In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 2772: Da Zi Zai Tian Super God

After Changshengtian appeared, he ignored the two celestial beings present and chatted happily with his master Ji Haotian.

Not long after, Da Zizaitian, one of the thirty-six extra-dimensional super-gods, also appeared.

Da Zi Zai Tian Chao God: The God of Judgment, also known as the Judgment of the Universe, the thirteen disciples of the Great Ruler of Heaven, the controller of the ultimate extra dimension of judgment, the innate Hongmeng being in charge of the judgment with the super-primitive godhead of judgment, representing the sum of the judgment of the entire cosmos The figurative representation of , is the master of all judgments, originates from the abstract gods born in the primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial primordial monarchy, the source, creator and manipulator of all judgments in the infinite multiverse.

He has the dual character of creation and destruction. He can create in addition to destruction. He is the judge of the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds. One of his subordinates already existed before the birth of Chaos. Every bacterium is impersonal and non-concept. It is the experience of the infinite dharma world that transcends substance, causality, logic, etc. and presents various strange and grotesque infinite dharmas, mainly including terror, tenderness, true god, three faces, dance The king, the master of Liga, and the master of half-girls are all in disguise. His most basic symbol is the third eye on his head. This eye can emit the divine fire that destroys the immeasurable three thousand great thousand worlds. The endless divine fire that destroys everything can judge everything in the heavens and the world. As a super **** with infinite dharma signs, he has more than 30,333,000,000 Heng Geli Chaos Creation God, and every soldier has an infinite number of super saints and god-men who surpass all concepts and all universes. The unparalleled nobility of all beings. At the same time, he also has an innumerable and powerful army, and a single pore of the lowest soldier contains infinite chaos.

The personified image of Da Zi Zai Tian Chao God is a dignified and handsome gray super-giant man with three eyes and four hands. The crescent moon is used as decoration, the hair is coiled into horns, the height is more than 12,000 meters, and there is a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind the head.

The body of Da Zi Zai Tian Chao Shen, which was originally a super giant, has also been reduced to the height of a normal person. After he met his master Ji Haotian, everyone chatted happily, completely ignoring the existence of the two gods on the opposite side.

Everyone was chatting when suddenly, an ancient star-colored powerhouse flew over like a rainbow!

The Ancient Xingzhicai, the Ancient Xingzhicai Clan is a sentient being, but its appearance is like a pure color. It's not a gas, nor a materialized entity at all; as it moves, it looks like a shimmering, amorphous mass of color flowing about, shimmering in its pale veiled shadows. It emits a color unlike any in the known spectrum; this particular patch can flow on the ground and fly through the air like a living creature. When it feeds, the skin and face of its prey emit a shimmer that is the same color as the star.

The ancients of the color of the stars come from the deep space of the universe, where there are completely different laws of nature. Ripe sapphires produce the germ, a three-inch sphere that appears hollow; the germ begins to develop when placed in nutrient-rich soil or in a shallow puddle. After a few days, the outer shell of the germ disintegrates and a new organism emerges that we might call a larva.

These jelly-like larvae can grow very large. When it begins to infiltrate the ecosystem, local plants begin to grow sickly; the taste of the fruit becomes bitter, and insects and animals produce deformed offspring. At night, all plants shimmer like stars, grass twists, tangles, shakes violently as if blown by strong winds, and even humans glow ghostly. After a few months, the larvae transform into the juvenile Starcolor Ancients.

As a juvenile, the ancient star-colored will leave its lair, forage nearby, and begin to consume the life force contained in the area it affected as a larva. When it draws enough energy, it leaves the planet, goes to space, and eventually matures. During this process, if there are a large number of creatures in this area, the ancient Xingzhicai can drain all the vitality within a radius of about a thousand miles; if it is a wilderness or grassland, the ancients of Xingzhicai can absorb all the vitality within a thousand miles. Once the land is sucked dry, it will be abandoned since then, and no plants can continue to grow.

After the Xingzhi Cai ancient clan powerhouse appeared, he suddenly shot at Ji Haotian, but was stopped by the three super-gods beside Ji Haotian, facing the Xingzhi Cai ancient clan powerhouse with a violent and violent beating, and then directly shot him. It kicked into the sea and disappeared.

After the three super-gods dealt with the ancient star-colored clan, they all stared at the two Heavenly Venerates opposite each other with unpleasant expressions, ready to move.