In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3118: Savior Ji Haotian

Everyone chatted together for a while, and then Ji Haotian said goodbye to Ma Shaojie. Before leaving, he passed on three of the forty-nine divine arts to Ma Shaojie, and gave Ma Shaojie a lot of resources and treasures, and then Ji Haotian brought the universe three. The God of Law of Great Conservation stepped onto the purple lotus of the Heavenly Dao and traveled through time and space...

Time flies by.

Hundreds of years later.

A piece of news shocked the entire universe of creation. The Twelve Pillars of Demon God Palace launched a war against the human race super country Nirvana Almighty Cosmos on the grounds that it suffered a terrorist attack from the Nirvana Almighty Cosmos, resulting in the death of countless creatures, and endless catastrophe swept the entire Nirvana Almighty. universe.

Everyone understands that the actual purpose of the Twelve Pillars of Demons' War is to capture the countless rich crystal ore and massive cosmic energy resources of the Nirvana Almighty Universe.

Originally from Nirvana, a human super-life planet in the Nirvana omnipotent universe.

Wangshi Village, originally a beautiful village in Nirvana.

At this time, Ma Shaojie, his brother Ma Shaoqi, and three teenagers from the same village, who were kind to the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, were being besieged by a group of Plague Demon God Clan fortune-telling masters from the Plague Demon God Palace.

At this critical juncture, the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian suddenly appeared like a supreme **** descended into the world, and slapped all the ferocious Plague Demons into a fog of blood, rescuing the five Ma Shaojie who were in danger.

Ma Shaojie was very excited when he saw Ji Haotian coming. He stepped forward and called out, "Big Brother Haotian, you are here. Thank you for your rescue. If you didn't come to rescue in time, the five of us would probably be doomed!"

After he finished speaking, he introduced the five teenagers from the same village to Ji Haotian, and informed Ji Haotian about the plague demon clan's attack on Nirvana. Although he didn't know Ji Haotian's true identity, he already felt that Ji Haotian must be extraordinary. big man.

Everyone was chatting together, and suddenly, another five great creation masters of the Plague Demon Clan descended with mighty might!

In the shock of Ma Shaojie's five people, in their unbelievable gazes, Haotian's three eyes suddenly shot out three pitch-black giant thunders that destroyed everything, instantly blasting all the five Plague Demon Clan's Great Fortune Master Realm into the powerhouse. Ashes!

Ji Haotian's current cultivation base is already the fifth-order master realm of good fortune, let alone the master realm of great creation, even if the great master Mingu comes, he can also kill a large number of people with one slap. The existence of absolute slaughter is like slaughtering dogs.

Once he breaks through to the master realm of great good fortune, even if it is the first-order master realm of great good fortune, he will be able to slaughter the super-primitive power like a dog. In the world, a single thought of birth and death is not a problem, and all the powerhouses in the entire universe are not his opponents!

Although Ji Haotian is a ruthless person, he is a man of love, he knows right from wrong, he knows what to do with gratitude, he will give back when he treats good people, and he is never soft on evil and enemies.

Ma Shaojie rescued Ji Haotian. Although Ji Haotian has already repaid, he will not forget his kindness. He is the way of heaven, and his kindness has no beginning and no end, and it will never end. To obtain the real great blessing, this great blessing is to gain great wisdom, great supernatural power, and great freedom!

Ji Haotian killed all the demon races in the original Nirvana star, and then took the entire original Nirvana star into the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm. After returning to the heaven, he will put the super life planet originally from the Nirvana star into the heaven and the universe. .

Because of Ma Shaojie's kind deeds, all the hundreds of millions of beings from Nirvana received the supreme grace of the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian.

Soon after, Emperor Ji Haotian ordered the Heavenly Kingdom's tens of billions of troops to rush to the aid of the Nirvana Almighty Universe, and to encircle and suppress the army of the Twelve Pillars of the Devil's Palace in the entire Nirvana Almighty Universe.

Decades later, the army of the Twelve Pillars of Demon God Palace was defeated by the army of the Kingdom of Heaven and defeated the Nirvana Almighty Universe Kingdom. In the end, the cosmic war ended with the defeat of the Twelve Pillars of Demon God Palace.

Nirvana Almighty Universe Kingdom is grateful to Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, respects Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian as the supreme savior of Nirvana Almighty Universe Kingdom, and erects countless giant statues of infinite height for Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian in various places of Nirvana Almighty Universe Kingdom. .

Since then, the name of the savior Ji Haotian has spread from the Nirvana Almighty Universe to the infinite Almighty Universe.

The various levels of the universe of creation, from small to large, are:

1. Monolithic universe - is a complete single universe with perfect physical rules.

2. Multiverse - It consists of countless parallel universes such as single universes, alternative universes, pocket universes, etc.

3. Super Universe - A super Universe contains at least two multiverses, and at most it is unknown. Some super-multiverses exist independently and are not within the super-universe.

Fourth, the omnipotent universe - the core universe composed of countless super universes, countless multiverses and countless other universes. In the omnipotent universe, there are infinitely many infinite dimensions (infinite dimensions) universes of infinite multiple powers. Dimensional universes, metaverses, bubble universes, narrative universes, system universes, parallel universes, multiverses, quantum universes, particle universes, quark universes, fundamental universes, main universes, parent universes, child universes, plane universes, outer universes, etc. All universes, more comprehensive than the super-membrane theory, are omnipresent, contain all ideologies, spaces, laws, dimensions, and the omnipotent core universe containing all known and unknown things.

5. The total universe of creation, also known as the core universe of creation, is the "total universe" composed of countless almighty universes and countless other universes. , narrative, reality, universe, plane, dimension, dimension, etc. all cosmology.

All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and the worldviews, things, narratives, universes, dimensions, and dimensions that they refer to and cannot be referred to... are all infinitely one-part nonexistent particles. It is all narratives. And the origin of the cosmology, the narrative concept and itself were born from the general universe of creation, any narrative cosmology, no matter how much you stack boxes or play the magic stick philosophy, are all born from and casually. Splitting a lowest-level narrative encompassing all the yess and nos of all meanings and all nonsense, definable and indefinable in all senses, a trivial particle in it transcends all mathematical concepts ( Far beyond the absolute true infinity and the number universe), but also contains the absolute true infinity, the true infinity contains everything inside, and has any properties (including holographic), and the outer ceiling-level cosmology, while the narrative echelon, ladder , Matrix is ​​one of them, created by the dissolution of all universes in the total created universe into countless universe sources.

The total creation universe is the oldest, most developed, and cruelest core universe of all time and space, including all worlds, universes, space-time, nothingness, vacuum, origin, civilization..., all intelligible and incomprehensible categories It is an infinite fraction of it, so it is called the total universe of good fortune, or the core universe of good fortune.

The universe of creation transcends all time, space, plane, time and space, world, dimension, quadrant, reality, dimension, universe, narrative, domain, aspect, hierarchy, cause and effect, existence itself, class, value concept, concept definition, series setting , worldview, etc., the sum of everything, beyond all universe and all reality, all existence and all nonexistence, universe, time, space, dimension, dimension plus all recursion and every iteration. The entire universe of creation contains all the unimaginable things that no life or consciousness can imagine, and all the dimensions and cosmic reality and other forms of existence are born. Beyond omnipotence, omnipresence, encompassing, and encompassing, it even devours all existence, thus transforming into all forms of source power, absolute nothingness, primordial ether, chaotic primordial, existence itself, and all growth (recursion, iteration... ) and all existence and non-existence belong to the universe of creation.