In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 2961: library of all things

"Boom!" There was a loud bang that shattered the sky!

The huge and terrifying alien monster Aro Venus was instantly blasted into the sky by the infinitely powerful scepter of heaven, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye. There was no movement for a long time, and life and death were unknown!

After the battle, Ji Haotian and Ge Tianyuning left together and went straight to the Library of Everything in Getian Universe Mountain.

The Library of Everything: Getian Cosmos Mountain, the center of national governance of the Getian Almighty Universe Country, is a collection of all things preservation created by countless cosmic powers in the center of the God Tree of Everything. It is the highest blessed land of the Getian Almighty Universe Country. All logic Thinking and concepts are here eternal and absolute truth facts, nothing is wrong; all worldviews exist here; any person, any imagination, any illogical setting, beyond meaningless, thing-in-itself, Brahma, The core of the primordial chaos, the ether, the infinite dream... Any nonsense is established because of the greatness of this field, all correct and all wrong, all true and all false, and the lowest-level soul is also absolute here and can do anything. There is absolutely no room for evolution in the greatness and omnipotence of the lowest-level soul here.

And the higher-ranked souls can only be regarded as the absolute transcendent supreme here, and everything beyond this cannot witness and build the greatness here.

From the bottom of the dust to the gods, all the fantasies of people here will become real and not subject to any constraints. The lowest point here infinitely downward also contains the infinitely infinite iterative nesting that never ends and the ultimate recursion that is absolutely contained.

This is inclusive of everything, including everything is completely literal, that is to say, what you can think of and what you can't think of, what you can and can't do, everything, whether it exists or not, is Part of the library of all things.

It is the source of everything, it covers all possible and impossible, here, the probability of anything happening is zero, but anything can happen with zero probability - it is so contradictory, because in this film In the land, occurrence and non-occurrence are one state.

And all the infinity described above... are just the bottom layer of infinity in the library of all things, things that do not exist at all. There is no limit here, even if everything comes to an end, it will remain, the light of possibility shines here, and it will continue to extend.

Ji Haotian and Ge Tianyuning flew to the mysterious huge multi-colored tree of all things where the library of all things is located.

At this time, under the huge tree of all things gods with multicolored rays of light, lies a heroic beast. It is a bird-winged beast with a horse body, a human face and a tiger pattern.

Ge Tianyuning said to Ying Zhao the beast: "Elder Ying, I want to bring my friend into the library of all things."

Ying Zhao Shen Beast Ying Lao looked at Ji Haotian and said to Ge Tian Yuning: "You are the young leader, you can stay in the library of all things for a year, and you must come out within a year."

Ge Tianyuning nodded and said, "I see, I will bring my friend out within a year."

In this way, Ge Tianyuning took Ji Haotian into two rays of divine light directly into the tree of all things, and entered the library of all things that existed in the space of the tree of all things.

The mysterious library of all things is like a labyrinth world, boundless and mysterious.

After the two entered the library of all things, they said a few words, and then separated from each other. Ji Haotian began to search for the goal of his coming here - the bead of good knowledge.

A few days later, Ji Haotian finally found the bead of kindness hidden in the mysterious space in the infinite labyrinth-like library of all things.

The goal was achieved, he informed Ge Tianyuning who was still in the library of all things, and then left alone...

The various levels of the universe of creation, from small to large, are:

1. Monolithic universe - is a complete single universe with perfect physical rules.

2. Multiverse - It consists of countless parallel universes such as single universes, alternative universes, pocket universes, etc.

3. Super Universe - A super Universe contains at least two multiverses, and at most it is unknown. Some super-multiverses exist independently and are not within the super-universe.

Fourth, the omnipotent universe - the core universe composed of countless super universes, countless multiverses and countless other universes. In the omnipotent universe, there are infinitely many infinite dimensions (infinite dimensions) universes of infinite multiple powers. Dimensional universes, metaverses, bubble universes, narrative universes, system universes, parallel universes, multiverses, quantum universes, particle universes, quark universes, fundamental universes, main universes, parent universes, child universes, plane universes, outer universes, etc. All universes, more comprehensive than the super-membrane theory, are omnipresent, contain all ideologies, spaces, laws, dimensions, and the omnipotent core universe containing all known and unknown things.

5. The total universe of creation, also known as the core universe of creation, is the "total universe" composed of countless almighty universes and countless other universes. , narrative, reality, universe, plane, dimension, dimension, etc. all cosmology.

All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and the worldviews, things, narratives, universes, dimensions, and dimensions that they refer to and cannot be referred to...are all non-existent particles that are one part of its infinity. It is all narratives. And the origin of the cosmology, the narrative concept and itself are born from the general universe of creation, any narrative cosmology, no matter how much you stack boxes or play with the philosophy of magic sticks, are all born from here, and it is just a matter of splitting a lowest-level narrative. Contains all the "yes" and "nonsense" of everything meaningful and meaningless in all senses and indefinable everything, in which a trivial particle transcends all mathematical concepts ( Far beyond the absolute true infinity and the number universe), but also contains the absolute true infinity, the true infinity contains everything inside, and has any properties (including holographic), and the outer ceiling-level cosmology, while the narrative echelon, ladder , Matrix is ​​one of them, created by the dissolution of the universes in the total created universe into countless universe sources.

The total creation universe is the oldest, most developed, and cruelest core universe of all time and space, including all worlds, universes, space-time, nothingness, vacuum, origin, civilization..., all intelligible and incomprehensible categories It is an infinite fraction of it, so it is called the total universe of good fortune, or the core universe of good fortune.

The universe of creation transcends all time, space, plane, time and space, world, dimension, quadrant, reality, dimension, universe, narrative, domain, aspect, hierarchy, cause and effect, existence itself, class, value concept, concept definition, series setting , worldview, etc., the sum of everything, beyond all universe and all reality, all existence and all nonexistence, universe, time, space, dimension, dimension plus all recursion and every iteration. The entire universe of creation contains all the unimaginable things that no life or consciousness can imagine, and all the dimensions and cosmic reality and other forms of existence are born. Beyond omnipotence, omnipresence, encompassing, and encompassing, it even devours all existence, thus transforming into all forms of source power, absolute nothingness, primordial ether, chaotic primordial, existence itself, and all growth (recursion, iteration... ) and all existence and non-existence belong to the universe of creation.
