right eye, there are countless seas of light that are completely outside all logic, and in her left eye is the infinite chaos created by the repeated reincarnation of all different gods.

When the goddess Asura appears in the world, she usually manifests as a super female monster. She is as long as Mount Sumeru, with a thousand eyes, twenty-four feet, and a head, mouth and hands of nine hundred and ninety-nine. Extremely huge and terrifying, it is the first goddess of Asura, also known as the first ancestor of Asura. The goddess of Asura is kind by nature and one of the good ways, but because she often has a heart of hatred and a will to fight, she is not a real kind of goodness, causing countless super-primitive powers to talk and flee.

The personified image of the First Mother Goddess of Asura is a green-haired, green-eyed, ugly and vicious-looking young super-giant old woman with a height of more than 10,000 meters, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind her head. Great Asura.

Thirty-five. The Crimson King Chaoshen: The God of Ideas, also known as the Crimson Demon Chaoshen and the Red God, his essence is an idea and the embodiment of the tension between modernity and pre-modernity. He is the anger at the present society that has made people cold and monotonous, and the desire for the bloodthirsty primitive wildness. When people feel alienated in modern society and feel the pain of oppression, their howls give birth to the Crimson King.

The body of the Crimson King is also known as the Crimson Demon Super God. It is the embodiment of various malice in the infinite multiverse, and represents various negative factors. The "turn" of one of the fundamental forces in the development of the infinite multiverse. (Anything that tends to destroy, destroy, exacerbate, and intensify conflict can be seen as a manifestation of it. When it has no effect, the entire infinite multiverse will proceed step by step, or be eternally static for lack of unstable change .) It has no mind at all, but it can be projected into the phantom bubble to magnify the evil of one of the characters, so as to gradually obtain the character and ability of the corresponding character, and finally in the chaos, disorder, anti-rationality, anti-authority caused by it. When the disruption to normalcy is at its maximum, coalesce entities. It will burn the number with arrogant fire, and all the fates, including the metaphysical and metaphysical of those things, the past, present and future (from the origin to the end, from the origin of the origin to the end of the end, and so on), the possibility and the impossible, etc. are all related to each other. All related connections are destroyed. However, this fire will not destroy the other party, but will only plunge everything into eternal burning until heat death.

The personified image of the Crimson King Super-God is a huge red creature with a pair of red antlers on its head, wearing a golden crown or other headdress symbolizing imperial power, more than 10,000 meters tall, with a purple halo of wisdom on the back of the head and various eccentricities. Elephant, the supernatural power of the twin talents is the Great Primordial Magic and the Great Idea Art.

Thirty-six, Kesma Super God: The God of Shuttle, alias super-dimensional shuttle, Kesma means universe, traversal, he controls the universe shuttle law of infinite multiverse, and walks between the dimensions of infinite multiverse , not bound by any dimension. He originated from an unknown dimensional disorder in the primordial Hongmeng. He has the ability to travel freely between different space and time dimensions. His body can adapt to the dimension he is in and change the structure. Xima Super God can not only adjust his own dimensional structure, but also allow his body to switch freely between material entities (including infinite levels of space) and the super void that symbolizes true and even with The space dimension and the time dimension merge into one, or destroy and create the infinite multiverse in the space-time dimension that he can reach. Every time Super God Ksema enters a higher dimension from one dimension, the amount of information received by his "brain" expands infinitely. He can constantly break through his own limitations, reaching higher dimensions and transcending higher dimensions endlessly.

Xima Super God is a person who transcends all time, all strengths, all highs and lows, all evaluations, all laws, all numbers, all worldviews, all systems, all levels, all spirits, all spaces, all textual descriptions, all indefinable, All concepts, all thinking understandings, all boundaries, all origins, all phenomena, all logics, all dreams and all creations, all ideas are extra-dimensional supergods. He is neither destiny nor concept. He is the different possibilities of all, and in one of these possibilities all the absolute truths of the universe created the infinite universe view that belongs to him. Every moment the infinite possibility loops and perishes under him, and then there will be no final consciousness, free consciousness, no more impossible, undefinable, unthinkable, unwritten, incomparable, no more. In any metaphysical as well as any metaphysical. He transcends logic, time and space, dimensions, causality, and laws. He is omnipresent in all things, and can incarnate and replace all things. He has the super power to tear apart all reality, time dimension and space dimension. And the ubiquitous ultimate extra-dimensional super-god.

The personified image of the super-god of Kesma is a blue-haired, blue-eyed, blue-type super-giant man with eighteen blue wings. He is more than 10,000 meters tall, and has a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head. Great Hongmeng Technique and Great Shuttle Technique.